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Chinese Mob at CM Immigration


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8 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

It is all a misunderstanding.....They thought they were entitled to a V.I.P. lane the same as in Swampy.....

What there entitled to I can't say here. He must have had some dash the noodle man

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5 hours ago, SammyT said:

Well he's an <deleted> too then. My experiences in my time in Chiang Mai with anything that involves queuing (immigration, airport, shopping centres, drivers licence place) is that if someone pushes in front of me, and it has happened regularly at all of those places, they are normally Chinese. 


The fact that one non-Chinese guy admitted to pushing in at immigration doesn't change that.


But I concur that immigration could do things a whole lot better than they currently do

Mr deleted to you????

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9 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

It is all a misunderstanding.....They thought they were entitled to a V.I.P. lane the same as in Swampy.....

guessing nether of you have been in china..... it's like that everyday at every queue, they don't respect anybody.... and they want to be part of the international community

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9 hours ago, mfd101 said:

You have seen & experienced the future.

you haven't seen nothing yet.... they keep coming and they will bring their dogs..... they started in south china sea and are moving up north west to the new colonies!!!!

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20 minutes ago, Ridler said:

Why go so early? Is it that bad at CM?

No it's much worse, Big Joke needs to pay a visit* to Chiang Mai,

and sort all this mess out up here.

*A surprise visit would be great before they have a chance to make

it look better than it really is.

regards worgeordie         P.S. Is there any seating ,cover for people waiting,like at Prom.?

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As if the CM immigration isn't bad enough without having now to fight off the Chinese queue jumpers! Boy that really is going to be fun and games as these buggers are masters at pushing in and jumping the queue, going to have to stand firm and not give them an inch. They behave like that all the time in China, just barging their way in to wherever they like, however, if you give as good as you get and don't back down they will usually give in as they do not seem to like it when it looks like it might turn physical.

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11 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

It is all a misunderstanding.....They thought they were entitled to a V.I.P. lane the same as in Swampy.....

Farangs didn't get the memo?  They probably have a VIP lane.

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9 hours ago, SammyT said:

Well he's an <deleted> too then. My experiences in my time in Chiang Mai with anything that involves queuing (immigration, airport, shopping centres, drivers licence place) is that if someone pushes in front of me, and it has happened regularly at all of those places, they are normally Chinese. 


The fact that one non-Chinese guy admitted to pushing in at immigration doesn't change that.


But I concur that immigration could do things a whole lot better than they currently do


I beg to differ. 


I have some Europeans/Americans cutting my queue too when I am one second slower in pushing my luggage bag into the scanner at airports.


Sure,there are rude Chinese but there are also rude Americans too who like to push their way around.


I even have Thai people cutting my queue when weighing fruits at supermarkets.


So it's not confined to one race.


Edited by EricTh
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8 hours ago, Xavnel said:

My wife was there to extend her ED Visa,  she had did the 90 day check in in Friday(but missed the Queue by 2 then because of jumpers). The Immigration guy on Friday told her that they only allow 70 per day.

I do not know exactly how many were actually in the Mob that arrived, I did not sit there and count, but I know that the 1st group was right around 30,  the 2nd one that arrived later and joins the others was maybe 10-12, maybe even 15.  Again, I did not count, I just noticed them filtering into the line with the others.

As far as s people complaining, I do not know as we was inside the Office.



Yes, the education visa queue is the longest when I was there one week ago. It snaked right to the back of the building.


Unfortunately, immigration grouped the retirement queue with this queue too. 

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7 hours ago, NancyL said:

Do they still have a "uni-queue" for "retirement, medical and education" at the new immigration building?  If so, then it's really unfair to expect the retirees and people with medical problems to compete with young student bullies to get one of the 70 queue tickets for the day.  They really should go back to have separate queues for these services like they did at Promenada before Songkran.

I went there on the second day at the new building. They lumped the education queue with the retirement queue. I reported in the imm thread.


Not only that, you have to stand there for hours under the hot sun or rain. LOL

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4 hours ago, nickmondo said:

CM Immigration is the absolute pits!

Someone needs to take charge of these people and organise it for them.

Its not blooming rocket science !

Just needs a seperate line for each type of visa, use cheap barriers to from the lines, have the lines well signed, and a Security guard there to stop the ignorant Chinese, and other queue jumpers.

Job done.

LOL. Have you gone to the new building yet?


The queues are just beside the narrow one-way car road. They can only have a max of 3 queues. The cars need to pass through in the narrow car park.


Promenada is a much better place for queueing. 


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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

No it's much worse, Big Joke needs to pay a visit* to Chiang Mai,

and sort all this mess out up here.

*A surprise visit would be great before they have a chance to make

it look better than it really is.

regards worgeordie         P.S. Is there any seating ,cover for people waiting,like at Prom.?

No. There are only standing place (no chairs) and no cover.


The queue got worse.

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1 hour ago, connda said:

...and a couple of body guards who are fluent in Mandarin.


Guess what. There is a counter who can speak Mandarin at the new place calling out the names of Chinese passport holders.

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25 minutes ago, EricTh said:

I went there on the second day at the new building. They lumped the education queue with the retirement queue. I reported in the imm thread.


Not only that, you have to stand there for hours under the hot sun or rain. LOL

This is a truly awful way to treat people, very many elderly. I do hope some serious and organised naming and shaming in Chiang Mai can improve things for everyone.

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