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Trump helped parents shield millions from taxes: New York Times


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31 minutes ago, webfact said:

Trump lawyer Charles Harder told the Times: "President Trump had virtually no involvement whatsoever with these matters."


Harder added: "The affairs were handled by other Trump family members who were not experts themselves and therefore relied entirely upon the aforementioned licensed professionals to ensure full compliance with the law."

bunch of tax lawyers , hired by people who can afford it, to end-run the USA tax law; doubt there are Any other rich families in USA that do not do this

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1 minute ago, NaamGin said:


Trump was referring to IRS rulings on the matter. What, you calling the IRS liars? 


What about:

Obama = If you like your current health insurance, you can keep it

GWB = We must invade Iraq because they have WMD's

Bill Clinton = I did not have sexual relations with that woman

GWHB = If the people knew what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.



What about, if you Trump haters are so smart, how come you didn't have a rich daddy's money to bail you out after you destroyed the family's business? $413,000,000 (present day value) proofs of genius.

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The article seems well-reported, would be interesting to understand where all the documents came from?


Any criminal liability is probably off the table given the relevant statute of limitations? Civil liability remains as the City and State may choose to pursue restitution.


Fraudulently dodging taxes - not by legal schemes - should be enough to erode all but the dumbest of the base?


The article certainly casts doubt on the Trump origin story, and the particularly sleazy attempt to add a codicil benefiting himself to his aged, senile father's will is puke-inducing.



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47 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You don't seem to know what the word 'refute' means.


Is English your first language? 

refute (rĭ-fyo͞otˈ)

  • v.
    To prove to be false or erroneous; overthrow by argument or proof: refute testimony.
  • v.
    To deny the accuracy or truth of: refuted the results of the poll.
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Surprised no expected yes he is a crook pure and simple a golden spoon baby man bulley 400 million calls himself a self made man to say that’s true is laughable you trump lovers can have him I think he is a traitor and belongs in Leavenworth 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The Times reported that its findings were based on more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump,


So this is all about Trump's father. Who cares. This is news? 35 year old alleged sexual abuse cases, decades old tax issues from someone's father. What's next dig up Thomas Jefferson's grave and hang his skeleton for owning slaves. The left now has proven there are no trains on the tracks anymore, no more screws left, complete full blown crazy town. 

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17 minutes ago, kamahele said:

Trump bashing? What this story lays out that Trump has lied about how he made his money. It is not so much about illegalities but that his father perhaps legally and sometimes not legally funneled money from his businesses to his children. Donald started receiving money and properties at the age of 3. it also lays out that his father also used Donald and his siblings it inflate prices for expenses and then request to raise pricing on affordable housing, so basically to rip off poor people and lower income people. Great family.


Apparently you don't know much about "rent control".  Anyhow, I've been "funneling" money to my kids for several years now. The US IRS allows for the gifting of money to others with no tax consequences if certain limits are not surpassed. Currently it is $14k/yr. Next year $15k/yr.

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

The article seems well-reported, would be interesting to understand where all the documents came from?


Any criminal liability is probably off the table given the relevant statute of limitations? Civil liability remains as the City and State may choose to pursue restitution.


Fraudulently dodging taxes - not by legal schemes - should be enough to erode all but the dumbest of the base?


The article certainly casts doubt on the Trump origin story, and the particularly sleazy attempt to add a codicil benefiting himself to his aged, senile father's will is puke-inducing.




From my recollection, tax returns are subject to audit for a period of 6 years. I hope that's right because that's how long I keep the records my taxes are based upon.


However, it is my understanding that in the case of tax fraud, that ther is no staute of limitations.I'm willing to be corrected on that but that's my understanding.


" Origin story" would appear to be one of the latest "en vogue" terms. If you're over the age of fifty, you'd have to be a congenital idiot not to know everything there is to know about Trump already. He has never been anything different than what you see now. Every single thing he does is exactly what someone like him would do. That there are 10's of thousands of posts talking about him doing exactly what one would expect he would do is mind boggling to me. 

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