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Enter Thailand with a WP3 photocopy?

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Hello, I was recently contacted by a Thailand based IT firm for a job opening which I found very interesting. After a few rounds of interview, I got selected by the firm and was offered a position. Now, the organization is going ahead with the VISA and WP3 approval process but I am not really sure how that will happen.


I am an expat, residing outside Thailand. If a Thai organization is apply for my visa in Thailand, how will I get it in my country? As per my knowledge, we need an Non Immigration B visa to enter Thailand and then apply for work permit there. But, since I am not processing OR going to the Royal Thai Consulate in my home country, how will I get the Visa sticker on my passport?


Can I enter Thailand with a WP3 photocopy (which will be issued by my employer) and then get Non -Imm. B visa at airport immigration? I am really confused about the process.


It will be really helpful if someone can please provide me information on this.


PS: This question may sound really stupid, but I a not a avid international traveler, so please pardon my ignorance ?

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You will not be issued a B-Visa at an airport upon arrival.  But, you can apply for a B-Visa at other Thai Consulates than the one in your home country. 

You didn't say where you are staying - are you aware of a Thai Consulate nearby?  Some only support applications of permanent-residents of the country where they are located (such as Japan), but most do not have this restriction. 


If visiting a Thai consulate for service is not possible from where you are now, you could stop over in Laos or Malaysia on your way to Thailand, and get your Non-B Visa there (overnight service, generally), provided you have all the required paperwork.


I am not familiar with the exact paperwork required (may vary by consulate), but someone else here should be along shortly to fill in those details. 

Edited by JackThompson
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Jack, thanks for your reply, it does answer my question. 


I'm sorry, I forgot to mention my country of residence in the original post. I am from Mumbai, India and we do have a Thai Consulate here. I will head over there soon to check the other requirements once my WP3 is processed.

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If you are an Indian national, you will likely need to apply for the Non B visa through VFS, and need to make certain the documentation you provide is perfect. I suggest you look at http://www.vfs-thailand.co.in/mumbai/index.html as a starting point.


The presence of the documentation to apply for a visa will be of no help when entering at the airport in Thailand. At best, you could apply for a 15-day tourist visa on arrival. However, as I understand it, you cannot then convert it to a Non Immigrant entry, and you cannot (as suggested by Jack) apply for a visa at a consulate near to Thailand. You must get the visa in India in advance (although a tourist visa issued in India could work as this could be converted into a Non Immigrant entry for work).

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3 hours ago, meet said:

Thanks BritTim, I guess it will be better to get it from India before leaving. 

Yes, he is right.  There is a list of countries whose citizens receive visas from many nearby consulates, and India is on that list.  Apologies for any confusion.


VFS is known to take the money and hand things off to the consulate, but with the result being a visa with "VOID" stamped on it.  There is no refund when the consulate rejects the applicant.  Just a heads-up on that - and good luck.

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