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Trump questions Kavanaugh's accuser, says opponents want to 'destroy' nominee


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Umm...where did Kav say either of those things.....in a case please not a speculative law review article or interpretation of dicta....

Thanks for asking Nyezhov. Appreciate the intellectual honesty.

WaPo gives a fair analysis of Kavanaugh’s views, which have NOT been clearly stated in any of his writings. He also refused to answer questions about the Prez being indicted or pardoning himself in Senate testimony.

However, Trump’s advisors think Kav line of reasoning (see WaPo), makes him a strong supporter of Prez immunity to indictment and ability to self-pardon. That, and Trump’s refusal to walk back anything short of treasonous statements about Russia, is why GOP is sticking with Kavanaugh.

Trump could be in for a surprise, though. Reaganites have been mighty disappointed in Kennedy. Maybe Kav will turn out the same.

Trump’s ego and self-inflicted wounds are screwing the GOP before mid-terms. What’s not to love?

Other than the destruction of our institutions by our Prez. It’s like a cartoon version of McCarthy.

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Keep in mind that the senate's constitutional role in advise and consent for justices is much more like a JOB INTERVIEW than a criminal trial. These accusations do not need to even be close to the reasonable doubt guideline for criminal trials. Get real "trump" fans. In todays Metoo era, if you were interviewing somebody for a very important job and they had all this noise about sexual abuse allegations, even attempted rape, would you hire him? If you're honest, you would say HELL NO!

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He already has a very good job but yes his reputation is damaged. 

If there really is nothing there and he is telling the truth he's allowed Trump and friends to damage his reputation more than it should be.  When the allegations came up he should have demanded that Trump authorize reopening his background check and investigating the allegations even if it took a threat of him pulling his nomination if they didn't.  But that didn't happen and he has been in crib sessions on how to answer the Dems questions.  It is causing doubt about his integrity.

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3 minutes ago, wayned said:

If there really is nothing there and he is telling the truth he's allowed Trump and friends to damage his reputation more than it should be.  When the allegations came up he should have demanded that Trump authorize reopening his background check and investigating the allegations even if it took a threat of him pulling his nomination if they didn't.  But that didn't happen and he has been in crib sessions on how to answer the Dems questions.  It is causing doubt about his integrity.

Exactly. He comes off as GUILTY. Ford went to the FBI and took a lie detector test. Lying to the FBI is a serious crime. Yes, an actual innocent man at this point would be going the extra mile to REALLY clear his name. If he goes along with this sleazy RAILROADING then he will not have cleared his name. On top of that, if the democrats take over they can demand further investigation even after he's on the court. The court is dirty enough without adding Kavanaugh to the mix. 

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Unfortunately, once the allegation is made, then the pitchforks come out...unless its a Democrat doing the abusing. Then its OK


Can you give us a few examples of democrat politicians or nominees who have been given a pass on allegations of sexual misconduct?

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly. He comes off as GUILTY. Ford went to the FBI and took a lie detector test. Lying to the FBI is a serious crime. Yes, an actual innocent man at this point would be going the extra mile to REALLY clear his name. If he goes along with this sleazy RAILROADING then he will not have cleared his name. On top of that, if the democrats take over they can demand further investigation even after he's on the court. The court is dirty enough without adding Kavanaugh to the mix. 

The bottom line is Trump!  He heard the allegations and automatically went into "Trump" mode as if the allegations were against him.  He did exactly what he did with his accusers, deny the allegations and fight back with no attempt to actually clear his name and Cohen is no longer around to try to buy her off or have someone intimidate her!  Kavanaugh needs to take back control if he wants to clear himself as the "hearing" will not do that no matter what the outcome is.

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49 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Can you give us a few examples of democrat politicians or nominees who have been given a pass on allegations of sexual misconduct?

A great example is  formerly presidential hopeful democrat Al Franken who was pushed out of the senate based on very minor accusations. A senator and a supreme court justice are at different levels. The former is an elected representative that the voters have the option of firing later. A SCOTUS justice is for LIFE and never faces the VOTERS.

Of course elected representatives of any party need to face consequences for more serious offenses even before elections. But it can get ridiculous and unfair as it did for Franken -- DEMOCRAT. 

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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Franken wasn't given a pass, in fact the opposite happened.  He lost his seat.

That's correct and his position was NOT for life and the accusations were significantly more minor than those against Kavanaugh. He took one for the team, basically. He may run again and I think he should. Let the voters decide if he should be banned for life based on such minor accusations. 

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2 hours ago, SuperTed said:

People who dismiss polygraphs are in general crooks. Have everyone involved take them and publish the results.

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O yes you are right, thats why Polys are admissable in every court...wait, my bad ????????????

Too many folks watch TV

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2 hours ago, SuperTed said:

WaPo gives a fair analysis of Kavanaugh’s views, which have NOT been clearly stated in any of his writings. He also refused to answer questions about the Prez being indicted or pardoning himself in Senate testimony.

However, Trump’s advisors think Kav line of reasoning (see WaPo), makes him a strong supporter of Prez immunity to indictment and ability to self-pardon. That, and Trump’s refusal to walk back anything short of treasonous statements about Russia, is why GOP is sticking with Kavanaugh.

Sorry my friend, I make up my own mind, and dont rely on the media, especially the Washington Post, to analyze a Judges views. And if they havent been stated in his writings, how does one analyze them? And no judge answers any questions about potential cases, viz Ginsburg.


And what treasonous statements are you referring to...when he leaned over and thought the mike was off and said "Yo Dmitry, wait till the election is over, Ill have more freedom then"...o wait that was Obama.


Id love to see a thread about what treason Trump has committed....



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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


Can you give us a few examples of democrat politicians or nominees who have been given a pass on allegations of sexual misconduct?

Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Keith Ellison.

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58 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's correct and his position was NOT for life and the accusations were significantly more minor than those against Kavanaugh. He took one for the team, basically. He may run again and I think he should. Let the voters decide if he should be banned for life based on such minor accusations. 

The guy was never particularly funny though. 

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6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Ah yes...modernity. No longer have to PROVE allegations...but disprove them 55555555. The new American way!


You: the Moon is made of Green Cheese! Prove me wrong!

You: Donalds farts smell bad! Prove me wrong! (umm...how do you know)????????????????????????????????????????????


This is sometimes waaaaaay too easy!


 All I said about Deutsche Bank and Kennedy's son   are facts not allegations and I have provided supporting links.

 The ball is on your court, either out up or shut up.

Russian money laundering facts: https://money.cnn.com/2017/01/31/investing/deutsche-bank-us-fine-russia-money-laundering/index.html

Kenedy;s son:https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6


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A great example is  formerly presidential hopeful democrat Al Franken who was pushed out of the senate based on very minor accusations. A senator and a supreme court justice are at different levels. The former is an elected representative that the voters have the option of firing later. A SCOTUS justice is for LIFE and never faces the VOTERS.
Of course elected representatives of any party need to face consequences for more serious offenses even before elections. But it can get ridiculous and unfair as it did for Franken -- DEMOCRAT. 

Franken thrown under the bus by Gillibrand, to further her own Prez bid. #NeverKirsten

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Sorry my friend, I make up my own mind, and dont rely on the media, especially the Washington Post, to analyze a Judges views. And if they havent been stated in his writings, how does one analyze them? And no judge answers any questions about potential cases, viz Ginsburg.
And what treasonous statements are you referring to...when he leaned over and thought the mike was off and said "Yo Dmitry, wait till the election is over, Ill have more freedom then"...o wait that was Obama.
Id love to see a thread about what treason Trump has committed....

Remember when Trump changed “would” to “wouldn’t”? That was to avoid what his team feared would be treason. Russia declared war on the United States through cyber meddling in the election.

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

 All I said about Deutsche Bank and Kennedy's son   are facts not allegations and I have provided supporting links.

 The ball is on your court, either out up or shut up.

Russian money laundering facts: https://money.cnn.com/2017/01/31/investing/deutsche-bank-us-fine-russia-money-laundering/index.html

Kenedy;s son:https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6


Wow...2 plus 2 equals 5 555555555 I think you need to reread your articles.


So tell me about the Democrat funding of the Fusion dossier?


Green cheese my brother, green cheese

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2 hours ago, SuperTed said:


Remember when Trump changed “would” to “wouldn’t”? That was to avoid what his team feared would be treason. Russia declared war on the United States through cyber meddling in the election.

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First its treason, now its avoiding treason...Mmmmkay


So if Russia declared war on us through cyber meddling, shouldnt our tanks be rolling to Moscow right now? Lets kill millions of people over some Facebook ads. Wait...no Donald is a traitor because he hasnt nuked the Rooskies yet.


Lets Launch!

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12 minutes ago, Slip said:

Michael Avenatti Has Multiple Witnesses That Brett Kavanaugh Participated In Gang Rapes




Thanks. Granted, Avenatti is a publicity hound, but all his predictions have been correct thus far. As he is seriously considering a presidential run on the Democratic ticket, I don’t think he would put this out there without some solid witnesses to back him up.

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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Thanks. Granted, Avenatti is a publicity hound, but all his predictions have been correct thus far. As he is seriously considering a presidential run on the Democratic ticket, I don’t think he would put this out there without some solid witnesses to back him up.

Trump and Cohen bet against Avenatti and look where that got them.



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Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago)

9/24/18, 9:55 AM

Republicans tearing into Judge Kavanaugh’s latest accuser [Ramirez], noting that while the New Yorker quotes her as “not politically motivated,” she’s a registered Democrat who also “works toward human rights, social justice, and social change.”


- - -


Wow! She sounds pretty shady.

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12 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Getting a little lost among all the Republican blather and excuses on the multiple sexual incidents surrounded Kavanaugh.


- Outright denial any sexual assault or predator behavior happened.

- Even if attempted rape happened, all teen age boys do this and boys will be boys.

- Even if attempted rape happened, it was stopped before it became a real rape and nothing happened.

- Is attempted rape even a crime if nothing happened?

- Everyone knows women just blow everything out of proportion. It was just a matter of "no" was said and the attempted rape stopped. Anything beyond this is just hysteria.

- Outright denial any penis exposure happened.

- So what he exposed his penis, every man has one and what man hasn't whipped it out in public?

- So what he Kavanaugh and Mark Judge got women drunk in order to allow a line of men to gang rape them, boys will be boys. Those women were at parties, they knew what was going to happen.

- Every female claiming to be a sexual assault victim wants to write a book to make tons of money.

- What happened 30+ years ago doesn't matter anymore. It is all water under the bridge.

- Women's memories of 30+ years ago are faulty, but men's memories are cut in stone.


There are plenty more excuse that are just as confusing and condescending as the next one. I wonder what new excuses will be pulled of their respective rectums in order to justify Kavanaugh's sexual predator behavior.




You forgot one:


All white men look the same; it coulda been another white guy!

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