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SURVEY: Citizenship for all?


SURVEY: Should all children who would otherwise be stateless, be granted Thai Citizenship?  

182 members have voted

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Just because they're children; so what? Children are simply young adults, there's nothing special about them. If you start granting citizenship like this, the process will quickly become abused with parents procreating to take advantage of the system and gain status to stay and work for themselves and their extended families (I'm looking at you Rohingya). The current system is not broken; apply and wait, and if you're eligible, you get citizenship.

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40 minutes ago, UnkleMoooose said:

Just because they're children; so what? Children are simply young adults, there's nothing special about them. If you start granting citizenship like this, the process will quickly become abused with parents procreating to take advantage of the system and gain status to stay and work for themselves and their extended families (I'm looking at you Rohingya). The current system is not broken; apply and wait, and if you're eligible, you get citizenship.

I respect your points.


-      'apply and wait, and if you're eligible, you get citizenship.' 

       Yes there is a process but unbelievably slow, corrupt and marred / slowed by arrogant superiority

       attitudes by many gov't. officers.


-      Yes 4 children / young adults got their Thai ID cards.

       My contention is that anything that 'pushes' the 'process' / is a catalyst to get more attention onto              this issue is good.




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20 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

Both my parents were French, not British, however, I was born in London in November 1944...My father had rejoined England via Spain already at the risk of his life. Then he became a paratrooper of the Free French Forces. He lost his life in combat in July 1944. So with two non-British parents and me born in London,  you should think I do not deserve my British passport?

By the way, I am proud of it.

My father was born in Spain. He fought in WWII for the British army in the Parachute Regiment.


He stayed in the UK after the war and married a British woman (my mother). Wasn't entitled to Spanish citizenship and didn't achieve British citizenship for another 25 years. Personally, I think that if you are born in a country or serve in that country's army, you should be entitled to automatic citizenship.

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On 8/12/2018 at 3:01 PM, scorecard said:


It does get discussed by better informed Thais.


It doesn't get discussed by my bachelor level uni students in Bkk, they don't even know where Chiang Rai is, or the name of the counties above, below, east, west of Thailand.


They would instantly think 'Stateless' is a new Korean on-line fashion site.




I guess your talking about your maid since you think so little of your ooops I forgot, no comment

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