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US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show


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US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Astronomical gap between the pay of workers and bosses exposed in report on earnings of America’s top 350 CEOs

Dominic Rushe in New York


The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year, according to a new report published Thursday by the Economic Policy Institute.


The rise came after the bosses of America’s largest companies got an average pay rise of 17.6% in 2017, taking home an average of $18.9m in compensation while their employees’ wages stalled, rising just 0.3% over the year.


The pay gap has risen dramatically, with some fluctuations, since the 1990s. In 1965 the ratio of CEO to worker pay was 20 to one; that figure had risen to 58 to one by in 1989 and peaked in 2000 when CEOs earned 344 times the wage of their average worker.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/aug/16/ceo-versus-worker-wage-american-companies-pay-gap-study-2018


-- The Guardian 2018-2018-08-17

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So What ? Do you want to live in a poor ass commune or a Communist run country where only the very elite have any privileges? The CEOs are the ones that know how to put together those in the middle that make the companies competitive to make money that eventually helps those on the bottom (those that want to work that is) afford their luxuries (houses,cars,vacations,retirements,etc) . Two US  companies  APPLE and AMAZON will go over a Trillion dollar worth this year and they didn't get there by accident.It was the CEOs that put them there via there knowledge of commerce.  

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43 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

So What ? Do you want to live in a poor ass commune or a Communist run country where only the very elite have any privileges? The CEOs are the ones that know how to put together those in the middle that make the companies competitive to make money that eventually helps those on the bottom (those that want to work that is) afford their luxuries (houses,cars,vacations,retirements,etc) . Two US  companies  APPLE and AMAZON will go over a Trillion dollar worth this year and they didn't get there by accident.It was the CEOs that put them there via there knowledge of commerce.  

Interesting conclusion???

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54 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Money begets money and only when the masses start to understand that collective bargaining in the form of unions is their only leverage this will continue for the foreseeable future, especially under a Republican government and especially, especially under Trump who is in effect the CEO of CEO's right now.

Don't like it? Start your own company. Then make sure you let your workers tell you how to run it and how much you should be getting paid.

 You get paid for what you know, not for what you do.

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

You perhaps haven’t noticed it is not a black and white choice between the US version of capitalism and Communism

The only thing we do know is that neither capitalism or communism works - as there will always be those that use these to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else ☹️.


The 'middle choice' doesn't work much better either as the greedy and ruthless nearly always end up on the top of the 'pile'. ☹️


I suspect the 'multiples of difference' between average workers and those at the top are little different in European countries - that are purportedly 'socialist', or whatever the current term....

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8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The only thing we do know is that neither capitalism or communism works - as there will always be those that use these to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else ☹️.


The 'middle choice' doesn't work much better either as the greedy and ruthless nearly always end up on the top of the 'pile'. ☹️


I suspect the 'multiples of difference' between average workers and those at the top are little different in European countries - that are purportedly 'socialist', or whatever the current term....

You suspect wrongly:






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I'll leave those who can be bothered enough, to make sense of the above quoted link.


The uk is just (or nearly?) as bad when it comes to the difference between the very highest paid in large companies - compared to the ever reducing salaries of the average paid in those companies.


The lowest paid are (obviously) paid an even far smaller percentage of the CEOs/board salaries....

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Pay equality in the UK is little better than the USA. Last year median pay of CEO's increased by 11%, that for all workers by 1.7%. Between 2000 and 2014, pay of CEO's rose 6 times faster than their employees. This disgraceful increase in inequality took place while most workers saw pay increases below the inflation rate in the UK. And the productivity in the UK has hardly been impressive, the rich just keep increasing their cut.


Change is coming in the UK. And those at the top will not like it. Or the big companies.

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11 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

One of the worst aspects of this survey is that these super rich people don't even pay their fair and rightful taxes. They just stash their gains away in some foreign tax haven and laugh at the working class.

Trickle down economics? Don't make me laugh. 

Suggest you take a look at this and then tell us again super rich people don't even pay their fair share. 





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9 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

The only thing we do know is that neither capitalism or communism works - as there will always be those that use these to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else ☹️.


The 'middle choice' doesn't work much better either as the greedy and ruthless nearly always end up on the top of the 'pile'. ☹️


I suspect the 'multiples of difference' between average workers and those at the top are little different in European countries - that are purportedly 'socialist', or whatever the current term....

I think the social democrate programs put in place by the Labour Gov has made Norway the envy of the world. Canada went down this same road in the 1960-70's but then a crooked conservative who took bribes in brown paper bags undid them.




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3 hours ago, manarak said:

the article does not mention taxes, so it's the usual leftist journalist drivel aimed at causing social tensions

Because people struggling to pay their housing and food costs or the cost of healthcare and education doesn’t produce social tension?

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Because people struggling to pay their housing and food costs or the cost of healthcare and education doesn’t produce social tension?

the article is about difference of incomes, not about poverty. you miss the point.

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