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The unfair Thai Banking system

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Capitalism is supposed to solve this through competition.. if a bank can make 50000 on a transfer there is plenty of room for competition.. but Banks don't compete with each other. Pretty sure it's illegal but good luck proving it.. and it goes for all banks in the world from my experience.

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1 minute ago, prakhonchai nick said:

If from the UK, can you not use Transferwise to send money to a Thai bank?. Their rates are well above TT rates  in fact they use XE rate, and their charges are much lower than Thai banks

Can't get an FET using Transferwise, quite rightly too.

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A transfer via the big banks, HSBC UK to a Thai bank costs four Pounds plus a recording fee on the Thai end of about 500 baht, in addition, for large sums, the Thai bank Treasury department will allow you to negotiate the exchange rate which is already one of the best around (TT rate). Where's the beef!

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OP, better check your arithmetic before you start whining about finance...right now there is 80 Satang difference between Superrich’s listed cash exchange rate and a TT transfer to BKK Bank, so on a 20000 pound exchange that is only 16000 baht difference, not the 50000 you claimed. Is 16000 baht going to make much difference when you are buying a multi million baht condo ?

 If you are just making a regular transfer for living expenses and do not need the exchange certificate why not use somebody like Transferwise, although in my experience with larger sums their sliding scale fees are worse than the fixed fee charged by my bank even though their publicized exchange rate is better.

 And if you think the local banks’ FX margin is unfair don’t ever try to deal with Australian banks !

Edited by MikeN
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21 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Can't get an FET using Transferwise, quite rightly too.

Why "quite rightly too"?  Thai banks want "their cake and eat it!"

Currency exchange and the purchase of a condominium by foreigners

One of the requirements for foreign ownership under the Thailand Condominium Act (section 19) is that a foreigner has remitted into Thailand the full purchase price of the condo in foreign currency. The handling bank in Thailand must upon request issue an official copy of the FET-form (Foreign Exchange Transaction Form) or a prepare credit note and bank letter of guarantee containing the same information as the foreign currency exchange transaction reporting form as proof of the remittance and exchange of foreign currency into Thai baht by the foreigner.


There is a Thai handling bank involved when transferring via TRANSFERWISE!

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40 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Can't get an FET using Transferwise, quite rightly too.

I saw some guys posting in a pattaya facebook group the other day, adamant that they got a FET from transferwise. Apparently as easy as contacting them when you transfer, they generate an FET as the person being the "sender" into a Thai account.


Maybe rubbish but these guys appeared genuine.

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47 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I saw some guys posting in a pattaya facebook group the other day, adamant that they got a FET from transferwise. Apparently as easy as contacting them when you transfer, they generate an FET as the person being the "sender" into a Thai account.


Maybe rubbish but these guys appeared genuine.

Worth investigating for those in need.  A small charge would be perfectly acceptable.

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When sending US Dollars to a Thai Bank- I usually get the TT rate. Also. if I use an ATM  in Thailand with a US Debit Card- the rate is  normally the TT rate.


The main irritation about Thai banks is the 220 Baht fee per ATM transaction and the limits banks put on the amount to be taken out. The limits are not for security but to make money for the banks on fees.

At one time- I used to bring in large amounts by travelers check in $500 denominations.  I could get them free of charge from my US bank and the single check fee was 33 Baht per check. A few years ago the Thai banking system raised the single check fee to 153 Baht per check ( 500% increase) and  the US bank got rid of the $500 check and dropped the limit to $100.00.  Again, all of this done to raise more monies for the banks.


As bad as the  Thai banks are- the worst example  was when I walked into a large American bank in Los Angeles and asked to change a $100 Bill and they refused because I didn't have an account with them.   Talk about piss poor customer relations.

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I have to say Thai banks are pretty fair in regards to FX compare to western banks, which are the real rip off kings. But comparing Banks to Superich is like comparing apples to oranges. There are regulations in regards to how much money people can carry to prevent money laundering. Its the same in pretty much every country.

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3 minutes ago, mike324 said:

I have to say Thai banks are pretty fair in regards to FX compare to western banks, which are the real rip off kings. But comparing Banks to Superich is like comparing apples to oranges. There are regulations in regards to how much money people can carry to prevent money laundering. Its the same in pretty much every country.

My post having reference Superrich was a comment they pay more so I use them if I have cash. Wouldn’t you if you had cash. And when I do bring cash back I bring the legal amount without the need to declare. 

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2 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

My post having reference Superrich was a comment they pay more so I use them if I have cash. Wouldn’t you if you had cash. And when I do bring cash back I bring the legal amount without the need to declare. 

Yes, if I could I would also bring in the legal limit and exchange cash at super rich. But the OP complaining about banks vs FX companies like superrich, is still comparing apples to oranges. 

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I don’t get the OPs point I’m afraid. I regularly transfer in £10000 from the UK. I use FC Exchange in London in the first instance. They give me an agreed rate for THB which is never more than 30 satang off the Superich HQ rate. They transfer it straight to my Bangkok Bank account. There is no charge from FCE on transactions over £10k and Bangkok Bank charge me 500 baht incoming charge - irrespective of incoming amount. Very cost effective in my option 

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5 minutes ago, Griffo63 said:

I don’t get the OPs point I’m afraid. I regularly transfer in £10000 from the UK. I use FC Exchange in London in the first instance. They give me an agreed rate for THB which is never more than 30 satang off the Superich HQ rate. They transfer it straight to my Bangkok Bank account. There is no charge from FCE on transactions over £10k and Bangkok Bank charge me 500 baht incoming charge - irrespective of incoming amount. Very cost effective in my option 

The OP is basically blaming the Thai banking system for the low international value of his home country currency. 

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25 minutes ago, Griffo63 said:

I don’t get the OPs point I’m afraid. I regularly transfer in £10000 from the UK. I use FC Exchange in London in the first instance. They give me an agreed rate for THB which is never more than 30 satang off the Superich HQ rate. They transfer it straight to my Bangkok Bank account. There is no charge from FCE on transactions over £10k and Bangkok Bank charge me 500 baht incoming charge - irrespective of incoming amount. Very cost effective in my option 

In the case of the OP his point is having to transfer in sterling and change it into Thai baht following the transfer. In your case, you are changing sterling into Thai baht and then transferring it to Thailand. The OP doen't has the option to do this under the requirements for purchasing a condo in Thailand.

Edited by nahkit
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3 minutes ago, nahkit said:

In the case of the OP his point is having to transfer in sterling and change it into Thai baht following the transfer. In your case, you are changing sterling into Thai baht and then transferring it to Thailand.

The OP's point(s) are not about having to change his funds into Baht, he could keep them in Sterling if he wished. The OP's point is that he wants an FX company rate and the Thai banks won't give him one, for reasons already explained.

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3 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The OP's point(s) are not about having to change his funds into Baht, he could keep them in Sterling if he wished. The OP's point is that he wants an FX company rate and the Thai banks won't give him one, for reasons already explained.

The OP's point is about having to transfer funds into the country in Sterling in order to purchase a condo and thus not getting the exchange rates offered by FX companies. 

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2 hours ago, yankee99 said:

Superrich 42.65

Bkk bank 42.14


about 10,000 baht difference on £20,000

I'm not sure about your numbers! The average GBP/THB exchange rate for TT's currently is 42.03, the average rate for notes is 41.79, on GBP20k that's a difference of less than 5k baht. And let's not forget the value associated with NOT having to carry 20k Pounds all the way from the UK to the back streets of Thailand.https://daytodaydata.net/

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If anyone really wants to have a moan about Thai banks they should look at the difference between the deposit interest rates on a regular savings account and the rates charged on a personal loan.


"Up to" 1.5% on a deposit account.


"From" 15% on a personal loan.



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37 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

I didn't know that, thanks.

Is there an additional charge by the Thai bank when transferring money from overseas using Transferwise?  This charge is normally about 500 baht when sending Sterling from abroad but as Transferwise money is sent internally as baht from a Thai bank to your receiving bank I assume such a charge does not apply and you receive the full quoted Thai amount?

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