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Gov.uk Petition - Reinstate Pension / Income Letter

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I started this below, is it worth petitioning parliament? https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/230120/sponsors/new?token=DK30K4e4lQKtLa3JO0h8


It has about 12 signatures in an hour now and they are reviewing it


Reinstate Pension/Income Letters at Bangkok British Embassy


As of the 12th of December 2018 British Citizens can no longer request a proof of income letter required to obtain a Retirement or Extension based on Marriage visa in Thailand

Other Countries Embassy's have an option to sign an affidavit that your income is true.   


The British Embassy has stated that this is because the Thai Immigration require proof that they cannot provide yet the current income letter already covers the embassy legally.  


The British Embassy has left us to resolve this with Thai immigration

The Thai immigration has not made any announcement and still requests the letter. Failing this Retired or Married Brits may be forced to transfer between £9-18,000 to a Thai bank as proof




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3 minutes ago, richiejom said:


Yes its not live until they review it which they are doing now...so currently its using my name


2 minutes ago, theoldgit said:

When I’ve signed these petitions before they automatically send a verification link to the email address you used to sign the petition, when you click on this link the petition signature is recorded.

Yes I forgot it would generate an email to me and the link is in the email. Signed and thanks.

Edited by vogie
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31 minutes ago, richiejom said:

They say now they are not verification experts but it seems to me that they have just rolled over...  I can't see how transferring an income to Thai bank will work unless they state a minimum of 3 months will suffice

and the Thai Immigration will accept it as Proof

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22 minutes ago, elviajero said:

Petition signed, but I think you will struggle to get the requisite 10K signatures.


IMO, the British embassy have made this announcement to force the Thai authorities to change or come up with with a solution. I have been told (un-corroborated) that immigration are considering allowing the embassy letter for year one, but will want to see payments being received to a Thai bank account for subsequent years.


It is not surprising that the Thai authorities are clamping down as the current system is full of holes. If they don't start insisting on proof of payments to Thialand now, it will almost certainly come in the future as expat numbers rise.

Thats fine if that is the case and start accepting Bank Books / Statements showing deposits over the year that amount to 400/800k and equates to the required monthly income but to date they insist that they require Embassy letters...????

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I see there's now a new thread here with a statement from the British Embassy today to ThaiVisa where they're claiming the U.S. Embassy also is going to cease issuing income letters.  But that's nothing we've heard from the U.S. direct at this point.



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Sweden is still free and we do not have to worry about this. But of course it is bad for all of us the more the englishmens are stirring the pot....


Why they clamp down on you, I dont know. Do you maybe have the same "system" as the americans that you do not have to prove anything just make promises to country and mother and father that you have 1 miljon in income each month?? Or do you have to prove your income to your embassy at any point???




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The unanswered question is this: If you have the requisite monthly income,  but keep it in a foreign bank account (transferring funds to your Thai Bank only when needed), will you be compelled to show THB 65 000 being transferred every month into your Thai Bank account? I have more than THB 65 000 per month available, but I choose not to keep it in a Thai bank. If I were compelled to transfer THB 65 000 per month into my Thai bank account, it (that account) would amass a very healthy balance in a year -- a balance that I have no intention of spending!

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12 hours ago, glegolo said:

Just a simple thought from a foreigner....   Can it be that your embassy just is shitty lazy and want to discontinue to issue these income-confirmations and use that time spend on more funny things, like a prolonged lunch hour or something???



Yep, that's it in a nutshell. Those incompetent Embassy clowns may not be experts in income verification but they are most definitely experts in laziness and are also now willing and eager participants in what I am rapidly coming to the conclusion is an overall UK government strategy which has the sole and avowed aim of making the lives of us long-suffering British expats in LOS as miserable as possible, as also witnessed by the additional time-consuming bureaucracy and expense which have been inflicted on us over the past few years in the areas of passport renewal, UK document legalisation and State Pension life certificates.

Edited by OJAS
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12 hours ago, Goethe said:

The unanswered question is this: If you have the requisite monthly income,  but keep it in a foreign bank account (transferring funds to your Thai Bank only when needed), will you be compelled to show THB 65 000 being transferred every month into your Thai Bank account? I have more than THB 65 000 per month available, but I choose not to keep it in a Thai bank. If I were compelled to transfer THB 65 000 per month into my Thai bank account, it (that account) would amass a very healthy balance in a year -- a balance that I have no intention of spending!

Do it and amass 800,000THB into a Thai bank account, shop around as some pay reasonable interest rates, then come retirement extension renewal time no problems, just get your bank statement, which takes half and hour and costs maybe 200Bt. If you've got sufficient money then the required amount in a Thai bank is definitely the best way to go. 

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Rather worryingly, I have just clicked on the link in the OP in order to sign the petition, only to be informed that the Parliamentary authorities are checking it. Looks like those in the FCO or Bangkok Embassy who were responsible for this crazy decision may have succeeded in bending their ears!

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5 minutes ago, OJAS said:

Rather worryingly, I have just clicked on the link in the OP in order to sign the petition, only to be informed that the Parliamentary authorities are checking it. Looks like those in the FCO or Bangkok Embassy who were responsible for this crazy decision may have succeeded in bending their ears!

I got the same message. I will sign this for sure. There is also another petition going around for the reinstatement of the full amount for UK pensions for expats. Please sign that as well. 


Just a thought on this. I don't have a pension yet. From what I have read on this subject the problem or issue the BE have is verifying the individual in questions documents.


Why can the individual not produce a document certified and signed by a UK Chartered Accountant who can verify it! Pay them a small annual fee. Done deal.


It might be something to ask the BE. I have an audited document that is verified by a 3rd party. Why can't you issue the income letter???


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5 hours ago, OJAS said:

Rather worryingly, I have just clicked on the link in the OP in order to sign the petition, only to be informed that the Parliamentary authorities are checking it. Looks like those in the FCO or Bangkok Embassy who were responsible for this crazy decision may have succeeded in bending their ears!

Nothing to worry about and no ones ear’s been bent. The petition needs 20 signatures, which it’s now got, before it can be reviewed and accepted by the Parliamentary authorities.

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6 hours ago, OJAS said:

Yep, that's it in a nutshell. Those incompetent Embassy clowns may not be experts in income verification but they are most definitely experts in laziness and are also now willing and eager participants in what I am rapidly coming to the conclusion is an overall UK government strategy which has the sole and avowed aim of making the lives of us long-suffering British expats in LOS as miserable as possible, as also witnessed by the additional time-consuming bureaucracy and expense which have been inflicted on us over the past few years in the areas of passport renewal, UK document legalisation and State Pension life certificates.

Why are you blaming the British embassy with your rediculous rant!


The Thai authorities have written to all embassies asking for them to verify the income and issue a letter confirming they’ve verified the income. That means the embassy would have to call/contact the source of income for every expat requesting a letter. Not are very reasonable request IMO.


It’s the Thai authorities that need lobbying to come up with a solution to satisfy their proof of income. Seeing the money being regularly transferred to a Thai bank account is that solution, and would solve the underlying issue of fraudulent applications.

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23 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Bump! Needs to be bumped once an hour untill everybody knows about it

If it is met by the same lethargy show by frozen pensioners living in Thailand when it comes to getting off their arrses this won't be going anywhere.

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8 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Why can the individual not produce a document certified and signed by a UK Chartered Accountant who can verify it! Pay them a small annual fee. Done deal.

Some retirees never go back to UK.

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21 hours ago, glegolo said:

This question is NOT unanswered at all. It says quite clearly in the rules and laws in Thailand that you shall have the money into a thai bank account.. To have it abroad will NOT be OK in any shape or form..



Sorry you are incorrect. As of now, and up to 12th Dec, UK retirees DO NOT have to show the income into a Thai bank, simply INCOME from wherever you have earned it, pension, rentals, interest, share divis. But into your UK account. You then give those bank statements to the Consulate who give you a certificate that says, Yes Mr J Bull SAYS he has such income. They are now saying that they cannot 100% verify those figure so will no longer be issuing a certificate to that effect. The Americans swear on oath that the figures the give to their Embassy are correct, UKs do not 'kin' swear.

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1 hour ago, OJAS said:

Because they alone out of all the embassies in Bangkok have decided in their infinite widsom to cease their income confirmation service in advance of any Immigration Bureau announcement regarding alternative verification procedures! I hold them entirely responsible for all the alarm which their ridiculous decision is causing among the local British expat community.

Not only the british community, you are not alone in this world you know. Your embassy have caused a huge lot of alarm in every one of the other expat communities as well...


And with this nonsens, with bad luck, maybe even some immigration-officer may see their chance to create som shit for all of us,. maybe thanks to this Thailand will change the existing rules and laws, who knows...



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31 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Sorry you are incorrect. As of now, and up to 12th Dec, UK retirees DO NOT have to show the income into a Thai bank, simply INCOME from wherever you have earned it, pension, rentals, interest, share divis. But into your UK account. You then give those bank statements to the Consulate who give you a certificate that says, Yes Mr J Bull SAYS he has such income. They are now saying that they cannot 100% verify those figure so will no longer be issuing a certificate to that effect. The Americans swear on oath that the figures the give to their Embassy are correct, UKs do not 'kin' swear.

YOU are incorrect, we were talking about money in the bank method, NOT the income method..



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17 minutes ago, glegolo said:

YOU are incorrect, we were talking about money in the bank method, NOT the income method..



Sorry I misunderstood. However, the 800k can be the equivalent in a Foreign currency account in GBP,USD, EURO, or KRONE.

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