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Begpackers in Chiang Mai Night Bazaar


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I'll be the guy whistling past the luggage carousel with everything I own in my carry-on backpack, heading towards the immigration counter before that conveyer belt even starts moving...

Where do you fly that has baggage claim before immigration? I do not recall ever seeing it.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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9 minutes ago, Bill97 said:


Where do you fly that has baggage claim before immigration? I do not recall ever seeing it.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Is my jest really lost on you?


 I would have no idea where baggage claim is in any airport lol, I fly only with the carry on, thought I'd made that one clear...????

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18 hours ago, SammyT said:

You also didn't answer my question about why begpacking is an offensive term to describe a backpacker who is begging to fund their travel. Couldn't think of a decent answer, huh?

Hi Sammy -- I’m not going to read through the rest of this thread (six pages and counting) to see what other people may have replied, so apologies if I’m being redundant. The term “begpacking” is offensive for two reasons here. First, you don’t know anything about this fellow other than that he is apparently down on his luck. And second, the word is used frequently in this forum to refer not only to young travelers who are literally begging but also to young travelers who are simply having a good time traveling but who perhaps dress too informally or wear dreadlocks or otherwise behave in ways that are irritating to the grumpy old men who make up most of the people posting.


You are using the word literally and not as a generalized slur, which is great. And kudos for your own travels -- I hope you have a chance to do more, whether jet-setting to posh resorts or working your way across Indonesia on old steamers. Cheers.

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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

“Nope, I don't comment or post much in here, but I browse enough to see all the TVF threads with burnt out and washed up westerners bitter at Thais and Thai society”


you missed that recent one then. ?

Did my generalised words on a page hit a bit close to home? Do you even read the Thai Visa Forum? If you don't see those then you must have your eyes closed. Especially the Facebook page - some of the members of this site seem to be able to spin even the most positive stories into a post about how they hate Thai people and Thai society. One too many bar girls stolen their money, I guess. 

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4 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

First, you don’t know anything about this fellow other than that he is apparently down on his luck. And second, the word is used frequently in this forum to refer not only to young travelers who are literally begging but also to young travelers who are simply having a good time traveling but who perhaps dress too informally or wear dreadlocks or otherwise behave in ways that are irritating to the grumpy old men who make up most of the people posting.


He's a traveller who is begging for money for his flight home - thus he is a legitimately a begpacker. 


I've never seen the term "begpacker" used on this forum in any manner other than being aimed at people doing exactly what this guy is doing (saw it a while back on another story of people doing the same in a tourist area). If people choose to use it in relation to backpackers who are just working their way through Asia on a shoestring, then that's on them not me. 


A quick google search will show that it is a commonly used term to describe what I saw last night, hence why I used it. As I clarified earlier, it wasn't a slur on genuine backpackers who are funding their own way, I've been there and done that. 


I appreciate you taking the time to educate me about how other people use that word - I certainly don't agree with it being used in that manner. While this guy may well be down on his luck, as I've said a dozen times - I have little sympathy for someone who travels without insurance and without sufficient funds for a return airfare. It's one hell of a risk to take. 


Given I appear to be arguing round in circles here (not with you, but with other much less rational posters), I'll probably put this thread into cruise control and make no further efforts with it. Thanks to those who have agreed with me, thanks for those who have given up a good point of view without having to resort to making rash assumptions, posing "strawman" arguments, or just trying to insult me because they have no legitimate argument. It's been fun. Well, more fun than sitting in the night markets begging, anyway. 

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1 hour ago, YogaVeg said:

Is my jest really lost on you?


 I would have no idea where baggage claim is in any airport lol, I fly only with the carry on, thought I'd made that one clear...????

What you have made clear is that you do not know what your yourself wrote.  Join the ignore group.

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14 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

What you have made clear is that you do not know what your yourself wrote.  Join the ignore group.

Wow, before I take your bait and call you a troll I will bite my tongue, I don't know you and perhaps you simply run on a lean mixture...


I will spell it out for you, feel free to "ignore" as you have been pretty good at that thus far ????


Ahm. I travel internationally with only a carry-on size backpack. I never check luggage. So when I make a light-hearted joke that the bloke waiting at the baggage claim will see me whistling past... Does it really not make sense to you? Does it really matter if the freaking baggage claim is before or after immigration?

Not to me it doesn't, obviously.

One person needs to wait for that baggage (pre or post immigration is irrelevant) and they will then need to wheel said baggage to a vehicle...after clearing customs mind you...


The other person (that would be me) doesn't wait at all and walks away with his hands free and his pack on his back.


Ok you can go away now ????

Edited by YogaVeg
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1 hour ago, SammyT said:

Did my generalised words on a page hit a bit close to home? Do you even read the Thai Visa Forum? If you don't see those then you must have your eyes closed. Especially the Facebook page - some of the members of this site seem to be able to spin even the most positive stories into a post about how they hate Thai people and Thai society. One too many bar girls stolen their money, I guess. 

Quit trying to flame , its childish. Take a chill pill mate. There’s people being murdered on Thailand for 50,000 baht. 

Next time you see him thank your lucky stars you have a better life than him and step over him. 

For the  grace of God......

Edited by Kadilo
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22 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

It's not OK in my book for foreigners to do this.


I agree with the OP if you have not got enough money to get home you should never have come, or do what my kids would do, ask ME for the fare to get home, I would (reluctantly) pay  for it, then give him some verbal when he got back!!

A DIGITAL NOMAD without free WiFi ?

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Interesting take on the Begpacker strain by a (former) Brokepacker. ???? 



It all started with brokepackers. You see, backpackers have their own little caste system for who’s who on the totem pole (or is that the totem trail?)


A brokepacker is the sort of backpacker who is at the end of their financial rope, but instead of heading back home to earn some 9-to-5 grind coin, they fill their days abroad free-camping and extreme budgeting — maybe even taking on some odd jobs at the hostel to squeeze a few extra nights out of the trip. They fall at the bottom of the totem pole.


Err, well, they used to.


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2 hours ago, Kadilo said:


Next time you see him thank your lucky stars you have a better life than him and step over him. 


Since the thread has gotten so nit-picky allow me to join in on the fun ????


'Stepping over' someone in Thailand is seen as incredibly rude and insultive. 


Cheers ????

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3 minutes ago, YogaVeg said:

Since the thread has gotten so nit-picky allow me to join in on the fun ????


'Stepping over' someone in Thailand is seen as incredibly rude and insultive. 


Cheers ????

It was more a figure of speech but as you have correctly shown it has got to the stage so exit left for me. 

Beggars belief on here sometimes. ????

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5 hours ago, YogaVeg said:

Is my jest really lost on you?


 I would have no idea where baggage claim is in any airport lol, I fly only with the carry on, thought I'd made that one clear...????

Just how heavy and large is that carryon of yours? Are you one of those people who take up more than your share of space in the overhead lockers, and don't care if someone gets injured when hit by a falling backpack when said locker is opened?

I for one am cheering for airlines who crack down on their carryon size/weight restrictions, and eliminate the parasites.

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On 9/25/2018 at 8:28 PM, SammyT said:

but what an absolute <deleted> this guy is.

Probably young and adventurous (in his own mind) and, like most of us were at that age, not great on envisioning what could possibly go awry with our poorly thought-out planning. I would find someone like that to be more deserving of charitable thoughts than those older and supposedly wiser who have mucked up their lives, come to Thailand because they can't afford life back in farangland and then whinge/whine incessantly about Thais and Thailand.


Being youthful can be cured in time and they deserve some forgiveness for their idiocy far more than those who come here at an age when they ought to know better but make no provision for their own medical care and expect others to pick up the tab when they fall ill or have an accident ... or those who pitch up here ill-prepared financially for a long stay and then spend their days trying to chat up farang newbies at bars or in the street  in the hopes of hitting on them for a drink or two or for a few baht to tide them over on a regular basis. Or even worse, those who announce they've inadvertently overstayed for 9 years or whatever.






Edited by Suradit69
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The farang beggars, first seen in the early 90s, on Sukhimvit are a disgrace and embarrassment.  We saw the French beggars in India in the 70s. They are despicable.  Regarding older men with attractive girls: so what? They are following a cultural norm, paying their way and making a material contribution. The begpackers, many of whom have money, are parasitic scum. 

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Your post consists of this question, "framed" in invective:


"Anyone have any idea what the Thai authority's stance is on this?


Their present "stance" is that they obviously don't give s*** about this guy.


The Thais are good at that.


Looking and thinking the other way, not "noticing" stuff.


Learn from them.



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11 minutes ago, Enoon said:



Your post consists of this question, "framed" in invective:


"Anyone have any idea what the Thai authority's stance is on this?


Their present "stance" is that they obviously don't give s*** about this guy.


The Thais are good at that.


Looking and thinking the other way, not "noticing" stuff.


Learn from them.



Oh the Thais have a negative opinion of the white trash pseudo beggars. But the Thais are less vocal and more importantly,  not on this forum.

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4 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

Probably young and adventurous (in his own mind) and, like most of us were at that age, not great on envisioning what could possibly go awry with our poorly thought-out planning. I would find someone like that to be more deserving of charitable thoughts than those older and supposedly wiser who have mucked up their lives, come to Thailand because they can't afford life back in farangland and then whinge/whine incessantly about Thais and Thailand.


Being youthful can be cured in time and they deserve some forgiveness for their idiocy far more than those who come here at an age when they ought to know better but make no provision for their own medical care and expect others to pick up the tab when they fall ill or have an accident ... or those who pitch up here ill-prepared financially for a long stay and then spend their days trying to chat up farang newbies at bars or in the street  in the hopes of hitting on them for a drink or two or for a few baht to tide them over on a regular basis. Or even worse, those who announce they've inadvertently overstayed for 9 years or whatever.






They are professional parasites from a wealthy background.

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10 hours ago, YogaVeg said:

Well, isn't that special? Good for you, airline cheerleader (pat on the head, here's a cookie too!)


Lacessit- remedial courses are available for the culturally deprived ????


To answer your first question, my carry on is regulation size and under 7 kilos always, readily accepted by all airlines even the budget euro specs.


Your second question is too

inflammatory and trolling to see the light of day. Care to rethink that? You are embarrassing yourself. What a pessimistic negative thinker you sound like. You must be heaps of fun at a party. Go empty your drool cup.

 Thanks for answering my question. Sorry, I can't thank you for the other puerile comments.

Try not to choke on your indignation. Have a cup of organically grown chamomile tea, harvested by well-paid unionized labour.

I'm not a party animal - too many bores.


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Yahooooo! at last I've found "children's corner"! All the little boys are having a tiff over something that doesn't merit the time of day! Why don't you all go and find a nice quiet place and have a little sob about how mean the other people on the site are to you?? ????????

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26 minutes ago, TPI said:

Yahooooo! at last I've found "children's corner"! All the little boys are having a tiff over something that doesn't merit the time of day! Why don't you all go and find a nice quiet place and have a little sob about how mean the other people on the site are to you?? ????????

I'm very happy for you, although it is a little sad if this is your only form of entertainment.

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