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From reality TV to U.N., Trump to wield Security Council gavel


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11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine you would have a president like that and imagine you would have to admit that lots of people in your country actually voted for that guy.

It must be difficult to be an American these days.


Ah yes, he is an embarrassment, but at least we don't have a queen.

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18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine you would have a president like that and imagine you would have to admit that lots of people in your country actually voted for that guy.

It must be difficult to be an American these days.


Why becos he stands up against dictators, fascists, chemical weapon attacks, unfair trade pacts negotiated by soft centres that have never run a business in their lives, reaches out for peace where possible with NK, i never supported Trump watching the election but i now believe he is what the world needs. GO TRUMP!   GO TRUMP!

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8 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah well the Germans aint marching through Paris, Samsung is able to make cell phones and the Japonaise make cars instead of planes. Whenever there is an earthquake or...a cave rescue...Uncle Sam is there footing the bill. When Vlad charges across the Fulda Gap, watch the whinging start...oh please please please help us. At least the Poles know what side there bread is buttered on.


Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

Well written, the lessons of the past are soon forgotten by a superficial generation that doesn't care to read about how we actually got here. They think the people in fascist Beijing are the new world ..if only they took the time to read about the rise of national socialism in Germany. I have grave fears about the future of freedom & democracy in this new century and despite Trumps warts he could actually be the tough toad that stands up to China & Russian dictatorships and keeps the world free, ....once more.

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15 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

No better man for the job as the UN will find out. 

I suspect that the orange buffoon will clear any doubt that he is completely out of his league, lacks any semblance of statesmanship and will become the laughing stock at this meeting.

It must be truly embarrassing for any American to watch this pompous, egotistical cretin strut around the way he does.

I am sure that his performance will be notably cringeworthy.

What a joke.

Boon Mee must be a product of that ridiculous American education system we have all heard of, to believe in this idiot!

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10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah well the Germans aint marching through Paris, Samsung is able to make cell phones and the Japonaise make cars instead of planes. Whenever there is an earthquake or...a cave rescue...Uncle Sam is there footing the bill. When Vlad charges across the Fulda Gap, watch the whinging start...oh please please please help us. At least the Poles know what side there bread is buttered on.


Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

All of which has nothing, well probably less than nothing, to do with Trump.   

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12 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Well he wasnt ignorant enough to get elected and to be a billionaire was he.

Just goes to prove that wealth doesn't equate to intelligence, and that the US has a flawed voting system!


How else can an idiot be elected president.

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15 hours ago, howbri said:

It's not difficult at all to see my president showing leadership in the world instead of bowing down to others like a mouse. It's not difficult to see our economy roaring with new jobs and the stock market soaring. What is difficult is listening to the airheads cry about Donald Trump and try to subvert our constitutionally elected POTUS. MAGA!

Hear hear! 

One does tire of the constant whining and whinging of the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism!

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3 hours ago, Credo said:
13 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah well the Germans aint marching through Paris, Samsung is able to make cell phones and the Japonaise make cars instead of planes. Whenever there is an earthquake or...a cave rescue...Uncle Sam is there footing the bill. When Vlad charges across the Fulda Gap, watch the whinging start...oh please please please help us. At least the Poles know what side there bread is buttered on.


Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

All of which has nothing, well probably less than nothing, to do with Trump.   


Well, I wouldn’t say that. Trump immensely helped the war effort by NOT being president at the time.

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22 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Dont think he has been particularly nice to Vlads country, but hey, the facts speak for themselves.


Its only illegal if WE say it is. Deal with it. Daddy Sam knows best for the world, not Uncle Xi or his ilk. Its called Realpolitik.

I know what it called, it is all called bs - and you wonder why the world is screwed

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17 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah well the Germans aint marching through Paris, Samsung is able to make cell phones and the Japonaise make cars instead of planes. Whenever there is an earthquake or...a cave rescue...Uncle Sam is there footing the bill. When Vlad charges across the Fulda Gap, watch the whinging start...oh please please please help us. At least the Poles know what side there bread is buttered on.


Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

ANd when the Russians do cross the Fulda gap, one thing we can be sure of is that Donald Trump will be defending their incursion just as he's done in the case of Crimea and general Russian aggressiveness against its neighbors.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

ANd when the Russians do cross the Fulda gap, one thing we can be sure of is that Donald Trump will be defending their incursion just as he's done in the case of Crimea and general Russian aggressiveness against its neighbors.


Yes you can count on good old commander bone-spurs...…………….doing nothing at all!! 




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11 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:


Yes hopefully he does and the sooner the better.


But perhaps I should stop poking fun at your elected clown because it’s no use me bringing up the dirt that folks already know about, apart from reminding those that support this clown of what they have done.


And anyway I think that just about anybody who can read will know what sort of person your POTUS is, what with……..


•             Several bankruptcies to his name.


•             Using illegal immigrant labour on his buildings and paying under the rate – settled out of court of course.


•             A case of child rape filed in court...……...


•             A history of misogynistic behaviour (“grab em by the pussy”, for example).


•             Consistent lying, even trying to disown something he said the day before and which is on record! How many times – – well over 5000 at the last count.


•             Having items of clothing for his campaign and for his daughter/wife made in China whilst campaigning for such things to be made in the good ol US of A.


•             Running an administration like it was a “hire and fire” free for all. Reminds one of the saying, "the inmates are running the asylum".


And finally judging by his tweets, rants and spelling ability, not a lot between the ears.


So as a president you have a proven liar, a bankrupted businessman, a misogynist and racist, a serial philanderer and someone who has nothing much between the ears, so perhaps you got what you deserve, or of course he is a reflection of the minority who voted for him?


Hopefully for the good of intelligent and clear thinking folk, and the great American debt, Trump WILL GO!

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I suspect that the orange buffoon will clear any doubt that he is completely out of his league, lacks any semblance of statesmanship and will become the laughing stock at this meeting.

You win!

WATCH: Laughter in UN General Assembly as President Trump touts his administration's progress in past 2 years: "Didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."
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