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Is looking for a dermatologist not a cosmetic surgeon.


I would recommend the Phuket International Hospital dermitology department. 


Never found any skin doctors in Patong.  Know 2 in Phuket Town but doubt can perform surgical procedures. 





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17 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

Is looking for a dermatologist not a cosmetic surgeon.


I would recommend the Phuket International Hospital dermitology department. 


Never found any skin doctors in Patong.  Know 2 in Phuket Town but doubt can perform surgical procedures. 





Yeah that's two different thing........but where appearance and beauty is in governance....now that's my experience so go abroad I would recommend if  in need for a dermatologist.

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4 hours ago, cleverman said:

Any genuine ones in Patong, take biopsies, perform surgical procedures? Should have worn hats and used sun screen as a kid. And now too.

Sir, are you saying you have a skin melanoma? These can have very serious consequences (I’m sure you’re aware) so Pops is correct, get yourself off to hospital and see a specialist as soon as.

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Just now, Felt 35 said:

Yeah that's two different thing........but where appearance and beauty is in governance....now that's my experience so go abroad I would recommend if  in need for a dermatologist.

I've had expert treatment Pattaya Int. Hospital.Thailand has top medical praticioners.  

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Just now, billythehat said:

Sir, are you saying you have a skin melanoma? These can have very serious consequences (I’m sure you’re aware) so Pops is correct, get yourself off to hospital and see a specialist as soon as.

40 years of various forms of keratosis with a few cancerous growths. No melanomas yet. Thanks for your comment. 

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If you were employed by the Commonwealth of Australia or have been in the military, you are eligible for free medical treatment for skin cancers, keratitis and the like, also lump sum payment for certain scaring. Maby, dates of service may apply, check it out . 

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4 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

Is looking for a dermatologist not a cosmetic surgeon.


I would recommend the Phuket International Hospital dermitology department. 


Never found any skin doctors in Patong.  Know 2 in Phuket Town but doubt can perform surgical procedures. 





Err- the clinic has a lot of experience dealing with skin cancers.  I know a number of people who swear by it. That's the reason I mentioned him.


I do know the difference between a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon thank you very much.


Just because YOU aren't aware of someone doesn't mean others are. That's the beauty of LOCAL knowledge.

Edited by Psimbo
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Just now, Psimbo said:

Err- the clinic has a lot of experience dealing with skin cancers.  I know a number of people who swear by it. That's the reason I mentioned him.


I do know the difference between a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon thank you very much.


Just because YOU aren't aware of someone doesn't mean others are. That's the beauty of LOCAL knowledge.

Just checked their web site. The doctors there are only MDs. I will be off to PIH.

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1 hour ago, cleverman said:

Just checked their web site. The doctors there are only MDs. I will be off to PIH.


Exactly. Their very detailed price list has no mention of skin cancer treatment. All cosmetic.


Good decision. I have had consultations with PIH dermatology dept. First class ... but pricey.

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7 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


Exactly. Their very detailed price list has no mention of skin cancer treatment. All cosmetic.


Good decision. I have had consultations with PIH dermatology dept. First class ... but pricey.

Vet Affairs can afford it. 

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On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 2:22 PM, LivinginKata said:

I would recommend the Phuket International Hospital dermatology department. 

Agree as have used them on many occasions, being a red-head (when young anyway!) and having very white skin.


I see Dr Sithiporn on a 6 monthly basis and he has entered my "suspicious sites" on his computer and checks them on my visit...…..had many keratoses burnt off here and a couple of basal cell carcinomas in NZ.


As with many Drs here you need to "push" your case and get him to deal with what he finds AND to do a full body check.


Good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

An update on my visit to Phuket International Hospital for a regular skin cancer check up, and it is not all that positive I'm afraid...............


I saw my usual doctor and as always he examined my skin for signs of skin lesions which may lead to cancer and in this regard he is very good, although he did insist on burning off, for a second time, a very small lump on my cheek which I had since I was born, which is the same colour as my skin and has never caused any problems, because he said it might turn cancerous – – so I bowed to his superior knowledge and let him go ahead, although not altogether convinced about it.


I had also asked him to look at various skin rashes I had at the same time, and when I reminded him of this after he had finished his little check, he very quickly looked at one area of red, raised welts on my shoulder and uttered the immortal words, "yes this is caused by scratching".


My immediate response was yes I know I scratch them because they itch and are raised welts, so what is causing that? His response was to smile at me awkwardly go back to his computer and give make an appointment for six months henceforth...............!!!!!


Of course I was a bit pissed off about this and there and then decided I would see another doctor at Bangkok Phuket hospital.


But one other thing I noticed, and which really does deserve a mention............whilst waiting for my appointment I was reading one of the magazines on the table issued by this very group of hospitals in which they extol the virtues of a healthy life, healthy eating and healthy living etc and there were some good articles in it.


So imagine my surprise when I walked out after paying the bill to find that well implanted inside of the hospital was a very large "Dunkin donuts" shop!! 


Is there no end to the stupidity in this place?? What on earth was this group thinking about by putting a shop like this inside its hospital? Amazing Thailand indeed.


Three days later I had an appointment with a dermatologist at Bangkok Phuket hospital and although I didn't get to see the older most experienced one there, I did get an appointment with the younger female dermatologist who does just three days there and rest of her time in Bangkok, and the experience was just the opposite to that I had just had.


She was very knowledgeable and asked me lots of questions, as well as examining my rashes of which there are five fairly large areas on my body (including a fairly large one on my ever expanding waistline).

She explained what she thought they were and that I should come back for some tests in a weeks time, which I had discussed with her and wanted, and in the meantime gave me just a weeks worth of tablets and creams to try to clear up the rashes.


All in all a very satisfactory visit and I was very surprised at the level of the bill as I had expected it to be fairly hefty given her time and the medications I was prescribed, however it turned out to be very acceptable 2200 baht.


I'm looking forward to these vastly irritating rashes clearing up and also to my next visit so she can carry out some tests to determine if I am allergic to certain things........and hopefully it's not red wine!!!

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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:


All in all a very satisfactory visit and I was very surprised at the level of the bill as I had expected it to be fairly hefty given her time and the medications I was prescribed, however it turned out to be very acceptable 2200 baht.



Only 2,200 baht for Bangkok Phuket hospital. Amazing. My last bill for annual exam at eye clinic was 4,400 baht. And I agree that the International (all the same group as BKK) skin doctor is less than impressive. I did not consider going back. Went to little street clinic. Much better and a tenth of the price. But long queue ... 

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