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Corrupt traffic police to be sacked, named and shamed, says top cop


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6 hours ago, toolpush said:

I, for one, quite like the prevailing scenario. I have no problem paying off a cop on the scene if it means that I don't have to go to the police station or court. One of the reasons I like living in Thailand: it is not the nanny state my home country has become. I can never figure out why expats here want to change Thailand so that it is like their home country. I like it just the way it was.

Where the roads are concerned maybe its got something to do with living a little longer, or had you not noticed while you where busy being corrupt

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3 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

Honestly though, I would rather hand over 200 Baht on the roadside then spend hours in a police station waiting my turn to pay a fine.

Well that would depend on the terms and conditions of that arrangement, and on how well it was "Policed" ya know what I mean


Edited by oldlakey
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Same old same old: we’ll clean up beaches, we’ll take care of all the Soi dogs, we’ll reduce number of road casualties, we’ll  get rid off all the tourists scams.... etc etc ... just like always all talk but no action!!!!

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10 hours ago, cleverman said:

Why is it funny? You and your like have been asking for something like this for years. Now someone has said it is going to happen, your stupid comment. Stop Thai bashing and wait to see what happens. 

I understand your sentiment and would like to think something may come of this but history has shown that, in Thailand, talk is very cheap and is designed to sell an idea of something being done. There is no stomach to take it to the next level and no one with the balls to champion it. 

I look forward to this new push bearing an outcome that the headlines allude to but the skeptic in me says they aren’t up to the task as it requires a certain amount of non existent commitment by the main players. 

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Its a start .Maybe the corrupt police will stop knowing they will get the sack..We all complain about te system here , so lets see what happens .I for one would like it to start ...Maybe it will be better driving on the roads in the future ..

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1 hour ago, Zack61 said:

I understand your sentiment and would like to think something may come of this but history has shown that, in Thailand, talk is very cheap and is designed to sell an idea of something being done. There is no stomach to take it to the next level and no one with the balls to champion it. 

I look forward to this new push bearing an outcome that the headlines allude to but the skeptic in me says they aren’t up to the task as it requires a certain amount of non existent commitment by the main players. 

Absolutely correct, plus we must not lose sight or understanding of the huge size of the job, daunting to say the least

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Today I was fleeced for 400 baht had to put the cash in the draw at the police box, in there was a good few thousand and they (all 3 of them) are on the take the whole system is broken because of these bent cops. 


They are like cancer and I fear that with this new mews today of fire them and name and shame them, if they work in teams and take you in to secluded rooms and you have to put the money in a draw how will they ever put a stop to this?


Im not having a moan about paying 400 baht under the table or in this case in the draw! But once they bring in these new extortionate fines all that will do is give the BIB the upper hand to extort more money from us all! 


Bloddy Joke! 

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22 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.


Correct then Thai's will go about doing their normal shit as they do now anyway, belting traffic cops is a tool but pay them for their worth and you may actually get them to work as they are ordered 

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On 8/27/2018 at 10:33 AM, bluesofa said:

Sounds great! I'll just wait to see the first published list though, and the regular updates.

Will the publications be thicker than the bible?



have you ever seen anything imposed that lasted more than 3 months? this will be read and forgotten.. too many crooked cops out there still to enforce such a rule

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On 8/27/2018 at 2:51 AM, darksidedog said:

Would be easier to just publish the police internal phone directory, because it is highly unlikely any in there can be deemed honest.

In any country I've been, the biggest criminals and looters are always the members of the government gangs, including the police.


In countries where they don't take bribes, it's simply because they already loot the population far more through kidnapping (aka "arrest") and property confiscation, such as the case with "civil asset forfeiture" in the "Land of the Free"...


It simply can't be any other way with a monopoly gang funded 100% coercively, and able to make its own rules...

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I have met with some hard working police men and women, not everyone in the police force

is corrupt. Yes I have also been stopped in a few places in Thailand and was glad that my baht

was taken from my passport and I was sent on my way, so I guess I am part of the problem

of the corruption. Even the police that I have chatted with have told me some pretty amazing

stories of fellow officers who were corrupt, and who had advanced up the ranks by helping out

hi sos, and other higher ranking police officials. This is not just a Thailand issue,  but happens

in lots of Asia, and other parts of the world. Central America and some of South America  and Africa are just

as bad.

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On 8/27/2018 at 10:17 AM, ezzra said:

For the future sir? why not right now, start tomorrow, and if you do, that will be a good move towards tackling this huge problem, not eliminating it, but it's a good start...

He need to retire first...

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