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U.S. prosecutors grant Trump Organization CFO immunity in Cohen probe


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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

One by one- Trump's closest allies are being targeted and gone after. I am sure there are people working on the dossier- finding the Russians who danced in his room; slept in his bed and drank the champagne.  There are others who are trying to connect Julian Assange to Trump and his campaign while others attempt to get the Russians in the meeting with Trump's son to spill their guts.


At some point- Trump will be faced with a -no way out- scenario. He won't be able to buy  his way out and all his 'friends' will have turned on him.  The Dem-will have taken the House and there will be enough evidence for impeachment and possibly conviction.  Trump's children will be under investigation and possible indictment.  Mueller and the investigators will have him. He will only have 2 choices- resign with some dignity and all the pending indictments go away or fight  on and lose everything.   Trump will take the deal  because he knows it is the best he will ever get. Pence will become President and pardon  him and others.


At that point, no doubt Trump will be looking at state charges also, which Pence would not be able to pardon. He worked in the state of NY for a long time, and committed countless crimes in that state, many of which Weisselberg was aware of. One can only hope Tiny Don is held accountable for all of the lives he has wrecked, and all of the money he has stolen. His fortune was not earned, as is the case with most decent men. It was stolen. And he never looked back. His pathology allows him to not lose a wink of sleep over his criminal nature, the crimes he commits, the lies he tells, and the lives he ruins. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

At that point, no doubt Trump will be looking at state charges also, which Pence would not be able to pardon. He worked in the state of NY for a long time, and committed countless crimes in that state, many of which Weisselberg was aware of. One can only hope Tiny Don is held accountable for all of the lives he has wrecked, and all of the money he has stolen. His fortune was not earned, as is the case with most decent men. It was stolen. And he never looked back. His pathology allows him to not lose a wink of sleep over his criminal nature, the crimes he commits, the lies he tells, and the lives he ruins. 

I hear you and agree with you about Trump's ethics or lack thereof.  This is the same man who used the eminent domain law in Atlantic City to force out an elderly, widowed women from her family home so he could build a parking lot for his casino.  Eventually, the casino went broke-  and he used the bankruptcy laws to break all his union employees and leave them jobless without any severance. This guy makes Scrooge look  benevolent.


However, I really wonder if Trump will go quietly into the night if there are State charges pending . As much as I would love to see him get his-  I would rather make the complete deal and let him slither off.

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I hear you and agree with you about Trump's ethics or lack thereof.  This is the same man who used the eminent domain law in Atlantic City to force out an elderly, widowed women from her family home so he could build a parking lot for his casino.  Eventually, the casino went broke-  and he used the bankruptcy laws to break all his union employees and leave them jobless without any severance. This guy makes Scrooge look  benevolent.


However, I really wonder if Trump will go quietly into the night if there are State charges pending . As much as I would love to see him get his-  I would rather make the complete deal and let him slither off.


This has been the worst week of his presidency thus far. Even the usually blusterous Trump, is rather subdued, in the face of all of this bad news, betrayal, potential charges, and potentially devastating revelations to come. He knows about all of the skeletons in his closet, and he is running very, very scared. For the first time in his life, he may be held accountable for his serial criminal nature and acts. Combine that with his relative lack of accomplishments to date, and there is a chance many members of the GOP could change allegiances after the mid-terms, and abandon the sinking ship, the SS. Tiny Donald. 


“No day during President Trump’s 19 months in office could prove as dangerous or debilitating as Tuesday,” wrote Dan Balz in the Washington Post. “Everything that happened in a pair of courtrooms hundreds of miles apart strengthened the hand of special counsel Robert S Mueller III and weakened that of the president of the United States.”


Richard Haas, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, tweeted: “i understand the focus on politics here at home, but

1) NK is not denuclearizing;

2) Venezuela is on the precipice;

3) a crisis with/over Iran is brewing;

4) climate change is worse sooner than predicted;

5) US relations w China and Russia are at post-Cold War nadir. just sayin’”.

Not to mention the apartheid conditions in Israel, that he is supporting and the issues with Canada, Mexico and the entire EU, that he has single handedly created. 


A great summary of Tiny Don's current nightmare:





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We may have some legal-eagles out there that know more about these immunity agreements, but I don't think they are a wholesale immunity.   I believe they are limited in scope to what is being directly investigated.   Since this is investigating Cohen, I don't know if they can do much digging on Trumps direct involvement, except as it comes up in this investigation.


Cooperation agreements are a little broader, but I don't know that they have one of these in this case.  

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