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Jail birds - Thailand considers prison for feeding pigeons


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10 hours ago, overherebc said:


Believe it or not the following works.

The difficult part is the first part.

Set up a trap cage and put food in it for a few days until the monkeys get used to it.

After they have no fear of it and go inside for the food set the trap.

When you catch one monkey inside spray it with a good few bright colours of harmless vegetable based dyes.

Let the monkey go.

It heads back to the troup and they run from it because it scares them. It doesn't know that so keeps trying to follow in a day or two they are a long way away and the dye fades out so they all end up happy somewhere else.

Ah Ha !!! so that is were these bloody monkeys behind my house came from..................:cheesy:

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What about prison for the people who sell the food ?

Also can someone please explain why every little misdemeanor here has the threat of prison time here. Is it a Military minded thing ? I would have thought hefty fines that were actually implemented would be a better thing, but hey, what do I know, dumb Farang not unnerstan.

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Bangkok Governor Aswipe should be in jail for treason,not giving out joke orders bordering on illness's of the mind. People just laugh at this clown now. The only reason the fool is picking on pigeons is because the Living man we shall not speak of,is a gigantic dog lover and i am NOT talking about the treasonous mr P

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The actual irony here is that inside Klong Prem Prison they feed a massive amount of Pigeons. In ward 1 they have and feed loads of cats, ward 4 has the Pigeons. What the other 8 wards feed I don't know because I was not there long enough to find out. 

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Yes, because there are clearly not enough people in jail for Mickey Mouse crimes like playing bridge, throwing wild pool parties, defaming brazen career criminals both in and out of uniform, using vape machines, and horror of horrors, even smoking weed. 

String em Up! 

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On 9/27/2018 at 9:27 AM, Blue bruce said:

Why doesn't the government do it the easy way and just feed the pigeons rat poison

After the government killed several rabies infected soidogs and buried them the same night some local boys dug them up and ate the meat.


Same thing will happen if they poison the rats. 

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22 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

So what's the fate of the guy in our hood who is actually breeding them?

Maybe this will help:


That guy will be considered a pigeon fancier like me,we take good care of our birds and some of us use them for pigeon racing.They may look the same but there is a fast difference.

Racing pigeons that perform well are worth a lot of money,some go for over 100 000 dollars.

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13 hours ago, JAG said:

I assume that if you feed the pigeons tasty morsels prepared from mushrooms which you have picked in the wild, you are likely to be put away for life?

Probably and they will feed you pigeons you used to feed only!!

Don't try to think about this too much it could ruin your sunday.

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Ok we are planning a prison break for tonight!

What are you in for, murder. How about you, robbing a bank, and you, feeding the pigeons. 

Ok, it's on...  haha

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