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1 or 2 day overstay, need to pay fine?

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You heard some incorrect info.

If leaving from either airport in Bangkok they do not charge the 500 baht fine for one day of overstay. More than one day and it is 500 baht for every day.

At other airports and at border crossing you will be fined 500 baht for one day of overstay.

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

You heard some incorrect info.

If leaving from either airport in Bangkok they do not charge the 500 baht fine for one day of overstay. More than one day and it is 500 baht for every day.

At other airports and at border crossing you will be fined 500 baht for one day of overstay.

If I leave from airport in Bangkok, one day of overstay is ok but need to pay if it is 2 day of overstay ? correct?

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9 hours ago, david kc said:

If I leave from airport in Bangkok, one day of overstay is ok but need to pay if it is 2 day of overstay ? correct?

Correct. As long as you do not overstay more than 24 hours you should not get charged overstay on your way out through the Bangkok airports. 

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I m

17 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

You heard some incorrect info.

I must have gotton lucky, I mistakenly overstayed 2 days but the customs officer let me go.  I asked if I needed to pay but she told me it was ok and not to worry about it.

I think it's like any where else, if you get lucky and run into a customs official that's in a good mood, they'll let you slide.

With that said, I am always polite and dress well when I am travelling and I come to the Kingdom atleast 6-8 times a years without ever over staying.

I been doing this for over 20 years now.

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1 hour ago, flyingtlger said:

I must have gotton lucky, I mistakenly overstayed 2 days but the customs officer let me go.  I asked if I needed to pay but she told me it was ok and not to worry about it.

I think it's like any where else, if you get lucky and run into a customs official that's in a good mood, they'll let you slide.

A customs officer does not fine people for overstay, this is done by an immigration officer

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25 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

After how many days overstay do they stamp your passport with Overstay?

One day is enough to get the stamp if leaving where they charge 500 baht for the overstay.

At the airports in Bangkok they do stamp stating you overstayed less than 24 hours to justify not collecting the fine.

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9 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Ok so when is the mandatory overstay stamp perceived to be a bad thing? Every time? I.e. cause alarm bells at immigration/customs


I would say up to the discretion of the IO

I had a one day overstay a while ago, did never have a problem with it.


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54 minutes ago, jackdd said:

You always get a stamp, even if it's just 1 minute ?

You don’t always get a stamp. There are many reports from people with short overstays that didn’t.


38 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Ok so when is the mandatory overstay stamp perceived to be a bad thing? Every time? I.e. cause alarm bells at immigration/customs

Yes it’s a bad thing, which is why they usually stamp the passport. But most people don’t have any problems with immigration with future entries. I wouldn’t recommend re-entering using visa exemption immediately following an overstay.


Embassies/consulates might not issue future visas with an overstay stamp, but that is not standard practice. I can’t remember where it is, but one consulate reportedly now have that policy.

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Airport they'll likely cut you max 24 hours slack because you cannot control the flight times.  Everything else is as others said "no mercy".  I had a hospital event occur last minute (life threatening event) and they wouldn't hear of it.  Completely outside of my control.  I was actually waiting to try to get a 7 day note to get some space to address the health issue, doc refused.  Border won't accommodate any sob story.  Bodily systems shutting down rapidly, and somehow managed to stumble from pillar to post, sit on the ground when in queues, and lived to tell the tale.  Need to take the fine on the chin, and get past it as quick as you are able.


On the plus side, 1-2 days won't cause you any future issues.  You may (will) be advised not to do it again, and told to tell all your friends the same.  Yes Occifer.

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5 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

I mistakenly overstayed 2 days but the customs officer let me go.  I asked if I needed to pay but she told me it was ok and not to worry about it.

As Jackdd pointed out above, customs officials don't deal with overstays. That would be at the discretion of immigrations officers. 

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When Ive had one day over stay allways been fined and passport stamped with a over stay stamp. These stamps can get you refused entry into Thailand in the future. Im certain these imagration  officers pocket the fines as no reciet is given for the fine. Most Thais rob you blind so just pay up and smile at them.

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