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28 day on arrival

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Can someone verify this argument if someone comes to thailand on 28 day on arrival they can cross the border twice and that’s it??? We have some backpacker friends visiting in December I posted a question yesterday and ubon joe said you can get a 30 day extension at immagration does this apply for people arriving on just a 28 day stamp could they do two land crossings and a extension at immagration 

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You get a a 30 day visa exempt entry not 28 days. The 30 days includes the date of arrival.

Only 2 visa exempt entries per calendar year are allowed at land border crossings.

Each 30 day visa exempt entry can be extended for 30 days,


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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

You get a a 30 day visa exempt entry not 28 days. The 30 days includes the date of arrival. 


Yes that is technically correct. But on my last visit at Don Muang I got only 29 days... my plane arrived around 12:30 am and I was in front of the IO by 1pm (0100 hours). But he stamped my passport with yesterdays date. Maybe because he was just too lazy to wind the date forward on his rubber stamp... or just forgot. Who Knows?


Anyway it doesnt matter to me as I always plan to be out of the country a few days ahead of the last day.... but I can see how it may matter to some tourist who have booked outbound airline tickets for the 30th day.... ?


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If one will be doing a lot of sort in/out "backpacker" travel, re-entry permits are 1000 Baht, and preserve the "admitted until" date in-effect when they are purchased.  It is limiting, in that one must time things within 30-day blocks. 

An alternative is to get a Tourist Visa (60-day permitted-stay, and can be extended for 30 more) from a Thai consulate in the other nation one visits, while there, before returning to Thaialnd.  Using a re-entry permit on a 60-day permitted stay allows greater flexibility in scheduling future travels.

The best option is to get a Multi-Entry Tourist Visa at a Thai consulate in one's passport-country (only available there) before coming to Thailand, which allows repeat-in/outs with a fresh 60-days given on each entry.

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15 hours ago, Thai Expat said:

So immagration will give you a 30 day extension too?

1. Visa exempt entry - You get 30-days to stay

2. Can extend for another 30-day

3. Land Border crossing 30 day stay

4. Extension 30 day

5. Land border crossing another 30-day

6. Extension 30 day.


Now for 6-months you're in Thailand as a tourist. I wonder how you're financing your stay. May be you have inherited a million and don't want to work and only chase butter flies. What a life!

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Buriram immigration stated that only two visa exempt entries were permitted per year. My son flew in from the USA and we visited Cambodia and he got another 30 day visa exempt entry. Before we made the trip I asked about this subject when I went to purchase my re-entry permit and they clearly stated only two visa exempt entries per year (air or land), and they said if he comes back he would need to get a tourist (or other) type of visa if he came back within a year.

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

Buriram immigration stated that only two visa exempt entries were permitted per year. My son flew in from the USA and we visited Cambodia and he got another 30 day visa exempt entry. Before we made the trip I asked about this subject when I went to purchase my re-entry permit and they clearly stated only two visa exempt entries per year (air or land), and they said if he comes back he would need to get a tourist (or other) type of visa if he came back within a year.

That is not correct. Perhaps a misunderstanding or an officer that not knowing what he was talking about.

By air there is no written limit for visa exempt entries. The 2 entries per calendar year is only for land border crossings.

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

That is not correct. Perhaps a misunderstanding or an officer that not knowing what he was talking about.

By air there is no written limit for visa exempt entries. The 2 entries per calendar year is only for land border crossings.

Thanks for the clarification.

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1 hour ago, onera1961 said:


Now for 6-months you're in Thailand as a tourist. I wonder how you're financing your stay. May be you have inherited a million and don't want to work and only chase butter flies. What a life!

Many foreigners here have non-Thai sources of income.  But if under-50 and not married to a Thai, visa/extension options are limited.

The relatively low cost of living in Thailand is a primary factor influencing many people's decision to live here - so if your "million" refers to Dollars, Euros, or Pounds, it doesn't require nearly that sum to pull it off.

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