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Nigerian, Kiwi, Thai charged in Bangkok meth bust


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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I was thinking, ''Does this shirt make me look fat''?

He's actually got the stipes going the right way vertigal.

Helps looks taller even if you are a hobbit .

If they went horizontal he would look like a beach ball and they could roll him to prison.

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2 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

It's an odd name for a Kiwi. Especially the christian name. Isis was an Egyptian goddess though, not prevalent in Greek mythology as far as I know, so I'd be interested to know if it's Greek, Mediterranean or more ancient. Whatever it's derivation, it sounds unusual for a fat, 60 something, mullet wearing Kiwi. Fake passport or free-spirited parents?

"Odd name for a kiwi"? You mean NZ never had any European (e.g., German) immigrants? Someone should tell the Maori... 

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3 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

It's an odd name for a Kiwi. Especially the christian name. Isis was an Egyptian goddess though, not prevalent in Greek mythology as far as I know, so I'd be interested to know if it's Greek, Mediterranean or more ancient. Whatever it's derivation, it sounds unusual for a fat, 60 something, mullet wearing Kiwi. Fake passport or free-spirited parents?

"Whatever it's derivation, it sounds unusual for a fat, 60 something, mullet wearing Kiwi".

So there's a connection between weight, age and hairstyle when it comes to names, is there?  What would you suggest would be a "usual" name for a fat, 60+, long-haired man?

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1 hour ago, Docno said:

"Odd name for a kiwi"? You mean NZ never had any European (e.g., German) immigrants? Someone should tell the Maori... 

Oh dear, not the REIN part, that's a pretty standard Germanic name, I guess. It's the Isidor part that is undoubtedly more uncommon. Why do yourself and a couple of others have a problem understanding that or conflate it with some kind of racial or historical ignorance on my part for simply pointing it out? These are your words above, not mine. I'm perfectly well aware of the Antipodes and their history thanks very much, that being that the majority of non-Maori's descend from British and Irish settlers and Isidor sure ain't a common name with either of those demographics. That's all I'm sayin'.



Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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15 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Pipe down, there is OF COURSE a connection between style, ethnicity, age and names! How many white middle aged men are named Mohammad do you reckon? How many people older than 25 are called Pax, Hunter, Maddox, Zane or Zander or the like? How many people under 70 are called Mable, Agnes, Bessie, Gertrude or something similarly outdated and unpopular? Weight has nothing to do with it, I'm just taking the piss out of him and we all know mullets don't belong on anyone other than eastern Europeans and hillbillies! There's no need to be precious about this, I think my comment is a fair one, there are 'ordinary' aka popular names that white - European descended Kiwis will have and 'Isidor' is not one, that's for sure.

Less of the "pipe down".


"I think my comment is a fair one..."

I don't but I think that my comment was. 


"...there is OF COURSE a connection between style, ethnicity, age and names!"

Originally you made a connection between weight, age and hairstyle, now you've changed it to style, ethnicity and age!  Care to point out the connection between your original suggestion of weight, age, hairstyle and names being corollaries?

Edited by Just Weird
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5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I was thinking, ''Does this shirt make me look fat''?

A Slim Fit shirt forced over a circle make it look Shorter....:giggle:

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4 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

I don't about the prisons here but in The U S at his age his tail hole would be a different size also.by the time he gets out.

Spare us the mental image please ?...check out a movie called "a prayer before dawn" it is about life in a Thai prison and supposed to be fairly realistic.

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1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


Well, if you hadn't piped up with an asinine, nitpicking comment I wouldn't feel compelled to say 'pipe down' ? .

Originally I made a lighthearted remark about his first name 'Isidor' being an unusual one for a white 60 something Kiwi man. The 'mullet wearing' and 'fat' parts were just jibes, as I feel both are something that is fair play to ridicule, you may disagree, but I couldn't care less, it's a free internet. 


You then made the comment that 

So you invoked the fact that age and style have nothing to do with a name, when as I pointed out they do. There's such a thing as fashion and trend, and mullets, like other fashions (such as names) go in and out of vogue mate, simple as that and I think you must know it? Ethnicity is just another parameter I used to show the variance of names - depending on where you're from certain monickers are more or less used, and as that is part of the initial issue, it's an unusual name for a white Kiwi to have, I think it's fair to say. Why you're seemingly so offended is beyond me. Comment and let comment. Jeesh.

How do you get free internet??

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