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Video: Yaris vs Ranger: More nutty driving on the Thai roads


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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

My wife and I spent last week in Bangkok running around doing the tourist thing. The traffic is a nightmare. Getting back home to Vientiane was like leaving a rave for a cemetery. I don't know how people live there, man. It would drive me (literally) insane.


Not really letting them off the hook but it does kind of explain some of the wacko behavior of some of the taxi drivers there. Couldn't pay me enough to do that job there. 

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1 hour ago, alien365 said:

The Yaris deserved the side swipe. The dash cam driver also needs to be introduced to some better music.

Your second sentence was really funny.  I will therefore give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your first sentence was supposed to be humourous as well.  If not the case, I hope that I never meet you on the road.

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5 hours ago, Cereal said:

My wife and I spent last week in Bangkok running around doing the tourist thing. The traffic is a nightmare. Getting back home to Vientiane was like leaving a rave for a cemetery. I don't know how people live there, man. It would drive me (literally) insane.


Some of us have been driven insane.

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3 hours ago, connda said:

Notice that the car with the dash cam keeps pace.  If this went south, he would have been involved in the crack-up along with all the cars around who are oblivious.  When I see this stupidity, I slow down and put distance between my vehicle and the rest of the morons on the road,

Yes, keep well back from this kind of driving. If there had been a serious shunt the cam car would undoubtable also been involved. :sad:

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6 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Not sure I would prefer living in a cemetery though.  Been to Vientiane many times and it is certainly sleepy enough compared to the madness of Bangkok.  I guess it is horses for courses and if you have a good woman by your side then...….

Different courses......... golf course, race course and intercourse, all easily available in LOS.:biggrin:

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Your second sentence was really funny.  I will therefore give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your first sentence was supposed to be humourous as well.  If not the case, I hope that I never meet you on the road.

I'm guessing like most on here, when I see someone driving recklessly or too fast behind me I get out of the way. I have no interest in racing or blocking people, rather i try to help maintain traffic flow. The Yaris was fighting fire with fire which never ends well on the roads here. Fortunately no other drivers were affected by these idiots.


Regarding the music, at one point I thought he had hit the jackpot on the slots.

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The footage showed the Ranger cut across from the left before trying to get past the Yaris. 


Actually the dash cam footage shows the Yaris as the initial culprit, cutting in front of the Ranger making him brake

that's why obviously miffed he goes after the Yaris..

Both need some education!

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On ‎9‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 2:15 PM, Cereal said:

My wife and I spent last week in Bangkok running around doing the tourist thing. The traffic is a nightmare. Getting back home to Vientiane was like leaving a rave for a cemetery. I don't know how people live there, man. It would drive me (literally) insane.


Jeez, and I thought the rush hour traffic in Vientienne was bad...

That city certainly ain't the quiet sleepy capital I first visited  15 years ago...

Still love it though...

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On 9/14/2018 at 1:25 PM, holy cow cm said:

and it is not getting better here. all the fines in the world will not make them good drivers. the men with certain vehicles have inflated egos that help increase their anger they have for being so tiny in some other place. not a day goes by in CM I don't have a near miss. 

So that's why the Generals buy tanks?

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20 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

Jeez, and I thought the rush hour traffic in Vientienne was bad...

That city certainly ain't the quiet sleepy capital I first visited  15 years ago...

Still love it though...

Yer absolutely correct there. I moved here in 2006 and there were elephants walking around downtown. There's plenty of traffic here now but it's dead as a doornail compared to Bangkok. I am 100% content with that!

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