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Get tough measures aim to reduce road death toll among motorcyclists by 50%


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Those are pie in the sky figures...gov attitude and enforcement have to change....


what about riders w/o lights going the wrong way not stopping at end of sois and intersections running red lights and stop signs....


it it all starts with a rigorous training program n public schools - mandatory....

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15 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

Simple.  Parents are responsible for their children up to 20 years of age.  Parents here usually do not care what their kids do. So stop all motorcycles.  Those driving without a license a 10000 baht fine  , responsibility of their parents, or 100 hours of community service leaning drains and klongs.   Also crush the motorcycles of those caught underage or no licence .  Thais put money first so hit them where it hurts first.  After 2 weeks then I suspect there will be queue upon queue at the Land Department offices for driving tests.  Problem is the police are too damn corrupt and lazy themselves so guess what will happen ?

More funerals?

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4 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

Those are pie in the sky figures...gov attitude and enforcement have to change....


what about riders w/o lights going the wrong way not stopping at end of sois and intersections running red lights and stop signs....


it it all starts with a rigorous training program n public schools - mandatory....

Schools provide training in nationalistic fervor………….safety.....ha ? It's just fate you know!

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I applaud any effort to stop the carnage, but 50%, just like that? Seriously ambitious number. I dont see the good citizens around here suddenly waking up, because Lord knows, they haven't ever done so before. I don't see the cops suddenly enforcing laws everywhere either, so not quite sure how they are going to achieve it.

You dont understand they will say what they want and obviously everyone will obey. Simple really (now I can wake up)

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Last week they were talking about applying Japanese road rules,now this nonsense,look it may work in some of the big cities if the Cops actually get off their backsides,in the country area's forget it, you just cannot change people's ingrained attitude's. I cite an example my wife lets her son ride a motorbike to school, he has no licence as he is not 15 yet,i said well he should not be driving as surely he will not be covered by insurance,she just shrugged  she has no licence either. I have been once or twice on the back with her,quite terriyfying, cutting corners ,looking at shops ect,never again. You just cannot change these attitudes,while some of the idea's sound good they will remain that,just idea's.

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:
A committee introduced to look at the problem is ready to recommend measures to the government to slash this by half.
The measures could be in place as early as this year's New Year celebration. 

..but won't be.

Another waste of time committee. The committee members are fully aware that irrespective of what the say, or is even implemented, it will make not one iota of difference.

They're getting paid for being on a committee, so that's all that matters to them.


Nothing will be done to enforce any laws unless there's a photo opportunity for some bigwig, and a crackdown for a week, or if serious, two weeks.


Someone might as well say they'll get rid of the Bangkok traffic jams within six months or three months.


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Such malarkey. Most people die by automobile. 

24000 per year total 2017

8900 motorcycle deaths a year

15,100 automobiles deaths 


but the majority of all these deaths are directly related to automobiles in some way. 


It is not the motorcycles. It is extremely poor automobile and truck and bus drivers.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I applaud any effort to stop the carnage, but 50%, just like that? Seriously ambitious number. I dont see the good citizens around here suddenly waking up, because Lord knows, they haven't ever done so before. I don't see the cops suddenly enforcing laws everywhere either, so not quite sure how they are going to achieve it.

It wouldn't be that hard. The hard part is getting police to do the job they are paid for. If they did their job everyone would be wearing a helmet. They should take notes from Vietnam. There's no point increasing fines if the laws aren't enforced in the first place. 

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3 minutes ago, AboutThaim said:

There never seems to be any thought regarding loss of face by these clowns who make outrageous promises.  They probably have a memory retention that would make a goldfish seem like a living computer.

So let's have a goldfish run the country. Makes sense to me.


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11 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

Three years ago, the Military Dictator said he was going to reduce road deaths by 70% in a year, I wonder what happened to that plan?

didnt  you know??? the deaths would have been about 30k a  year now  if he  hadnt stepped  in but  they are only 14k so theres  the improvement...........honestly get out from under that rock man, PM's  done wonders.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I don't see the cops suddenly enforcing laws everywhere either, so not quite sure how they are going to achieve it.

Push ups and singing the National Anthem!! Bound to get positive results.......

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When will the Authorities Responsible Become Responsible ? When I was a Child we had Road Safety Practices on bicycles carried out in School Playgrounds by Local Police and Fire Brigade Officers and I still Rememer most of it! after 70 odd years But in Thailand I think these Officers here would have to go through Rigorous training themselves to carry out such an exercise ? There are Many Rules & Laws in Thailand Equivalent to UK and many other Countries but are Ignored by the Majority of Thai Drivers whatever Vehicle they are on ? Total disregard of fellow road users ? Almost Total disregard of the Traffic Light System ? No Idea of Vehicle road Positioning almost had a female motorcycle driver cutting a corner on top of my bonnet it happens at the same place very very often ? I think in my Humble Opinion and having experienced Thailand since 1990 there appears to be an Acute Lack of Common Sense here and I think that Thai Culture that is Installed in almost All Thais that They,Him,Her are number one they have the right do do whatever they Choose ? Finger Getting Sore Rant Finished For Now ? !


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52 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Such malarkey. Most people die by automobile. 

24000 per year total 2017

8900 motorcycle deaths a year

15,100 automobiles deaths 


but the majority of all these deaths are directly related to automobiles in some way. 


It is not the motorcycles. It is extremely poor automobile and truck and bus drivers.

Do you have a link to these stats.?


Not that I disagree with the gist of your post, as I would be very suprised if 4 wheeled vehicles aren't involved in a large percentage of 'bike deaths.

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12 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I can confidently state they will never, ever solve this problem. 


They are simply not up to the task. A Thai license is worthless and a chocolate teapot has more value.


They thing we have to remember most of this is self-afflicted; a laziness to walk to the shops 100 metres away, irresponsibility when in control of a motor vehicle, a total arrogance towards pedestrians and to a lesser extent other motorists, bottling up of emotions, general immaturity, a thoroughly corrupt Police and justice system, a civil authority that have jobs because of nepotism and graft rather than on merit, a government that is inept at politics, the Thai motor industry that was enticed to setup here and relies largely on domestic sales but without teaching the Thais to drive and use their products competently and safely, etc, etc, etc...


I could go on but the problems are of their own making and are only going to get worse. 


Chok dee khrap!


Well put.

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3 hours ago, PatOngo said:

The only way to seriously reduce mocy accidents by 50% is to remove 50% of mocy from the roads.

You would probably get a similar outcome by removing 50% of the cars from the roads.... or at least the 50% of the mad buggers that switch lanes to overtake including the running up the "hard-shoulder" where the motor-bikes are crawling slowly along.... 

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More bike lanes, OK for 125cc but crap if you have a big bike, as a lot more big bikes are sold here now, bikes not on motorway, underpass, overpass, bypass, and toll roads,then have to drive in bike lanes with busses and taxis stop and start  making it more dangerous 

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