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Vernon Unsworth – who is the Thai cave rescue diver suing Elon Musk for calling him 'paedo guy'?


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49 minutes ago, sebastion said:

What did Vern do that was heroic?
All he did was give experience of his previous adventures into the cave. He didn't put scuba gear on and enter the cave.

Hero's are the ones that went in. Not pontificating outside.

Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk


You are absolutely correct in what you say.


BTW what did you do to help the boys?

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4 hours ago, davidst01 said:

why such a small amount. Its a bit weird isnt it? If he persued this in a U.S courtroom surely he could get millions. He sounds a bit clueless if he is only going for 70k


$75K is the minimum damage amount for that particular court to have jurisdiction.  seems he just wants to clear his name and get elon to shut up.


i'm thinking elon just wants the tesla board to fire him before the company goes "bankwupt."

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3 hours ago, harrry said:

It should be made clear that product ( an inflatable stretcher) is not the rigid cylindrical metal tube he bought to Thailand.

That is like saying "It should be made clear the earth is round". And what exactly is your point? The orange sub was designed, developed, and tested specifically for this cave rescue to be used in the tightest area of the cave. The cylindrical sub you refer to was for elsewhere in the cave system.


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30 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Unsworth basically told Musk his submarine was useless, which was true.

Richard Stanton, one of two British cave divers who found the kids told Elon regarding the sub "It is absolutely worth continuing with the development of this system in as timely manner as feasible". I think most people will trust the judgement of the cave experts who were there, envisioned the idea of the sub, asked Elon for it, and were crucial in its very design.


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Just now, canopy said:

Richard Stanton, one of two British cave divers who found the kids told Elon regarding the sub "It is absolutely worth continuing with the development of this system in as timely manner as feasible". I think most people will trust the judgement of the cave experts who were there, envisioned the idea of the sub, asked Elon for it, and were crucial in its very design.


There's a big gap between "development" and having something that actually works after stringent testing. As I recall, the window for getting the kids out before more flooding occurred was too narrow for that to happen.

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2 hours ago, Ossy said:

The last five to be rescued were already on their way out when Musk showed up . . . 

Just imagine for a moment if for some reason they needed the sub in a life threatening situation and Elon was nowhere to be found. You would crucify him of course. Elon showed up because he cared about the kids and if there was any way he could help, he was there and ready. It's like having all star players on the bench ready for action if called upon. A very admirable move.


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8 hours ago, z42 said:

Hero or not, the amounts of money that will likely be sought for a few hurt feelings (because nobody really believes he is a paedophile) are staggering.

Whatever he gets he should donate to charity. Man up you fool, you started it and now are milking it for far more than it's worth.

This is a pathetic side show that puts nobody in a positive light and only serves to make greedy lawyers and media sources mega money

Calling someone a Peadophile is far more worse than saying "you can stick your submarine up your ass". 


Musk, should know better, simple as that

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3 hours ago, Ossy said:

You're not a shareholder by any chance, are you?

Funny you should ask that. After seeing the A+ job Elon orchestrated under such extreme time pressure I have to admit I became interested in just that. I mean the entire chain of command was exemplary. The initiative of Elon, the design, the fit and finish, the divers validation testing in the water, the logistics, everything. It was an incredible display of talent and teamwork that achieved the impossible. That is going to be one very tough company to compete with. You aren't by chance shorting the stock are you?


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4 hours ago, harrry said:

It should be made clear that product ( an inflatable stretcher) is not the rigid cylindrical metal tube he bought to Thailand.

I would like to see more of the actual kit used in the rescue including the pumping units - the logistics of the operation were massive. I guess there will be an official report in due course - from the Navy Seals perhaps.

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9 minutes ago, canopy said:

Funny you should ask that. After seeing the A+ job Elon orchestrated under such extreme time pressure I have to admit I became interested in just that. I mean the entire chain of command was exemplary. The initiative of Elon, the design, the fit and finish, the divers validation testing in the water, the logistics, everything. It was an incredible display of talent and teamwork that achieved the impossible. That is going to be one very tough company to compete with. You aren't by chance shorting the stock are you?


OK, canopy, you've convinced me. Call your Musk pal and ask him to send Ossy a share. Yes, just the one … you think I'm made of money.

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RE - Vernon Unsworth – who is the Thai cave rescue diver


Fantastic that the media still NOT have understood that Vernon NEVER dived 1 single meter....so the NeXT Vernon could do is to sue the media for claiming him for something he never did (diving) and never been (a Cave diver)...

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It would all have been neutralized out had Musk decided not to have the final word and reignite the fire imo. 


The price of recrational activity , overactive fingers and social media. 


I’m sure he will never do anything so dumb again. ?

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8 minutes ago, Derek B said:

I would like to see more of the actual kit used in the rescue including the pumping units - the logistics of the operation were massive. I guess there will be an official report in due course - from the Navy Seals perhaps.


This is actual footage from the rescue. There were some very close calls and problems with it along the way. The masks getting displaced was an ever present danger in 0 visibility water and with the kids sedated the rescuers would be hauling a corpse and never know it. The expected odds of losing some of the kids was very high among the rescuers with this rig. It's a miracle they had a 100% success rate with this system due in no small part to the heroism of those that were there. Now close your eyes and imagine for a moment if Elon had designed this contraption what people would be saying about it. Exactly...



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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

musk has some mental issues not sure if he could admit to that and use it in his defence somehow.

with regards vern, he did bring the right guys to the cave and deserves praise, should have slated muskies sub a little more subtle but didn't deserve the response he got, especially the second time.

so he'll get an elite visa which will be handy for him but as he is no doubt on retirement visa all that really gives him is a few less hours each year doing his extension.

63 years old. couple of million USD from a guy as rich and obnoxious as musk, i'd bloody sue him too and enjoy the rest of my days basically. won't get the chance again

Dont forget no long queues at immigration elite are fast tracked.

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1 hour ago, micmichd said:


People believe what they're told in the media. 

It's not the ones that are directly concerned (they know it better) but those who listen to the media. 

How can Thailand ever get quality tourists when everyone in the West is told that the country is like Sodom and Gomorrah?

The media is the place where this happened, and the media is the place where it should be solved.

Exactly right. If  a man is accused of rape or of any sexual offence or of being some kind of sexual deviant or pervert, especially if a prominent person or someone well known, it then becomes a media circus and even is found no evidence, the seeds are sown leaving doubts in people`s minds that can ruin reputations, careers and discredit an accused.  Oh look it`s him, wasn`t he once accused of being a pedo.


Musk is doing this out of revenge for having lost face and even if Musk losses the case and it costs him a $1 million, being a billionaire, is only small change to him.

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4 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Calling someone's product "rubbish" is not in the same league as being called a Paedophile in return.  Long after all this is over, there will be many people who will associate Vern's name with that taunt, while Musk's product will be long forgotten.  Some mud always sticks. 

good thing I don't have vivid associations every time i think of people who are buttheads.   Once had a g/f who had

a large B tatoo on each of her butt cheeks.   Couldn't figure it out till she told me her first love was named BOB..

Edited by rumak
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5 hours ago, Topah said:

Just common greed. This guy wants the money. If he has balls to rescue those children, he can take one nasty word. He made Elon mad saying something first if I remember right and Elon really tried to help in my opinion and got angry. 

No I don't think so.

If I was Vernon I would sue, too. And for the highest amount possible . Not because of greed but to make him pay as much as possible. It would be for satisfaction.

Musk said this in public to be known all over the world. Not in a small private round where a heartfelt apology would be ok.

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16 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

It would all have been neutralized out had Musk decided not to have the final word and reignite the fire imo. 


The price of recrational activity , overactive fingers and social media. 


I’m sure he will never do anything so dumb again. ?

If you are bi-polar, you will repeat (costly) mistakes as it is a part of the diagnosis….

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Just now, ttrd said:

If you are bi-polar, you will repeat mistakes as it is a part of the diagnosis….

I liken him to some of the posters I see on TV. They always have to have the last say, argumentative, self righteous and go heaven and earth to prove their point however ridiculous. 

Of course , ultimately it’s just self ego. In his case a costly one. 

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2 hours ago, sebastion said:

What did Vern do that was heroic?
All he did was give experience of his previous adventures into the cave. He didn't put scuba gear on and enter the cave.

Hero's are the ones that went in. Not pontificating outside.

Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

By all accounts it was an heroric effort by all involved - not everyone had to enter the cave to provide a valuable contribution.               

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2 hours ago, sebastion said:

What did Vern do that was heroic?
All he did was give experience of his previous adventures into the cave. He didn't put scuba gear on and enter the cave.

Hero's are the ones that went in. Not pontificating outside.

Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

He created a list with the names of the real Cave divers and handed it over to the authorities in addition to ridicule Musk's contribution…

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12 minutes ago, canopy said:

The experts were forced to commit to their best option under extreme time pressures and execute it right away. Thankfully, it worked due to no small amount of heroism start to finish

You're just had a large one of whatever you were drinking after lunch . . . come on, admit it. Either that or you're in a conspiracy with Elon and you've promised to say the most outrageously good things about his mini-sub/inflatable stretcher thing until Vern chickens out and changes his mind about suing. Bloody clever things, these conspiracies . . . did I tell you about the one I've been reading about - Thailand's Cave Conspiracy? A good read, it's on Amazon for a couple of squid and by another Lancastrian, I think, or maybe a Yorkshireman, but they're not as bad as people say. Seriously, though, canopy, you are only trying to wind us all up with your crazy Musk remarks, aren't you? You say 'the experts' - presumably the Musk mob - 'executed it' and that 'it worked'. You'll be telling us next that the mini-sub/inflatable stretcher/kiddies play-pool toy or whatever you choose to call it was actually used to extricate the last one out of the cave, the team coach, of course. I'll bet he was relieved when the SEAL's carted that through, to Pattaya Beach and passed it to him with the typical Thai shrug of the shoulders. A wind-up, right?

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Yeah, so I would go with the defense that Unsworth first told Musk to put the submarine "where the sun don't shine" and thereby started this argument... it's really like "the guy who throw the fist punch is now suing the other guy because he lost the fight"! Unsworth has spend to long time in Thailand and has apparently adapted the same mentality... If I hit you and you hit me back, then I bring my friends to help me beat the shit out of you!

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1 hour ago, canopy said:

Just imagine for a moment if for some reason they needed the sub in a life threatening situation and Elon was nowhere to be found. You would crucify him of course. Elon showed up because he cared about the kids and if there was any way he could help, he was there and ready. It's like having all star players on the bench ready for action if called upon. A very admirable move.


Haha , sure ..  a supercilious, sneering "all star S**t head" who would probably sink his own team If "called upon" !! Think about it .. 

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