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German domestic security agency failed to act on AfD concerns - media


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German domestic security agency failed to act on AfD concerns - media


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Hans-Georg Maassen, President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution arrives for a meeting of the parliamentary committee, that oversees German intelligence agencies in Berlin, Germany, September 12, 2018. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch


BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency failed for months to act on reports from officials in two states voicing concerns about local youth chapters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, the Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported.


The report could strengthen calls for the ouster of BfV president Hans-Georg Maassen, whose critics say he has downplayed anti-migrant violence in the eastern city of Chemnitz and have questioned his relationship with far-right politicians.


Conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who heads the Bavarian conservatives, will meet again on Tuesday to discuss Maassen's fate with Andrea Nahles, the head of the Social Democratic coalition partner, who has called for the spymaster to be fired.


"Mr. Maassen needs to go, and I tell you, he will go," Nahles told reporters late on Saturday.


Maassen came under fire on Sept. 7 after saying he was not convinced far-right extremists had attacked migrants in Chemnitz and questioned the authenticity of a video said to show the violence before his agency finished its assessment. He has since said his comments were misunderstood.


Police are investigating charges of anti-migrant violence and numerous cases of people showing the Hitler salute during protests that erupted in Chemnitz after an Iraqi man and a Syrian were arrested in the fatal stabbing of a German man.


Maassen's ties to the far-right have been questioned in the past. This year, a former leader of the AfD's youth wing, Franziska Schreiber, said Maassen had advised ex-AfD leader Frauke Petry on how the party could avoid being put under surveillance by his agency. He has denied giving such counsel.


Then last week, the BfV was forced to deny a report by public broadcaster ARD that Maassen had told an AfD lawmaker about parts of a report from his agency before it was published.


The newest allegations, to be published by Bild am Sonntag on Sunday, centre on reports sent by state security officials in Bremen and Lower Saxony to Maassen's agency about the AfD youth chapters in their state, and their suspected ties to extremists.


Both states have put the AfD groups under surveillance, but their reports "were left untouched at the BfV headquarters for six months", the newspaper quoted a senior intelligence source as saying. It said the BfV had no response to queries.


It was not immediately clear if or when those reports were brought to the attention of Maassen.


Maassen, meanwhile, is pressing to more than double his staff to 6,000 people by 2021, German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on Saturday, citing sources at the interior ministry.


A spokesman for the interior ministry, which oversees the BfV agency, declined to comment on the Spiegel report, citing restrictions on public information about the agency.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-16
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9 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


did they act about those  strangers from another universe, let in by merkel who attacked and killed innocent German people? did they prevent those wrongdoings?

There have been reports in the public domain of Islamist terror attacks being foiled by German security forces. As you well know would be impossible to stop all terror attacks. There have been domestic far right extremist attacks in Germany, by Germans, with fatalities. So let's hear your critique of the failure of German security to stop far right murders / attacks.

Edited by simple1
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6 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

lets hear also hear about left wing antifa attacks at the g20 summit hamburg, left wing attacks on afd politicians for example member of parliament mr. kaman, afd ....or 2016 new years crimes in cologne committed by asylum seekers




very well versed in far right propaganda. Which group do you belong to?

Edited by simple1
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5 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Stop spreading lies. 


Bad enough that the government institution that is supposed to protect democracy and fight neo-nazis and false information is run by a guy who is doing the opposite (and not only since Chemnitz but with a track record of it). 

Its also supposed to defend German borders and defend against Islamic expansionism. 

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1 minute ago, The manic said:

Its also supposed to defend German borders

No, it's not (But I am not surprised you're spreading wrong information.) 

1 minute ago, The manic said:

and defend against Islamic expansionism. 

Not sure what "Islamic expansionism" you're talking about, but maybe you should consult a therapist for your paranoia.

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

Read a history book some time, use a dictionary or Google.

Any where exactly does it state that (a) the responsibility of the German BfV is to protect the borders, or (b) there is “Islamic expansionism”? 


1 hour ago, The manic said:

Your cheap insults do not belittle me

If you find it insulting that someone calls you out for spreading nonsense then maybe you just shouldn’t spread nonsense? 


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1 hour ago, The manic said:

a million hostile invaders disguised as refugees. At least trump had the right idea. Mad Merkel should have forced the oil rich arab nations to take the dispaced people. 

Calling people fleeing from war “hostile invaders”, suggesting they should be denied their most basic human rights and forced somewhere, and praising a stupid man that is a disgrace for his country and his position — that all says a lot about you. 


If there’s such thing as a second life I hope you will be born in a country of war and crime without having the chance to chill in sunny Thailand. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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10 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

This is just more media brainwashing

Quite amusing that the people who constantly lie and don’t provide any evidence for their claims blame others of brainwashing. 


10 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

because they are scared to death of real Germans

Scared of those unemployed, uneducated neo-nazis in east Germany who came as refugees themselves? 


10 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

waking up and taking their country back. I look forward to seeing a great increase in AFD support!

I have to disappoint your right-wing fantasies but there wont be another Reich. 

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5 hours ago, The manic said:

Spend some time researching how many muslim refugees were taken in by Saudi Arabia,  Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Dubai. Learn the Arab phrase for: 'invasion by immigration' the Manchester murder bomber, a 'refugee' rescued by the British Royal Navy, belonged to a terror group who espoused the philosophy of invasion by immigration.  You should read the history the expulsion of the Jews and Christians driven out of the Middle East, to say nothing of mass expulsions, murder done in places like Afghanistan,  a once Buddhist country.

You really want to invoke history as a proof of Islamic intolerance.

You should read the history the expulsion of the Jews and Muslims driven out of Europe, to say nothing ofmurder done in places like" ... Spain or Central or Eastern Europe.

And the fact is that the Muslim Mughal empire ruled over millions of Hindus. And the  Muslim Turks ruled over millions of Christians in the Balkans. 

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7 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:
  • 2018: Tries to cover neo-nazi attacks on foreigners and jews in Chemnitz by spreading lies.
  • 2018: Tries to prevend intelligence agencies to observe the far-right in Germany.
  • 2016: Fails to prevent the terrorist-attack on the Berlin christmas market despite having several agents spying on the attacker. (Explanation: "There were no spies, and if there were spies, then I wasn't aware of them.") Sends letters to all media asking them to not publish stories about this.
  • 2016: Says Edward Snowden is a russian spy. Cannot provide any evidence, other than his "experience".
  • 2015: Meets right-wing party AfD leader Mrs. Petry several times to share information how they can prevent becoming a target of the German intelligence agencies. Later meets new AfD leader Mr. Gauland several times (explanation: they were concerned about having a Russian spy in their party.)
  • 2015: Tries to sue investigative weblog Netzpolitik.org for treason after they leaked documents about his agency trying to implement mechanisms to spy on German internet users. 
  • 2015: Says that documents regarding the NSU scandal and his spies involved have disappeared is not his agency's responsibility. Says there were no agents spying on the NSU terrorists even though at least one spy was found on a contact list of the terrorist. (The spy died shortly later.) Says that the label "NSDAP/NSU" written on a CD found at the terrorists doesn't necessarily mean it belongs to the NSU.
  • 2002: Prevents to accept an innocent German citizen back into the country, and leaves him rotting in Guantanamo for almost 5 more years. 
  • 1997: Says priests and churches who provide shelter to refugees are "criminal organisations".


There are videos, eyewitness reports, and even a leaked internal police report that state how neo-nazisattacked foreigners and Jews in Chemnitz. Yet Mr. Maaßen claimed -- without having any evidence -- all this "could be" fake news, and later had to publicly withdraw his claims. 


Maybe YOU should start telling the truth?



No. His agency failed to prevent the terrorist attack on the Berlin christmas market even though he had several spies implemented. He then sent letters to all media asking them to not publish stories about this.


Jewish as in the jewish restaurant "Shalom" that was attacked by the neo-nazi groups in Chemnitz that you're trying to defend here?

1. we are talking about 2018, thus the usual unfounded left wing propaganda.


2. by the way mrs petry is not a afd member, so what ??


3. videos others than  left wing extremist " antifa zecken=ticks" video  where ?? right wing people chasing foreigners  in chemnitz?? or like berlin lichtenberg afd stand being set up by certain  people  hiring people like a foreigner to be chased by right wingers in a made up ??


4. internal police reports ....100 covered up people , 30 covered up people moving towards a jewish restaurant ??? covered their faces like antifa or like right wingers ??? thus any arrests, charging, hae???? where are the leaked news , internal police reports ??


5.my jewish people in germany are more concerned about islamic faschism than german right wing idiots or left wing antisemites ala james corbyn.


6. alles was bei herrn maassen vor 2018 passierte ist schnee von gestern = everything happened prior to 2018, concerning mr. maassen is red tape of the past.




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