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"Lovely" farang to the rescue! Dog saved from becoming dinner by Westerner


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Not to rain on anybody's parade but this is a restaurant in Northern China in Jilin province. Notice the sign of the golden retriever on the restaurant. Yep, they only sell dog meat. This is Songyuan city, population about 2 million. There are dozens if not hundreds of these restaurants there and other provinces in the north. The Chinese eat dog full on in 'style'. Go to Vietnam on the other hand and the cooked dogs are piled like chickens from street vendors selling parts or whole dogs. I have never tried dog meat when I was there but my associates from UK, Scotland and Oz all did and liked it. While we're on the subject they also sell donkey meat in some restaurants and markets. I will tell you I have eaten alligator tail and it wasn't bad.


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11 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Better the dish of the day is a lovely little spring lamb? (don't mind me, the whole business of eating animals just seems odd).

Seems  no odder  to me than  ripping an innocent carrot  out of the ground slicing it up and boiling it, only difference is you don't hear it scream.

Carnivores, Omnivores, Herbivores, all nature, and if you want to believe in  a fantasy God then he "created"  all this

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19 hours ago, pegman said:

That skinhead should mine his own business. There is a terrible problem with the huge  population of strays here. That shop was helping to solve the problem. If this culture treats dogs and pigs alike who are we to interfer. What if Hindus went to his home country and bought live cows and set them free? Would he be outraged that a foreigner came there and tried to change the culture? Same with Muslins or Jews and pigs. 

What is a Muslin? And how does one Mine his own business? Your viewpoint is on a par with your intellect - Narrow and worryingly lacking.


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12 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Agree 100%!

Also, some people cannot afford beef,chicken or pork.

Cats and dogs are just as tasty - and freely available in every soi.

In India - they eat rats. In Esaan they eat rats, 

In Thailand they eat snas, scorpions, insects. In Cambodia - Spiders

China/HK, Korea they eat dog.

In France, they eat horse

In Japan they eat dolphins, Minke whales and seals

In Canada, (or around there), they cull seals by the thousand - bludgeoning them to death with clubs.... don't they? 

In Australia they eat Kangaroo

In the Mediterranean, they eat octopus, shark and swordfish

In Africa - they eat what they can get. Monkey, elephant, crocodile

Why are the verminous, vicious canines thought to be exempt. 

Cheap food and easily found. Butchered or not.They provide food.


BBQ'd is best. Cat tastes just like rabbit.



....and in survival situations humans have eaten humans......not to mention the victors in primative tribal warfare consuming the defeated.

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18 hours ago, Toknarok said:

      This man runs a dog shelter in Ban Kruat in Southern Buriram Province.I cannot remember his name but I think he is Austrian.

      The shelter is a charity supported but donations from overseas.

       At any one time the place holds about 150 stray and abandoned animals. The dogs are kept for a couple of weeks and if a home cannot be found for them they are euthanised.

Just too many soi dogs on the go with no natural prediture other than the traffic.

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7 hours ago, NickJ said:

Dogs and Horses. Off the menu for me. I guess pigeon as well. All the awards and all. Dogs helped protect us in the pre history time. Horses made the world a better place. 

Throughout history, dogs and horses have been important. Dogs, rightly, to protect. However, when food became scarce, dogs became the food source.


As for horses,have a quick read about horses during WW1 and WWll. The numbers are staggering if you want to know about Man's inhumanity towards horses. Surpassed only by man's inhumanity towards mankind!



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34 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Agree 100%!

Also, some people cannot afford beef,chicken or pork.

Cats and dogs are just as tasty - and freely available in every soi.

In India - they eat rats. In Esaan they eat rats, 

In Thailand they eat snas, scorpions, insects. In Cambodia - Spiders

China/HK, Korea they eat dog.

In France, they eat horse

In Japan they eat dolphins, Minke whales and seals

In Canada, (or around there), they cull seals by the thousand - bludgeoning them to death with clubs.... don't they? 

In Australia they eat Kangaroo

In the Mediterranean, they eat octopus, shark and swordfish

In Africa - they eat what they can get. Monkey, elephant, crocodile

Why are the verminous, vicious canines thought to be exempt. 

Cheap food and easily found. Butchered or not.They provide food.


BBQ'd is best. Cat tastes just like rabbit.



What a world we live in, and with such neighbours!

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21 hours ago, pegman said:

That skinhead should mine his own business. There is a terrible problem with the huge  population of strays here. That shop was helping to solve the problem. If this culture treats dogs and pigs alike who are we to interfer. What if Hindus went to his home country and bought live cows and set them free? Would he be outraged that a foreigner came there and tried to change the culture? Same with Muslins or Jews and pigs. 

I wonder whether you'd have the same opinion if you were a stray dog?

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21 hours ago, pegman said:

That skinhead should mine his own business. There is a terrible problem with the huge  population of strays here. That shop was helping to solve the problem. If this culture treats dogs and pigs alike who are we to interfer. What if Hindus went to his home country and bought live cows and set them free? Would he be outraged that a foreigner came there and tried to change the culture? Same with Muslins or Jews and pigs. 

You should follow your own advice. I appreciate that you have a chip on your shoulder and  believe that only your brand of socialism has merit, but you once again make multiple erroneous assumptions, such that one must speak out against the violent hate trolling you espouse.


You try and cover your ignorant position by claiming that the dog carcass merchants are  tackling  the stray population. WRONG. The  dogs are raised under some of the most horrific and cruel conditions, much like pigs are.  When other dogs  make their way to these  butchers, it is because they  are either companion animals stolen by these merchants  or are ferals in bad shape. The strays who can not escape  are either sick with disease and  parasites which have weakened them.  You advocate their consumption. Brilliant. I suppose one should not expect more from  you, but you obviously have  no understanding of  food hygiene; or perhaps, eating such things is fine for the little people who require your political and social guidance.


 Your comment at its core speaks to your inherent bigotry, when you toss out the customs of Hindus, Jews and  Muslims. India has the largest Muslim population in the world and its Muslims consume beef. India is a predominately Hindu country. Israel has pork production. The man you hate, the former PM of Israel Ariel Sharon is considered the patron saint of the Israeli pork industry because of the subsidies he provided, and the fact that he was a fan of bacon and eggs. The point being that you are trying to justify a wrongful act by  using the imaginary practices of your bogeyman to  cause a reaction here.


You claim that you know so much about Thailand and so respect the culture. What garbage. I'll go a step farther, and state that your comment is  offensive and an affront to Thai Buddhists. Every beginner knows that Theravada form  in Thailand does not allow for the consumption of animal products if the animal is specifically slaughtered  for the person's consumption. Dog meat owners typically select their dogs to eat, and it is Asian custom to terrify and torture the animal before slaugher as it is believe a terrified  animal that is slaughtered has more "healthful" properties. Furthermore, only  fish, poultry and pork was interpreted to be allowed to be eaten. 


If you want to spout your holier than thou interpretation of local cultural practices then have the courtesy of learning something about the actual culture and not seek a means to justify the cruel deviant behaviours of  evil  merchants. There is a very specific religious reason why  Thai buddhists are not to eat dogs, educate yourself.


These dog meat merchants are not even supposed to be legal. There was an initiative to close them down years ago. Obviously, they have come back to life under the current administration.


Defending the indefensible is wrong. Making false claims about the local religion and culture and other countries religious practices is reprehensible.




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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

You should follow your own advice. I appreciate that you have a chip on your shoulder and  believe that only your brand of socialism has merit, but you once again make multiple erroneous assumptions, such that one must speak out against the violent hate trolling you espouse.


You try and cover your ignorant position by claiming that the dog carcass merchants are  tackling  the stray population. WRONG. The  dogs are raised under some of the most horrific and cruel conditions, much like pigs are.  When other dogs  make their way to these  butchers, it is because they  are either companion animals stolen by these merchants  or are ferals in bad shape. The strays who can not escape  are either sick with disease and  parasites which have weakened them.  You advocate their consumption. Brilliant. I suppose one should not expect more from  you, but you obviously have  no understanding of  food hygiene; or perhaps, eating such things is fine for the little people who require your political and social guidance.


 Your comment at its core speaks to your inherent bigotry, when you toss out the customs of Hindus, Jews and  Muslims. India has the largest Muslim population in the world and its Muslims consume beef. India is a predominately Hindu country. Israel has pork production. The man you hate, the former PM of Israel Ariel Sharon is considered the patron saint of the Israeli pork industry because of the subsidies he provided, and the fact that he was a fan of bacon and eggs. The point being that you are trying to justify a wrongful act by  using the imaginary practices of your bogeyman to  cause a reaction here.


You claim that you know so much about Thailand and so respect the culture. What garbage. I'll go a step farther, and state that your comment is  offensive and an affront to Thai Buddhists. Every beginner knows that Theravada form  in Thailand does not allow for the consumption of animal products if the animal is specifically slaughtered  for the person's consumption. Dog meat owners typically select their dogs to eat, and it is Asian custom to terrify and torture the animal before slaugher as it is believe a terrified  animal that is slaughtered has more "healthful" properties. Furthermore, only  fish, poultry and pork was interpreted to be allowed to be eaten. 


If you want to spout your holier than thou interpretation of local cultural practices then have the courtesy of learning something about the actual culture and not seek a means to justify the cruel deviant behaviours of  evil  merchants. There is a very specific religious reason why  Thai buddhists are not to eat dogs, educate yourself.


These dog meat merchants are not even supposed to be legal. There was an initiative to close them down years ago. Obviously, they have come back to life under the current administration.


Defending the indefensible is wrong. Making false claims about the local religion and culture and other countries religious practices is reprehensible.




Game, set and match!!

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37 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Dogs don't have opinions as they're not sentient beings. Back on the menu.

Dogs are indeed sentient beings. If you do not have a grasp of animal physiology or comparative cognitive skills, keep quiet. 2700+  peer reviewed studies support this position.

Also, considering that this matter is in Thailand you should make the effort to learn a little bit about the state sanctioned religion, which considers  dogs to be sentient.

Your statement would be laughable, but laughing at ignorance is cruel.


Are you really this clueless or are you trying to wind people up?




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59 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Dogs are indeed sentient beings. If you do not have a grasp of animal physiology or comparative cognitive skills, keep quiet. 2700+  peer reviewed studies support this position.

Also, considering that this matter is in Thailand you should make the effort to learn a little bit about the state sanctioned religion, which considers  dogs to be sentient.

Your statement would be laughable, but laughing at ignorance is cruel.


Are you really this clueless or are you trying to wind people up?




Have never equated Spicoli with sentient being.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

You should follow your own advice. I appreciate that you have a chip on your shoulder and  believe that only your brand of socialism has merit, but you once again make multiple erroneous assumptions, such that one must speak out against the violent hate trolling you espouse.


You try and cover your ignorant position by claiming that the dog carcass merchants are  tackling  the stray population. WRONG. The  dogs are raised under some of the most horrific and cruel conditions, much like pigs are.  When other dogs  make their way to these  butchers, it is because they  are either companion animals stolen by these merchants  or are ferals in bad shape. The strays who can not escape  are either sick with disease and  parasites which have weakened them.  You advocate their consumption. Brilliant. I suppose one should not expect more from  you, but you obviously have  no understanding of  food hygiene; or perhaps, eating such things is fine for the little people who require your political and social guidance.


 Your comment at its core speaks to your inherent bigotry, when you toss out the customs of Hindus, Jews and  Muslims. India has the largest Muslim population in the world and its Muslims consume beef. India is a predominately Hindu country. Israel has pork production. The man you hate, the former PM of Israel Ariel Sharon is considered the patron saint of the Israeli pork industry because of the subsidies he provided, and the fact that he was a fan of bacon and eggs. The point being that you are trying to justify a wrongful act by  using the imaginary practices of your bogeyman to  cause a reaction here.


You claim that you know so much about Thailand and so respect the culture. What garbage. I'll go a step farther, and state that your comment is  offensive and an affront to Thai Buddhists. Every beginner knows that Theravada form  in Thailand does not allow for the consumption of animal products if the animal is specifically slaughtered  for the person's consumption. Dog meat owners typically select their dogs to eat, and it is Asian custom to terrify and torture the animal before slaugher as it is believe a terrified  animal that is slaughtered has more "healthful" properties. Furthermore, only  fish, poultry and pork was interpreted to be allowed to be eaten. 


If you want to spout your holier than thou interpretation of local cultural practices then have the courtesy of learning something about the actual culture and not seek a means to justify the cruel deviant behaviours of  evil  merchants. There is a very specific religious reason why  Thai buddhists are not to eat dogs, educate yourself.


These dog meat merchants are not even supposed to be legal. There was an initiative to close them down years ago. Obviously, they have come back to life under the current administration.


Defending the indefensible is wrong. Making false claims about the local religion and culture and other countries religious practices is reprehensible.




Religions, whether local or from far are nonsense. As the great Jesse Ventura often stated their sole purpose is for weak minded people, such as yourself, to be able to deal with death. As for "Defending the indefensible is wrong." am I to presume you have finally come around on your defence of the evil apartheid state? The rest of your diatribe is just more of your self justifying. There are too many strays in Thailand and they are a real danger to the public. I say safety for the people over rabid mongrels.  

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46 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

The anthropomorphism of animals can be indicative of being dysfunctional in forming a relationship with another person -  for when you can't relate to other humans there's not a lot of choice left. 


I can certainly see that being the case with Spicoli. Either that or those decades of high potent Ganga reefers have taken their toll.

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23 minutes ago, Kim J said:

Dog meat is quite acceptable. The only drawback is once you have eaten it other dogs can become aggressive towards you. I understand it is a scent thing.


23 minutes ago, Kim J said:

Dog meat is quite acceptable. The only drawback is once you have eaten it other dogs can become aggressive towards you. I understand it is a scent thing.


Mr Spock.jpg

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23 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

So what is wrong with eating horse meat? In Holland you can buy and eat, very good meat to eat.

We kill a rhinoceros only for the horn, a tigre only for his penis. Many sharks only for their fins.

I ate crocodile in the philippines, i ate ostrich steak here back home, rabbit, lamb, deer.

In thailand you can eat spiders, crickets, worms, very protein rich. Maybe i ate dog in Thailand, i dont know. 

Not to forget , humans are the top predators and eat all kinds of meat.

And even at one time, we ate each other (or still? you will not hear)

Absolutely nothing, the question is why do people find eating dogs so abhorrent?

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22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Beef,Chicken and Pork are not called Fido,Butch, and Spot,

and don't jump about wagging their tails when you arrive

home from work ,even more pleased to see you than the wife !

regards Worgeordie

I bet they would jump around on a BBQ as well. It is an animal and like it or not people eat animals just like animals eat other animals

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17 hours ago, midasthailand said:

As are people!! Should we eat them too? Perhaps a homless person is a bit like a stray dog!

Parts of the world I have been to they do. Actually you can eat a human in quite a few countries and not be breaking the law

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