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Trump court pick tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation


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44 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Yep. Imagine how bad of a performance you have to give to force yourself to apologize to a democrat. 


Kav's college friends just hit the news circuit saying he lied about his drinking habits. They are pretty much saying he was a total lush in college, which is fine, you just need to say you were a lush. 


My opinion is still, even if he is innocent, he is not fit for a supreme court seat. He has two credible college friends on the news right now swearing that he lied under oath. Um, judges probably should not do that, and supreme court judges really probably should not do that. 


Plus, he is lying about the drinking, and other things, so we know he is capable of lying. His credibility is shot as far as I am concerned. 

What does drinking beer have anything to do with this. Who cares what other people think on his character, drinking and yearbook notes when he was 18-23. As long as he didn't think he had a drinking problem that's all that matters. Besides does a lush and a academic scholar go hand and hand! Don't know if your American but many Presidents and SCJ in the 200 + years of America haven't all been saints. The modern day far left hasn't dug that deep yet to expose them 

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4 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

Using a right wing source (Heritage Foundation) to moan about left wing bias. Priceless.

Yes, left and right ! The left has been scheming for many years to take down the nominees 

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58 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Yep. Imagine how bad of a performance you have to give to force yourself to apologize to a democrat. 


Kav's college friends just hit the news circuit saying he lied about his drinking habits. They are pretty much saying he was a total lush in college, which is fine, you just need to say you were a lush. 


My opinion is still, even if he is innocent, he is not fit for a supreme court seat. He has two credible college friends on the news right now swearing that he lied under oath. Um, judges probably should not do that, and supreme court judges really probably should not do that. 


Plus, he is lying about the drinking, and other things, so we know he is capable of lying. His credibility is shot as far as I am concerned. 

"Two Men Tell Judiciary Committee They Assaulted Christine Ford, Not Kavanaugh"



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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Yes, left and right ! The left has been scheming for many years to take down the nominees 

So again you're saying that the "left" are psychic. They knew years in advance that the man-child would be infesting the WH and that he would nominate Kavanaugh to a SCOTUS position that didn't even exist back then.

Man, for a guy who claims to detest the left you sure have a lot of respect for those guys!

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3 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Yep. Imagine how bad of a performance you have to give to force yourself to apologize to a democrat. 


Kav's college friends just hit the news circuit saying he lied about his drinking habits. They are pretty much saying he was a total lush in college, which is fine, you just need to say you were a lush. 


My opinion is still, even if he is innocent, he is not fit for a supreme court seat. He has two credible college friends on the news right now swearing that he lied under oath. Um, judges probably should not do that, and supreme court judges really probably should not do that. 


Plus, he is lying about the drinking, and other things, so we know he is capable of lying. His credibility is shot as far as I am concerned. 



I reckon the most interesting now is to wait and see what FBI comes up with, if anything


also interesting;

will Senate seat him in SC next week, ie before FBI has done its work



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5 hours ago, riclag said:

What does drinking beer have anything to do with this. Who cares what other people think on his character, drinking and yearbook notes when he was 18-23. As long as he didn't think he had a drinking problem that's all that matters. Besides does a lush and a academic scholar go hand and hand! Don't know if your American but many Presidents and SCJ in the 200 + years of America haven't all been saints. The modern day far left hasn't dug that deep yet to expose them 

Drinking beer has nothing to do with it. Lying about drinking beer has everything to do with it. Capisce?

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2 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:



I reckon the most interesting now is to wait and see what FBI comes up with, if anything


also interesting;

will Senate seat him in SC next week, ie before FBI has done its work



What i would like to see, st the very least, is a compelled polygraph. If for no other reason than he said he would take one. You do not get to have it both ways. If you say you will take it, take it. So, all they have to do is ask. The reason I think they should do this is because it is obviously a very unique circumstance. 

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21 minutes ago, chokrai said:

Should be interesting to see what dirt they dig up on the Ford women. Not that the slimy Democrats care what happens to her now, will discard her like a used tissue.


Sorry to break this to you, but the FBI are investigating the allegations made against Brett, not digging up dirt on Ford.  Do you think they will be interested in why Trump is so desperate to have this particular judge?  Could it be that he fears he will end up in the Supreme Court?

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4 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Quite easy for someone to phone in and say it was them, don't you think?

Nope, These guys are either telling the truth or wanting to take a felony charge for the team.What ever the case its, a  felony for attempted rape in MD and  automatic jail time!

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Just now, riclag said:

Nope, These guys are either telling the truth or wanting to take a felony charge for the team. Felony for attempted rape in MD is automatic jail time!


You would have to a special kind of stupid to fall for that one.


This is what the Republican's are saying;


 "One’s crazy as a loon. I don’t believe the other one,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-NC, told CBS News on Thursday. “I’m not going to play this game.”



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1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

Drinking beer has nothing to do with it. Lying about drinking beer has everything to do with it. Capisce?

Forget about it! We already know how their comin at us. Tesio's territory we will be safe there, Capisce

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6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Looks like Brett is going to do some jail time then!

How can that be, these two new guys want the glory,they want the honors.Looks like JK was telling the truth about not being in that room. I do think he will get grounded for a week though. Seem's his Dad didn't know he was boozing it up 36 years ago. Sad ! 

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9 hours ago, riclag said:

What does drinking beer have anything to do with this. Who cares what other people think on his character, drinking and yearbook notes when he was 18-23. As long as he didn't think he had a drinking problem that's all that matters. Besides does a lush and a academic scholar go hand and hand! Don't know if your American but many Presidents and SCJ in the 200 + years of America haven't all been saints. The modern day far left hasn't dug that deep yet to expose them 

It has nothing to do with drinking beer unless it comes out that he was/is actually a "blackout" drinker, I was one in high school and college.  If you told me that I did what Ford said he did at a party, especially a beach party, I would tell you it didn't happen but, to be honest, I wouldn't have a clue whether I did it or not.


In addition he has already lied to Congress about his drinking and it seems that some of his college friends are now coming out a confirming that he was a "sloppy drunk".  The lie goes to his character and whether he is fit to be on the Court.  In addition, even though the background check is not a criminal investigation, the investigators cannot overlook a potential crime and will refer the details to the proper authorities for further investigation.


If the FBI does turn up anything that disqualifies him, Trump will blame Wray and call for his resignation, even though Wray was nowhere in site when the initial check was made.  I suspect that Trump is already greasing the skids for his next selection  if he has to throw "K" under one of the fleet of buses that Steven Miller has on contract.

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The million dollar pay out she will receive from GoFundMe and other donations same as Lier Comey and others have gotten will soften the troubles she has. The Dems knew she would be receiving these and leaked the accusation. The accusation has NO Evidence, the witnesses named deny and/or dont remember and the keyboard warriors have tried and convicted a man who has been a Judge and servant all his life? Some of you need help, really. I second the thought that I hope you are never in this situation being falsely accused and convicted without evidence!

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On 9/28/2018 at 6:29 AM, newnative said:

   I think we've found our star for the Cry Baby movie sequel.  


Anyone recall "Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies?


All I wanted was a Pepsi, AND SHE WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME!!


As someone said, if this was a divorce trial this was the moment where you know the wife gets custody of the kids.



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All partisanship aside, it was the tirade about conspiracies etc that showed the true colors.  Goofy Miz Lindsey made it worse.  The same Senate that deprived the previous president of a Supreme Court appointment for nonsensical reasons is now screaming about unfairness, partisanship, etc. 

It was a DT move, but it only works for DT because of his devoted fan following.


But Brett showed his true colors, and he did it via his own rage, not as the result of a hectoring cross-examination.  It was like the scene in Caine Mutiny where the captain breaks down on the stand, but without that moment of realization that comes afterwards.



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Totally disagree with anything said. Without proof you cannnot believe this, unless it is partisanship and its what you believed even before any accusations were made. As for his emotions during the hearings, He was reserved compared to how I would have been. I would have been even more upset and 10x More angry at the Hack Dems questions. Everyone has an opinion but With out facts its impossible to say he did what was said by Ford

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