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China slams 'irresponsible' United States over shelved security talks


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8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I disagree. That trade embargo in the 30s led to Pearl Harbour. Embargo is not the answer. Weakening them is.

Remember, we had a trade embargo in place until the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama essentially decided to give the store away. The best way to weaken them is to stop funneling money into China so they can continue their arms buildup out of American consumers' pocketbooks. Frankly, I think Chinese economic, political, military, and espionage activities are the greatest threat to the world and US today. Russia is peanuts, not worth bothering with. Same for Syria and Iran. But China intends to install a totalitarian state only envisioned in science fiction dystopias within its own borders and among its clients and those pressured into being its clients. The situations is just as dire as in the 1930s. 

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56 minutes ago, zydeco said:

So, you support Communist China in the same way you defend Imperial Japan.

Fortunately the world is not as naive as some countries views are. There is no We against Them. There is multilateral co-operations and trade between different countries.



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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

The US should enact a trade embargo against China, just as it did against Japan in the 1930s.  And, yes, they should be taking names of just who decides to go with China and let them suffer the consequences.

Well damn.... ain’t this interesting.


as the US of A, actually enacted sanctions against Japan, only after they  (japan) declared war on China.... You come off as a war monger... but that’s ok, who doesn’t like a good war, eh?


anyway.... these sanctions forced japan into attacking the US of A.... and the caused the US’s entry into WW2, as it sure wasn’t going to join the war on the allies side, of its own accord.... they were making too much money selling guns and bullets. 


Anyway... that didn’t work too well.... 400,000 (plus) dead Americans... what a wonderful idea you have.


lol... taking sides... taking names.... I suppose that’s important when you can’t be sure who your allies are... or If signatories to treatise will honor those treatise..... mmmm.... who to trust? I wonder if there’s a test on this... maybe look at countries that break treaties and put an orange hilighter mark across those treaty breaking countries as failing the trust test.


meanwhile.... lol.... trade sanctions. My country does about four times the value of trade with China, than with the US of A.... so trade sanctions on China will hurt us.... not nice.... so perhaps we should play with those who we trade with, and support them, whilst protecting ourself. (A cornerstone of international politics and relations... funnily enough)


damn..... can trade sanctions really realign the world order, and if so, what will the new world order look like, once trump has completed his American isolationism?


of course, all this is silly, simply requiring a sane hand on the tiller, over there at the WH


???????????? me... I’ll continue buying my cheap crap from China.... so add me to the list (sounds macarthistic doesn’t it?) and add potus trump to the list, because as an individual, he still buys Chinese.


damn.... same list as trump.... yuk yuk... get off, get off!... I’m gonna have to buy Japanese.

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To be fair, China does need calling out on a bunch of stuff and the west, plus many others, have been quiet due to business consideration which is so hypocritical. The duplicitousness of many is breathtaking when they squeak about the practices of those in the world and the fascists that run China get away with it....just because you can't upset the Nazis in China because of trade.....blimey!

Edited by Sir Dude
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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

Remember, we had a trade embargo in place until the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama essentially decided to give the store away. The best way to weaken them is to stop funneling money into China so they can continue their arms buildup out of American consumers' pocketbooks. Frankly, I think Chinese economic, political, military, and espionage activities are the greatest threat to the world and US today. Russia is peanuts, not worth bothering with. Same for Syria and Iran. But China intends to install a totalitarian state only envisioned in science fiction dystopias within its own borders and among its clients and those pressured into being its clients. The situations is just as dire as in the 1930s. 

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.



so... the US put trade embargoes on China, in 1950, after China interfered in the Korean War.... and these were lifted in 1972 by Nixon. (Other countries ended their embargoes 20 years sooner)


these sanctions resulted in China expanding its markets by developing new markets with other countries, and forcing diversification on China, making them less (to not) reliant on US products


So... that all didn’t work too well for y’all, did it?


meanwhile, with America producing 3/4 of  f all, who would want to startup new trade agreements with y’all... and as Australia imports about a third of what it exports to the USA.... maybe next week deranged don will wake up and decide to cut your trade deficit with us.... can’t trust the bloke


trade... ah.... a wonderful weapon.... best not left in your hands.


yall need to dust off amendment 25



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10 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

To be fair, China does need calling out on a bunch of stuff and the west, plus many others, have been quiet due to business consideration which is so hypocritical. The duplicitousness of many is breathtaking when they squeak about the practices of those in the world and the fascists that run China get away with it....just because you can't upset the Nazis in China because of trade.....blimey!

????????????????.... just stop buying Chinese goods... any American buying Chinese goods, and voting dump, is hypocritical and whatever else you added on ????????... traitorous even, when trump gets his way


yall love the Chinese sweat shop stuff... y’all moved your manufacturing to China to exploit its poverty .... how did that work out for y’all?


 American consumerism gave away the farm. Now you want it back by force... simply stunning.... who be the nazis? You be the nazis in this narrative.

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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

Interesting. And published as far back as 1988.

????????????????????...Star Trek was more than 20 years earlier.... and a much longer running sci fi series.... ????????????????....you guys crack me up.

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4 hours ago, zydeco said:

So, you support Communist China in the same way you defend Imperial Japan.


It must be wonderful to be able to read my mind and put in thoughts and words that have no reality to me and that I never spoke or said.


Please explain in simple terms where I supported Imperial Japan and communist China.


Having served 25 years in the military I am certainly no war monger do would I advocate war.

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5 hours ago, zydeco said:

But China intends to install a totalitarian state only envisioned in science fiction dystopias within its own borders and among its clients and those pressured into being its clients. The situations is just as dire as in the 1930s. 

There is some evidence to support seemingly alarmist claim:




Lots of other stuff too, of course.

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5 hours ago, oilinki said:

Fortunately the world is not as naive as some countries views are. There is no We against Them. There is multilateral co-operations and trade between different countries.




When you trade with a country that is a major human rights abuser and the chief polluter on the planet, at what point do you become complicit in those abuses?

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5 hours ago, zydeco said:

Interesting. And published as far back as 1988.

It was actually a pretty good read, at least at the time. Dont know if I would read it now cuz my tastes have changed. But I like books that are long, better value. Who wants to pay $9.99 for 250 pages, hell I can buy Gibbon for .99

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


I am old enough to remember the Vietnam war and some of the slogans that were popular at the time.


Such as "Hey hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today". I also remember the My Lai massacre.


Strangely enough I am not anti US but anti Trump which is not the same thing at all.


However you obviously have no real answer as once again you resort to insulting the poster.


I prefer a strong USA led by an intelligent and caring POTUS.


However you elected Trump instead.


You elected him so you must reap what you have sown.


You also seem to have no idea what would happen in the event that the USA pulls out its troops world wide and becomes an isolationist country.


Under Trump the USA has alienated many of it allies and friends but taking on China in a trade war that you will most likely lose.

Im old enough to remember Vietnam and have a Draft number. My best friends older brother died there.


Merely calling your post hogwash isnt an insult to you, its calling your post hogwash. Regardless, we are already winning the trade war. I refer you to recent analyses in publications such as the Economist.

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27 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


When you trade with a country that is a major human rights abuser and the chief polluter on the planet, at what point do you become complicit in those abuses?

Just to make sure, which country are you referring to?

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Just now, Nyezhov said:

China of course.

Thanks. It could have been some other country, but not that's clear, who you referred to. 

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16 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Just to make sure, which country are you referring to?

I was specifically referring to China but it is a consideration that should be applied between any two countries, don't you think?

Edited by lannarebirth
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On 10/4/2018 at 7:36 PM, farcanell said:

More alternative facts from this internationally discredited White House.... MAGA!


Ha ha keep reading the Global Times ... (the media propaganda outlet for the Chinese Communist Party for those that don't know)

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On 10/4/2018 at 10:20 PM, oilinki said:

Apparently there was a very close call today at South China Sea, where US and Chinese military ships almost collided together. 


What good that would bring to the rest of us?

Video footage shows the chinese ship pulled in front of the US destroyer and slowed down, like any bully i think they are looking for a fight and its time Uncle Sam gave them a bloody nose, and more please.

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1 hour ago, Tailwagsdog said:

Video footage shows the chinese ship pulled in front of the US destroyer and slowed down, like any bully i think they are looking for a fight and its time Uncle Sam gave them a bloody nose, and more please.

Exactly what will armed conflict achieve?

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6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Im old enough to remember Vietnam and have a Draft number. My best friends older brother died there.


Merely calling your post hogwash isnt an insult to you, its calling your post hogwash. Regardless, we are already winning the trade war. I refer you to recent analyses in publications such as the Economist.

Got a link to The Economist article other than the one below?



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47 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Exactly what will armed conflict achieve?

Freedom & democracy, Beijing today has all the hallmarks of the Third Reich in Berlin, they imprison people becos of race & relgion ( Urghirs), the Beijing dictatorship dissapears its opponents, they are invading neighbours, secret police knock on your door and take you away if you speak out, they hunt you down in foreign countries, they are building an army for war. So do you think if we just lay back while they become strong & agressive with no accountabilty our freedom & democracy will flourish? Don't be fooled just becos their dictator Xi isn't short with a moustache punching holes in the air, look at what is happening. Better to die on your feet fighting for freedom than on your knees pleading for your life.

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33 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I'll tell you, more riches for the rich, and plenty of suffering and misery for the rest of the world.

then China shouldnt have militarized Intertnational waters and tried to bump a ship excersizing its right to free passage.


Where do you draw the line? To me it was drawn when the Chinese put missiles in the Spratleys

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On 10/4/2018 at 3:37 PM, MikeChm said:

It is the time to wipe the evil Chinese communist regime from the earth.

You first. Put your money where your mouth is...

Edited by baboon
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9 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

then China shouldnt have militarized Intertnational waters and tried to bump a ship excersizing its right to free passage.


Where do you draw the line? To me it was drawn when the Chinese put missiles in the Spratleys

Right, do as i say, don't do as i do.

If America is that great, it should lead as example.

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