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Thai man shoots his young neighbor dead because he wouldn't turn down the music


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4 hours ago, tropo said:

I agree. It was shocking to see 86 thanks and likes to his insane post. There are a lot of very deranged people on this forum.


This could have easily been handled by the police.

mate maybe it reflects the sort of people that come here to live, maybe they are broken and have always been broken...……...multiple failures throughout their lives, multiple divorces, abandoned kids/grandkids I wouldn't rule anything out, and they blame everyone but themselves for the crap that trails behind them - oh it wasn't my fault she was an alcoholic, I am the victim lol. oh yeah - truth is - I drove my wife to drink.


with some of the stuff I've seen on this thread there are many that need to face up to their failures...……..yeah - turn that music down...……...bang - sorted ….. right 



and they come on here posting that it is ok to shoot someone because of music, I just can't get my head round that on any level.....none, there is either extreme stupidity (which I don't doubt) or some really sick people that need urgent mental assessment, I am honestly astounded  at some of the posts on this thread, some people need to go home if they think that this is anywhere near normal or accepted behavior 


at least in the west we have law enforcement that can deal with issues like these before gun toting lunatics decide to think for themselves without proper guidance 

Edited by smedly
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8 hours ago, tony5150 said:

You know the old story, truck too tall to go under bridge and half a dozen engineer's are scratching their heads trying to figure a way to raise the bridge. A young kid walks by and asks " why not take the air out of the tires?" Same thing applies here...Just shoot the radio.

although I find your story somewhat amusing it fails because it still involves a gun


The funny thing (if there is anything remotely funny) is that many of the posters here have simply been watching too much TV and movies and as they get older reality gets clouded 

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5 hours ago, charmonman said:

Yeah right, the police would jump right on it and settle the issue. Of course murder is an overreaction. He should have just shot up the little punk’s stereo, blown out his tires, and shot him in the leg to make sure he got the message. 

I'm going to assume you were making a joke when you posted that 

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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Is there a playlist available of the offending tracks which the young neighbour was playing? I would think maybe something by Barry Manilow in the mix.

Just someone whistling and the chime of an old timepiece 

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21 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

We have noisy neighbours on both sides.  One EVERY SINGLE DAY at 5 - 8 pm opens all the doors to his pick up truck and plays his music (with heavy base) at maximum volume.


On the other side the neighbour has started up a wood cutting factory.  On goes the banging base music at 9 - 5 EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I would move house, but we only just built this one and are tired of moving.


The head man lives next door to me, but he does not seem to care about the constant noise.  I don't think there is a solution.  Asking the neighbours to not play the music loud will just make them loose face and get angry with us farang new neighbours.  Asking the head man I am sure he will do nothing or, just tell them it was us who complained.   Same problem.


We had to move house last time due to EXTREME noise.  Now its go me thinking about moving back to the UK... which I really don't want to do.  I can't believe how most Thai people don't care at all about noise pollution at all.  

One of many reasons I would never consider living in Thai-dominated neighbourhood

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21 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

We have noisy neighbours on both sides.  One EVERY SINGLE DAY at 5 - 8 pm opens all the doors to his pick up truck and plays his music (with heavy base) at maximum volume.


On the other side the neighbour has started up a wood cutting factory.  On goes the banging base music at 9 - 5 EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I would move house, but we only just built this one and are tired of moving.


The head man lives next door to me, but he does not seem to care about the constant noise.  I don't think there is a solution.  Asking the neighbours to not play the music loud will just make them loose face and get angry with us farang new neighbours.  Asking the head man I am sure he will do nothing or, just tell them it was us who complained.   Same problem.


We had to move house last time due to EXTREME noise.  Now its go me thinking about moving back to the UK... which I really don't want to do.  I can't believe how most Thai people don't care at all about noise pollution at all.  

fiances dictate where you can afford to live and if you dont have the money then their is more chance you will have to live among these sorts of people. i do feel sorry for you having to live in that environment, cant be a nice way to spend your retirement. 

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

mate maybe it reflects the sort of people that come here to live, maybe they are broken and have always been broken...……...multiple failures throughout their lives, multiple divorces, abandoned kids/grandkids I wouldn't rule anything out, and they blame everyone but themselves for the crap that trails behind them - oh it wasn't my fault she was an alcoholic, I am the victim lol. oh yeah - truth is - I drove my wife to drink.


with some of the stuff I've seen on this thread there are many that need to face up to their failures...……..yeah - turn that music down...……...bang - sorted ….. right 



and they come on here posting that it is ok to shoot someone because of music, I just can't get my head round that on any level.....none, there is either extreme stupidity (which I don't doubt) or some really sick people that need urgent mental assessment, I am honestly astounded  at some of the posts on this thread, some people need to go home if they think that this is anywhere near normal or accepted behavior 


at least in the west we have law enforcement that can deal with issues like these before gun toting lunatics decide to think for themselves without proper guidance 

You're babbling mate. Don't miss an opportunity....

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On 8/15/2018 at 9:59 AM, jak2002003 said:

We have noisy neighbours on both sides.  One EVERY SINGLE DAY at 5 - 8 pm opens all the doors to his pick up truck and plays his music (with heavy base) at maximum volume.


On the other side the neighbour has started up a wood cutting factory.  On goes the banging base music at 9 - 5 EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I would move house, but we only just built this one and are tired of moving.


The head man lives next door to me, but he does not seem to care about the constant noise.  I don't think there is a solution.  Asking the neighbours to not play the music loud will just make them loose face and get angry with us farang new neighbours.  Asking the head man I am sure he will do nothing or, just tell them it was us who complained.   Same problem.


We had to move house last time due to EXTREME noise.  Now its go me thinking about moving back to the UK... which I really don't want to do.  I can't believe how most Thai people don't care at all about noise pollution at all.  

I sympathize with you.  only thing I disagree with is the generalisation about Thais and noise.  I live in housing compound in Bangkok and I have neighbors on my side back in front etc...   I never heard any noise coming from them in years.   was same thing living in condos before.   

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5 hours ago, catman20 said:

fiances dictate where you can afford to live and if you dont have the money then their is more chance you will have to live among these sorts of people. i do feel sorry for you having to live in that environment, cant be a nice way to spend your retirement. 

Wait.. you make too many assumptions lol.


Finances were not really an issue.. we have built 3 houses here.. this current one is worth quite a bit, nice land, swimming pool, modern.  Its in an expensive area and land prices are high here.  Its semi rural large village and short car journey into the city.  


Also I am not retired.


You will find this sort of thing happens, even if you have a lot of money and build a massive fancy house.  It seems it normal for the countryside to be more noisy than the city... crazy volume temple music, parties, fireworks, funerals, idiots playing loud music when they are drunk.  etc.


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21 hours ago, FreekB said:

Loud music. How about a temple that starts at 5 am or the speakers in your street that give loud noise from the municipality.

no problem wires  cut, no noise now for  over 2  years................"no idea" who did it?

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4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Wait.. you make too many assumptions lol.


Finances were not really an issue.. we have built 3 houses here.. this current one is worth quite a bit, nice land, swimming pool, modern.  Its in an expensive area and land prices are high here.  Its semi rural large village and short car journey into the city.  


Also I am not retired.


You will find this sort of thing happens, even if you have a lot of money and build a massive fancy house.  It seems it normal for the countryside to be more noisy than the city... crazy volume temple music, parties, fireworks, funerals, idiots playing loud music when they are drunk.  etc.


im surprised that your house is in a nice expensive area and all these Thai people can afford to live there along side you.


easy answer then move to the city, problem solved.

Edited by catman20
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22 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Another case of anger overcoming common sense. Somboon did not have a well thought out solution. Perhaps he will sleep better in his new cell, but it’s very doubtful. 


And just maybe Somboon weighed up the options and went for the only one where he would be safe from retaliation and possibly his own death.  Who knows if he had asked for the noise to be turned down before and how many times.  Yes, drastic thing to do but now he is in protective custody and I'm guessing they won't have loud “music” where he's going.

The only sensible solutions I've read here were either a block or firebomb dropped on his pickup from above.  Anonymously of course.  But it may have been even too late for that if he had requested the noise be turned down before as the deceased would have known who did it.

The police!?  Any money to be made? Nah!  Ignore that complaint.

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