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Chaos grips Senate hearing on Trump Supreme Court pick Kavanaugh


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7 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Come on... security stepped in and senior judges do not make a habit of going around shaking hands with strangers.


Strangers? Really? Guttenberg was introduced earlier by Senator Feinstein. Maybe Kavanaough was daydreaming about being on the Supreme Court or just completely dismissed anything the Senator was saying.


Parkland father rejects White House excuses after Kavanaugh fails to shake hands



Earlier in the day, Guttenberg said, he had been publicly introduced during the hearing by Senator Dianne Feinstein, who had invited him as her guest. He said he thought Kavanaugh would probably have been able to recognize who he was from that introduction, even before he introduced himself again.


Oh, and then security was sent to harass Guttenberg 15 minutes later...really classy.



After lunch, when the hearing resumed, “security came and took me out of the room and they kept me out for 15 minutes, questioning me”, Guttenberg said. “They took my license and wanted to know why I was there.”


More likely Kavanaugh believes himself above such niceties since he will soon be a Supreme Court Judge. No need to cavort with the public anymore. He will most certainly be confirmed and then it won't matter. Just look at the Clarence Thomas sex scandal that was just swept away. People in power never concern themselves with silly things like morals or integrity.


Edited by Silurian
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For many years in my life I wasn't interested in the background of the political life in the USA. This changed fundamentally since Trump appeared on the scene.


I realized that the USA is comparable to a Swiss cheese – too many holes in the system. (it would be interesting and worthwhile to start a new threat about this point/s. I'm not allowed to open such a threat – TV rules!)


The Supreme Court of the US is one of the holes in the US cheese. For many reasons:

  • The members of the most important court (in every state of the world) should be completely impartial and not party-orientated.

    • Therefore Cavanaugh shouldn't have any chance. His devotion to Trump and his former connection to the Reps don't guarantee his neutrality.

  • Because the judgments of the members in the Supreme Court have far-reaching consequences and impacts for the people of a state (i..e. abortion) there should be special procedures for the election of these important peoples. Among them

    • the candidate shouldn't be elected by the simple majority of the votes of Senate and House of R., but at least by a qualified majority of 60% or more in each chamber. This gives the guaranty that the member wouldn't be elected only because of his political (biased) view and conduct. The Reps had changed this to 50% from 60%(?) .

  • Manipulations shouldn't be allowed. Instead there should be a timely strong regulated procedure. Remember the vacancy of the ninth S.Judge during the last year of Obama. Unfair behavior by the Rep majority in the 2 Congress chambers, because there hasn't been a regulation.

  • In general, unlimited staying in the SC , once being elected.  Trump and his consorts will chose a young Rep so that the Rep-ideology will prevail for many, many years, even if there is a political change (although the selection of judges should NOT depend on a party ideology).

  • The list goes on


One of the most awful and biased decisions of the SC concerned the election gift for the rich (money elite): the abolition of limited party donations. Out of my viewpoint this was one basic reason why money of people like Koch brothers etc. decided the outcome of the last (Trump) election. That money plays a role in elections …...... bah – and is against the proclaimed principle of equality.

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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


Strangers? Really? Guttenberg was introduced earlier by Senator Feinstein. Maybe Kavanaough was daydreaming about being on the Supreme Court or just completely dismissed anything the Senator was saying.


Parkland father rejects White House excuses after Kavanaugh fails to shake hands



Oh, and then security was sent to harass Guttenberg 15 minutes later...really classy.



More likely Kavanaugh believes himself above such niceties since he will soon be a Supreme Court Judge. No need to cavort with the public anymore. He will most certainly be confirmed and then it won't matter. Just look at the Clarence Thomas sex scandal that was just swept away. People in power never concern themselves with silly things like morals or integrity.


FWIW,  protectees dont dictate what the US Marshals do. As a DC Circuit Judge in a high tension environment, Im sure his detail is in Condition Yellow.


Morals or integrity? Who here has been to Pattaya for the bird watching? 

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20 hours ago, BobBKK said:

No rich on the Dems side then?  all those celebs must be poor giving all their cash to the unfortunate.  The Dems make me puke even though I support many of their policies. They are smug, self-righteous and hypocrites. 

puke away


" In other cases, Americans of Mexican heritage have had their passports revoked while abroad, preventing them from coming home. In one case, the State Department denied a passport to a 40-year-old Army veteran named Juan who had a birth certificate showing he was born in Texas. According to the Post, Juan’s passport was rejected even though he had spent three years as a private in the Army, then as a cadet in the Border Patrol. He now works as a state prison guard."



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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:13 PM, Jonnapat said:

Obviously something to hide here.

Witness the politicization of the US Supreme Court about to happen.

Obama was not allowed a vote on his choice for 12 months due to Republican obstruction. 

The difference is that the GOP hold the majority then and now. All The Dems can do is scream and obstruct, but ultimately they can't stop the nomination unless a GOP senator refuses to support.

If he is upsetting the Dems, IMO it shows he is the right man for the job.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The difference is that the GOP hold the majority then and now. All The Dems can do is scream and obstruct, but ultimately they can't stop the nomination unless a GOP senator refuses to support.

If he is upsetting the Dems, IMO it shows he is the right man for the job.

By your criteria, if Trump were to nominate a neo-Nazi that would be a good thing.

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Surprisingly Traitor Trump just didn't nominate himself for Supreme Court. He knows all the best words. He is always the smartest person in the room. And he is able to see both sides like in Charlottesville.

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On 9/4/2018 at 9:50 PM, BobBKK said:

Come on... security stepped in and senior judges do not make a habit of going around shaking hands with strangers. Easy to snap a photo like that and twist it.

Oh. Please attach the photo showing security guy.. He has been removed from this photo.



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