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Donald Trump urged Spain to 'build the wall' – across the Sahara


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2 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Ask the Germans for help. They are experienced in building walls.

Nah, trump says, "I build really good walls, really good, the best". He's already the most experienced (according to him anyway).

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Unfortunately this wall does not work. Spain is being flooded now and all "migrants" head to UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland.. If I were to be a taxpayer in those countries I would be more than happy if part of my taxes were used for border control.


Spain: Hundreds of migrants storm Spain-Morocco border defences


Edited by FinChin67
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6 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Spain does have a couple of small enclaves in North Africa, Melilla and Cueta, but whether they count as the Sahara is a matter of opinion.


hardly a matter of opinion, Melilla and Ceuta are at the Med. foot of Riff


Sahara is on the other side  of Atlas


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There is a much easier solution for Spain. Leave the EU who have inflicted Europe with a major problem of hundreds of thousands migrating from the Middle East to Europe, who tend not to intigrate and form their own enclaves thereby putting up social barriers between them and the indigenous people of the European Countries.  A badly thought out policy by Merkle which is now becoming a nightmare!

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22 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

He commented on the topic. Stop shouting at people and don't try to shut down an open debate.


Just sayin'!


Donald Trump urged Spain to 'build the wall' – across the Sahara


In case you forgot!

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I know not all Americans are stupid. But it seems the majority of the voters are stupid and/or ignorant.

Trump did not change since he is president. He is the same moron like he was before the election. And people voted for him.

The USA have the president they deserve.


I am sorry for the smart Americans, I know they exist. Please educate the rest of your country. They really need it.

Less that 50% voted for him...


And many of those that did thought the stories about him being a Moron was fake news, and others thought a Moron was a person of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...:whistling:

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12 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Less that 50% voted for him...


And many of those that did thought the stories about him being a Moron was fake news, and others thought a Moron was a person of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...:whistling:

That's a post that requires further discussion. ???

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14 hours ago, pegman said:

And half of all Americans nod in agreement.


Nope - less than one-fifth, but that's probably cold comfort.  If we're talking about just the voting population, then it's just over one-quarter at 27%.


Edited by attrayant
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16 hours ago, pegman said:

And half of all Americans nod in agreement.

I’m thinking more than half as the majority in the Presidential election either voted for someone else or did not vote at all. He was put in office by a minority and his “popularity” has gone down ever since.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Actually, Trump came in second in the popular vote. On the other hand, Brexit got an outright majority. When it comes to stupidity and ignorance, I'd say the UK voters are ahead on points But I will concede it's a close race.

Let us focus on the motivating forces being the same in both ceases. The economic squeeze of the working middle class over the last 30-40 years. The citizens are reacting to this fact.

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6 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Let us focus on the motivating forces being the same in both ceases. The economic squeeze of the working middle class over the last 30-40 years. The citizens are reacting to this fact.

Even though worker productivity has tremendously increased over the past 30 years, virtually all the benefit of that increased productivity went to the weallthiest Ameriicans. The trend got underway during the Reagan administration. Big tax cuts on the highest brackets meant it made sense for the owner and executive classes to keep all the increased profits for themselves. That and the Republicans largely successful campaign against unions.

So, it not primarily about the Chinese taking jobs away. 

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Goodness me-another Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus.


Without the class,intelligence,finesse,military acumen or charisma..actually,without anything at all that anyone has been able to detect.


I am sure that the Spanish will be thrilled.



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18 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Let us focus on the motivating forces being the same in both ceases. The economic squeeze of the working middle class over the last 30-40 years. The citizens are reacting to this fact.

not difficult to agree with that reasoning,

but quite tricky to understand that citizens opt for Trump and the Tories when they react


as if Trump/Tories have the well being of the working class at heart . . . .


(similarities happen in a bunch of countries in this time of conservative winds . . . .)

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22 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Let us focus on the motivating forces being the same in both ceases. The economic squeeze of the working middle class over the last 30-40 years. The citizens are reacting to this fact.

not difficult to agree with that reasoning,

but quite tricky to understand that citizens opt for Trump and the Tories when they react


as if Trump/Tories have the well being of the working class at heart . . . .


(similarities happen in a bunch of countries in this time of conservative winds . . . .)

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Just now, melvinmelvin said:

not difficult to agree with that reasoning,

but quite tricky to understand that citizens opt for Trump and the Tories when they react


as if Trump/Tories have the well being of the working class at heart . . . .


(similarities happen in a bunch of countries in this time of conservative winds . . . .)

I agree with you.


It is a peculiarity of hard times that the urban middle class-skilled working class will cleave to a radical conservatism more so than a radical liberalism.


There is no doubt that the traditional middle classes in the West have been squeezed until the pips have squeaked with no end in sight.

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9 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

not difficult to agree with that reasoning,

but quite tricky to understand that citizens opt for Trump and the Tories when they react


as if Trump/Tories have the well being of the working class at heart . . . .


(similarities happen in a bunch of countries in this time of conservative winds . . . .)

Agree. They are blaming immigration, and therefore the parties seen as immigration friendly, Labour and Democrats. It is more an against vote than a pro vote.

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9 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Agree. They are blaming immigration, and therefore the parties seen as immigration friendly, Labour and Democrats. It is more an against vote than a pro vote.

There are limits to this strategy. Remember when George Bush ran in 2004 on an anti gay marriage platform to get this base to the polls. After that victory he announced plans to privatize social security. 

It looks like something similar is happening in this elections. 'Republican attorney generals are leading a campaign in the courts to have the mandatory  Obamacare acceptance of people with pre-exisiting conditions ruled unconstitutional. Democrats have been campaigning on that issue. Republicans have been running from it.

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