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To spy or not to spy? German parties split over AfD


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To spy or not to spy? German parties split over AfD

By Andrea Shalal



People watch an open air "anti-racism concert" in Chemnitz, Germany, September 3, 2018. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke


BERLIN (Reuters) - Differences emerged between Germany's governing parties on Monday over how to respond to the Alternative for Germany's (AfD) alleged ties to anti-Islamic and racist groups, as calls grew for the far-right party to be placed under surveillance.


About 6,000 supporters of the AfD and the anti-Islam PEGIDA group turned out to a series of protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz after a man was stabbed to death there last weekend, allegedly by two immigrants.


Skinheads clashed with police soon after a Syrian and an Iraqi were identified as the main suspects, and a number of xenophobic attacks were reported, exposing bitter divisions over Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal immigration policy.


On Monday, the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen said their regional security services, tasked with policing unconstitutional activity, had placed their respective regional chapters of Young Alternative, the largest opposition party's youth wing, under surveillance because of its suspected ties.


But with pressure from politicians and activists to extend that surveillance to the national party, conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel declined to enter the fray directly, saying it wsa for the security services themselves to decide whom to monitor.


"These aren't political decisions, but decisions that are based on facts," she told reporters after a summit of business leaders and labour unions, attended also by Olaf Scholz, her Social Democrat finance minister.


Scholz said he agreed on the principle, but added at the same news conference that the clashes in Chemnitz gave clear cause for a renewed look at whether the AfD, which entered parliament for the first time last year, should be monitored.


Germany's constitution contains strict safeguards against extremism, allowing for the close monitoring and even the proscribing of extremist parties.


Intelligence agencies monitor the far left and far right as well as Islamists suspected of planning attacks.


Memories of Nazi and Communist oppression have made Germans very cautious about state surveillance, but a poll on Monday found that 57 percent agreed that the AfD should be monitored.


"The country has clearly gone mad," said Joerg Meuthen, the AfD's chairman, saying that far-left rock bands should be monitored for extremist tendencies.



A group of left-leaning rock groups gave a free concert "against xenophobia" in Chemnitz on Monday evening, inadvertently highlighting splits between Germany's mainstream left and right.


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, formally politically neutral but originally a Social Democrat, shared the invitation to the concert on his Facebook page, drawing criticism from Merkel's party.


Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, general secretary of Merkel's Christian Democrats, said one of the bands, named "Fine Cream Fish Fillet", called for violence against the police in some of its lyrics. Earlier presidents "would not have supported the band so uncritically", she said.


Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and his Bavarian CSU party say the conditions have not been met to monitor the AfD as a whole, but they will keep an eye on developments and individuals.


Support for the AfD, which won nearly 13 percent in last year's federal election, rose two percentage points to 16 percent in an RTL opinion poll after the events in Chemnitz.


Critics have faulted the party for not expelling Bjoern Hoecke, an AfD leader from the state of Thuringia who has criticised a memorial to victims of the Nazi Holocaust as a "monument of shame" and helped organise Saturday's march.


(Additional reporting by Hans-Edzard Busemann, Andreas Rinke and Joseph Nasr in Berlin and Peter Mlodoch in Hanover; Editing by David Stamp and Andrew Roche)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-04


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10 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The AfD seems to be the only organization that tries to get things straight in Germany.

That's why the political correct who do not represent the will of the people fight them with all they can.

Using names like racist and far right is part of their strategy. Using the media for a hate campaign against the AfD is another one.

They will do all they can to destroy them - instead of facing the problem they should face that made AfD strong


It is the catastrophic action of the German government and most of all merkel that

made the bigger problem then AfD.

How stupid. The AfD is following NAZI idelogy. 

So you think It's good if NAZIs rule again? How stupid is this? 

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6 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists, the hard-pressed German security forces should be fingering the thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom.


This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. 


The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy, designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy. Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms.


The writing is on the wall. Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK.


Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit.

Now I know that you did'nt understand anything. It's just the crap what AfD trumpeting the whole Day. And you trapped in. 

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20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The AfD seems to be the only organization that tries to get things straight in Germany.

Things are pretty straight in Germany without those neo-nazis. No one needs those fascists poisoning society. 


20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

 the political correct who do not represent the will of the people

They were elected. More representing the will of the people is hardly possible in a representative democracy. 


20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Using names like racist and far right is part of their strategy.

If you don’t want to be called a racist, don’t be a racist. Easy. 


20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Using the media for a hate campaign against the AfD is another one.

I know you fascists wish it would be 1933-45 again when there was no free press to report about your violence. Too bad it’s 2018 now and we all can see the videos, photos, and eyewitness reports of what you are doing. 


20 hours ago, sweatalot said:

They will do all they can to destroy them

I hope so!


20 hours ago, sweatalot said:


It is the catastrophic action of the German government and most of all merkel that

made the bigger problem then AfD.

Utter rubbish. 

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19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists, the hard-pressed German security forces should be fingering the thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom.


This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. 


The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy, designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy. Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms.


The writing is on the wall. Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK.


Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit.

Allow me:

Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists, the hard-pressed German security forces should be fingering the thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom. It is Merckel and you can be sure, that Islamists in Germany are under close watch. Not that that matters to you, because...well...conspiracy! 

This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. What the @#$% has George Soros to do with this? Some of these "strong independent nation states" are quiet happy with the economic advantages, they gain within the EU, thank you very much! 

The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy, designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy.  Germany has a total portion of foreigner of approx. 14%! A) that is hardly anywhere near a majority and b) that is ALL FOREIGNERS! That includes Luigi in his Pizzeria in Munich and Stanos and his Greek restaurant in Hamburg. That includes Jonathan, who studies in Leipzig and Emine, who is of Turkish- decent, but living in Dortmund in the 3rd or 4th generation, working and paying taxes into the German society, being a part of it for decades! Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms. If you talk BS like that, please show those demographic studies!

The writing is on the wall. Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, the "rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate"? As opposed to ...which old rapidly expanding caliphate? dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK. Source, please! And if you can: a reliable source and not some right wing revolver paper like Breitbart or one of the blonde bimbos at Faux News!

Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit. Isn't there a new referendum on the horizon, because the majority woke up to smell the coffee and found out, that Brexit will actually do more harm them good to Britain!


Just sayin'!


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19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists

That’s not wasting manpower. Having paid significant taxes in Germany, I’d be quite happy with that money being spent on fighting far-right extremists. 


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

  thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom.

Assuming you mean chancellor Merkel,  she has taken no one to her bosom. Of course, the truth doesn’t matter to you. 


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:


This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. 

Not sure what your problem with the EU is. You certainly have a problem explaining it. 


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy

Such policy does not exist. But again, why would you bother about facts?


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

 designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy. 

Typical right-Wing conspiracy theories. Not that your nonsense would be any important, but why would anyone have that “strategy”?


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms.

And how would that be an issue? 


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK.

I admit it’s quite entertaining to see you going loopy. 


19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit.

Wait until you get te bill haha

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