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Angry topless farangs go viral after telling Thais to keep the noise down


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1 minute ago, cyberfarang said:

Actually in this case my sympathies lie with the Scottish guys. 


If they do live there and those neighbours are making continuous noise from morning to late night, then provided the Scottish guys are in Thailand legally, they have every right to complain. Only by using authoritative and semi aggressive tactics will those Thais show respect and treat their neighbours with respect.

they both weren't scottish and it looks like the approach isn't looking to good for them

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1 minute ago, mogandave said:

What happened when the police showed up?


The Thais should  have the knuckle-heads for their passports...

wouldn't talk to the local police as they weren't high ranking enough for the very important scot who must've been losing some sleep whilst getting pissed up

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6 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Nothing to see here. 


Thais making a racket annoying Westerners and possibly other Thais on holiday.


Told to shut up by a couple of Western men or they would be calling the Police.


A total non-event. 




Once again the all seeing eye (phone camera) creates......"news".


Never a shortage now.


Anyone, anything, anywhere.






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we dont know the whole story. Usually there is a back story like constant harrasment in the hopes of selling off cheap or buying neighbours places as an example? Happened everywhere i have lived. Thais cant appear needy and greedy so sometimes do stupid stuff like this.

Not standing up for the Scott but i have to agree like most expats there is regualtions and laws in place that because they arent enforced it allow people to get pissed off. Thais are hacking one an other daily over noise issues. Atleast they had the balls to speak up. If the Thais had more dam respect for others the Scott would never have had to approach these people.

Always takes 2 to tango. Cause and effect, dont start nothing wont be nothing, etc....


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Actually in this case my sympathies lie with the Scottish guys. 
If they do live there and those neighbours are making continuous noise from morning to late night, then provided the Scottish guys are in Thailand legally, they have every right to complain. Only by using authoritative and semi aggressive tactics will those Thais show respect and treat their neighbours with respect.

6:00 is late at night?

Had they gone down and asked them to keep the noise down it would be one thing, but going down hollering, demanding to see their ID, going on about their license and threatening to call the police?

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6 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

More Brits trying to enforce their rules in other countries. That is what Brits do, "Sun never sets........"


Someone better tell them that Thailand isn't in their Commonwealth.

What is it with people like you. Other Scots would have a thing or two to say about that. Many other countries in the world have tried to do what you have written during their history...or maybe you don't know your history...I'll remind you. French, German, Chinese, Italians, Spanish etc.You must have a very closed narrow mind.

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I don't care what country they hail from. They are in Thailand.  It is  6 PM and the Thai shop may have been finishing up a job past their normal closing hour.  How would you like it if some Thai tourists went up to your business in your country and spoke to you in  that manner?  A foreigner asking a Thai for their national identity card in their own country?  Absolutely ridiculous.


Think about it.  It's no wonder Thais have had enough of Western loudmouths and look down on Westerners as uncouth.



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As I have said on other threads, when I left my home country I accepted that if my own country issued problems I would just be changing one set for another. It is something all expats anywhere have to accept because if they don't then they are not going to be happy in their new life.

I think the two Scotsman here were in the wrong and I hope by now they have learned a lesson and won't do it again. They might not be so lucky next time.

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1 hour ago, petedk said:


Two months after we started an American retired lawyer rented the house next door.

The first thing he did was to complain to the district office and tried to restrict construction from 12.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday. 

We settled for quiet construction work from 08.00 to 12.00 and stopped working on Sundays.


You were too cooperative with this guy, normal hours are are more like the ones you were initially working, I would not have been so cooperative.

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5 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

As I have said on other threads, when I left my home country I accepted that if my own country issued problems I would just be changing one set for another. It is something all expats anywhere have to accept because if they don't then they are not going to be happy in their new life.

I think the two Scotsman here were in the wrong and I hope by now they have learned a lesson and won't do it again. They might not be so lucky next time.

I bet they have sobered up a bit by now.

Hope they have some money left to enjoy the rest of the holiday.

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555 i don't believe everything i read on thai visa. maybe it is dead, haven't been in years but i bet you can still find a pissed up brit girl who'll get her tits out for a bucket [emoji6]

Me neither, but I wouldn’t fly up to Bgkk just to see a pair of British nom. Even the tickets are as low as 500 thb.
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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

I agree, very stupid, an embarrassment to the good, mostly sober-living Scots nation.

Unfortunately due to scots extremely violent and aggresive nature i have an immediate dislike to most scots i meet as they all seem to give an impression that they have a chip on their shoulder

Obviously they are not all the same but the percentage that are create a dire image of their countrymen.

Would it of hurt to of spoken in a respectful manner first before acting in such a manner? 

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