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Thai Police Arrest Canadian Facing Charges In Usa


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I was told the FBI was looking for him after he submitted his Candian passport and it was denied or some drama. The poor girl he was living with who is a very nice lady and well respected, even loved by the locals both Thai and Farang got one phone call and was left high and dry to pay off his bills as he skipped out on her after the Candian Passport fiasco.

Thank you for the inside reporting... and look forward to any other info you can find.

Regarding his 2004 photo...which is about when you knew of him; did he really look like that (he'd only be 38 then) or was the photo retouched to change his look to appear older? It's so fundamentally different from his appearance only 5 years earlier in 1999 (in the America's Most Wanted article).

Was he teaching or otherwise working in Loei? Did he ever say what his source of funds were? It's curious that in none of the articles I read, did they mention what line of work he did in the USA, but can assume he was fairly well-off driving a 'Vette and living in big house in a gated community.

I believe his running from the law is what aged him, for sure he looks closer to 50 than to 40. Im guessing his hair greyed early but in Vegas its easy for men to keep their hair colored to go for that whole cheesy Vegas look. The paper might also have the age wrong, stranger things have happend. I was told soon after he disappeared from Loie that he was on the run and that something happend about his passport at the Canadian Embassy. After that I believe the police were asking about him up in Loie but I had moved down to Ko Chang and never saw the guy again so didnt think much of it.

As far as how he made money in America? He got drunk a couple times and talked like he was a bigtime drug smuggler in America which to me translated into he was selling hi grade Candian leaf to high and highly paid wait staff in Vegas. That kind of smalltime thing can make a decent cash flow from what I hear. To be honest thats why I didnt give it a second thought when I heard the police were looking for him. I figured he had gotten arrested for weed and jumped bond or some simple matter that is non violant. In Loie I understand he had a work permit and he was selling orange juice all over town at one point. I cannot confirm he had a work permit, only that he said he had one. From what I understand he was leagle up until the passport expired and then his troubles began as he appeared and submitted for a new one.

The sick thing about this is I see plenty of people who are as dodgy as this guy. What is one supposed to do about it, become an agent for the police and do their job or something? How many times has anyone here been out and met some scumbag and thought to themselves "I bet this SOB is a violant criminal with warrents somewhere?" Its time for the Thai Government and Police to step up and do their jobs to protect all the school children in Thailand.

Why in the helll are all these scumbags allowed to run all over this country posing as school teachers. The bare minimum of standards should be a thirty day background check before one is placed in a school as a teacher. How ffffing hard would it be to get fingerprints from every teacher and submit them to their home embassy to find out exactly who they are and if they have a history of pedophilia or in this case kidnapping and rape. How many of these scumbags would apply to be teachers if they knew for sure their fingerprints and picture would be submitted to their embassy for a police check? That would end 99% of the bullshit that goes on here and would have busted this guy and Karr before they stepped foot into a classroom to be alone with children.

Everyones heard the saying "The inmates are in charge of the assylum" currently in Thailand "The pedophiles are being placed in charge of the children!" Its time for a dramatic and speedy change to end this intolerable situation!

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I was told the FBI was looking for him after he submitted his Candian passport and it was denied or some drama. The poor girl he was living with who is a very nice lady and well respected, even loved by the locals both Thai and Farang got one phone call and was left high and dry to pay off his bills as he skipped out on her after the Candian Passport fiasco.

Thank you for the inside reporting... and look forward to any other info you can find.

Regarding his 2004 photo...which is about when you knew of him; did he really look like that (he'd only be 38 then) or was the photo retouched to change his look to appear older? It's so fundamentally different from his appearance only 5 years earlier in 1999 (in the America's Most Wanted article).

Was he teaching or otherwise working in Loei? Did he ever say what his source of funds were? It's curious that in none of the articles I read, did they mention what line of work he did in the USA, but can assume he was fairly well-off driving a 'Vette and living in big house in a gated community.

I believe his running from the law is what aged him, for sure he looks closer to 50 than to 40. Im guessing his hair greyed early but in Vegas its easy for men to keep their hair colored to go for that whole cheesy Vegas look. The paper might also have the age wrong, stranger things have happend. I was told soon after he disappeared from Loie that he was on the run and that something happend about his passport at the Canadian Embassy. After that I believe the police were asking about him up in Loie but I had moved down to Ko Chang and never saw the guy again so didnt think much of it.

As far as how he made money in America? He got drunk a couple times and talked like he was a bigtime drug smuggler in America which to me translated into he was selling hi grade Candian leaf to high and highly paid wait staff in Vegas. That kind of smalltime thing can make a decent cash flow from what I hear. To be honest thats why I didnt give it a second thought when I heard the police were looking for him. I figured he had gotten arrested for weed and jumped bond or some simple matter that is non violant. In Loie I understand he had a work permit and he was selling orange juice all over town at one point. I cannot confirm he had a work permit, only that he said he had one. From what I understand he was leagle up until the passport expired and then his troubles began as he appeared and submitted for a new one.

The sick thing about this is I see plenty of people who are as dodgy as this guy. What is one supposed to do about it, become an agent for the police and do their job or something? How many times has anyone here been out and met some scumbag and thought to themselves "I bet this SOB is a violant criminal with warrents somewhere?" Its time for the Thai Government and Police to step up and do their jobs to protect all the school children in Thailand.

Why in the helll are all these scumbags allowed to run all over this country posing as school teachers. The bare minimum of standards should be a thirty day background check before one is placed in a school as a teacher. How ffffing hard would it be to get fingerprints from every teacher and submit them to their home embassy to find out exactly who they are and if they have a history of pedophilia or in this case kidnapping and rape. How many of these scumbags would apply to be teachers if they knew for sure their fingerprints and picture would be submitted to their embassy for a police check? That would end 99% of the bullshit that goes on here and would have busted this guy and Karr before they stepped foot into a classroom to be alone with children.

Everyones heard the saying "The inmates are in charge of the assylum" currently in Thailand "The pedophiles are being placed in charge of the children!" Its time for a dramatic and speedy change to end this intolerable situation!

Thank you for your responses. It does point out a deplorable situation in that this man was one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives and should have been on every country's watchlist. As more information becomes available, hopefully we will learn how and where and when he entered Thailand. Once here, I realize its difficult to locate someone on the run, but certainly something needs to be done to uncover them if they are applying for a teacher or other sensitive position.

For shotover:

From the FBI website, he was born in Ottawa, Canada and his nationality is Canadian.


Perhaps it would be more accurate if the Thread Title was changed to reflect that information. Thank you, mods.

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Why in the helll are all these scumbags allowed to run all over this country posing as school teachers.

Thais are fairly incompetent at hiring teachers. They see a white face and automatically assume that person must be an expert at English and qualified to teach. Haven't you seen all the ads looking for white faces to fill their classes? It doesn't matter if they are actually qualified or not because various schools just need someone there to make them seem "international" to Thai parents. To these greedy Thai managers and owners the fact that they might be criminals or pedos are a distant second concern when it comes to enriching themselves.

Everyones heard the saying "The inmates are in charge of the assylum" currently in Thailand "The pedophiles are being placed in charge of the children!" Its time for a dramatic and speedy change to end this intolerable situation!

Another problem is that a lot of Thais can't tell the difference between a "good" farang and a "bad" farang. A lot of the worst scumbags i've met in Bangkok were snappy dressing con artists who talked a lot of sh_t about their success and had a loyal following of brainless thais who think he's just the bees knees. These guys even manage to con their way into farang social circles sometimes and they run the gambit from pedos, psychos, or everyday criminal scum.

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One of the difficulties in hiring foreigners is the fact that they are foreigners. It is difficult to know the cultural cues that help access character. If I were hiring a Thai national, I'd like to have a Thai national on a panel of interviewers to help me access the person's character based on knowledge of the culture.

It is far easier for a person within a given culture to determine the kind of person is within their own culture. From my limited experience, Thais rarely bring in foreigners to hire other foreigners. Because of the top down management style here, they rarely allow foreigners to do the hiring.

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One of the difficulties in hiring foreigners is the fact that they are foreigners. It is difficult to know the cultural cues that help access character. If I were hiring a Thai national, I'd like to have a Thai national on a panel of interviewers to help me access the person's character based on knowledge of the culture.

It is far easier for a person within a given culture to determine the kind of person is within their own culture. From my limited experience, Thais rarely bring in foreigners to hire other foreigners. Because of the top down management style here, they rarely allow foreigners to do the hiring.

Good point and well said.

It's extremely difficult for anyone to judge about someone outside your own culture, let alone if one doesn't speak the local language fluently and vice versa.


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One of the difficulties in hiring foreigners is the fact that they are foreigners. It is difficult to know the cultural cues that help access character. If I were hiring a Thai national, I'd like to have a Thai national on a panel of interviewers to help me access the person's character based on knowledge of the culture.

It is far easier for a person within a given culture to determine the kind of person is within their own culture. From my limited experience, Thais rarely bring in foreigners to hire other foreigners. Because of the top down management style here, they rarely allow foreigners to do the hiring.

I respect what you're saying but I can't accept it in this case. They (the school) blatantly flouted the law in employing a teacher illegally. The law has a purpose. It regulates the employment of foreigners. In this case, the school was seriously embarrassed. School administrators are well aware that foreigners require a work permit. This has nothing to do with being able to judge people from different cultures. I repeat I'm only referring to schools who employ illegally.

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Why in the helll are all these scumbags allowed to run all over this country posing as school teachers.

Thais are fairly incompetent at hiring teachers. They see a white face and automatically assume that person must be an expert at English and qualified to teach. Haven't you seen all the ads looking for white faces to fill their classes? It doesn't matter if they are actually qualified or not because various schools just need someone there to make them seem "international" to Thai parents. To these greedy Thai managers and owners the fact that they might be criminals or pedos are a distant second concern when it comes to enriching themselves.

Everyones heard the saying "The inmates are in charge of the assylum" currently in Thailand "The pedophiles are being placed in charge of the children!" Its time for a dramatic and speedy change to end this intolerable situation!
Another problem is that a lot of Thais can't tell the difference between a "good" farang and a "bad" farang. A lot of the worst scumbags i've met in Bangkok were snappy dressing con artists who talked a lot of sh_t about their success and had a loyal following of brainless thais who think he's just the bees knees. These guys even manage to con their way into farang social circles sometimes and they run the gambit from pedos, psychos, or everyday criminal scum.

Good relevant observations M.K.

I was asked and then begged to teach at a good quality gov. school in the Udon area by the principal.

His daughter used to catch her bus from my house to go to a PRIVATE school.

I told him i was not a qualified teacher and didn,t consider myself to have the ability to justify taking the position, but thank you for considering me and giving me an opportunity anyway.

He said he,d been observing my daughters abilities and this was a good indicator of my being able to do the job.

His daughter, although older and 3 grades higher was also getting the benefits that where passed on and in turn was telling her dad.

He said the school would get me a yearly visa and pay for it along with a salary of 20,000 monthly just to work so many days a week, he was very persistent for at least 2 months prior to the new school term starting.

I,d told him i didn,t stay in Thailand all the time and he still wanted me to teach as and when i was avaliable.

No qualifications, no experience of teaching a class and yet they were desperate enough to still try and employ me, I could have been anybody and he just took me at face value ?????????????

This is a good example of how meaningless the Gov. guide lines are and in effect seem to be just a paper exercise.

They didn,t get it that i would turn it down and why, in fact they got upset and he got sulky because they took it for granted i,d accept.

By the way he also mentioned that previous English / Farang teachers had been unsatisfactory and the last one, a German had been aggressive with the students and his communication skills not very good at all.

So this would be a typical problem that undermines the genuine ones and is one reason why anyone could / can get a job, it seems, at present, I.M.H.O. of course.

This happened to me, no b. s***

Incidently 2 of the well known private schools wanted me to work just as a conversationalist and this is also fact.

I will not name them as they only had their students spoken English in mind.

The best part of this part is i,m a Yorky, can you imagine all the students running around speaking English with a Yorkshire accent.

Mind you i,m a proud one and will exagerate my accent when need be, especially to those who don,t

" spoke plopeli " :o:D:D

marshbags :D

Edited by marshbags
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Your story is identical to many farangs who have lived outside of the main tourist areas. Irrespective of background, ability, etc upcountry farangs are begged to go and teach at the local school.

When you've seen how incompetently English is taught by the locals, it becomes just a little bit more understandable, just a little bit.

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A small update. At one point he had claimed he was in the United States Navy which very well may be true and may explain his duel nationality status. Evidently when he was originally charged with rape in Las Vegas the police had no idea that he was holding a Canadian passport so he slipped away and then entered Thailand as a Canadian tourist. I first saw him in 2002 so we know he was here since that time and I believe he was here for at least one year or more before I saw him hanging around in Loie.

The FBI has his birthdate at December 29th 1956 which would make him 50 years old. The Las Vegas pictures of the man which had him appearing much younger were evidently from his use of cosmetics and hair treatments and such as is normal in Las Vegas where growing old is the only sin, well that and kidnapping then raping women. Time has not helped Brian Jones apearence, he has not aged well on the run.

From this mornings calls to some old friends I was told that sometime after 2004 a police task force showed up in Loie Province and questioned about every westerner in town about the wherabouts of Brian Jones. He was nowhere to be found and nobody knew anything other than the fact he had pulled a runner. We see it often here in Thailand where guys show up with girls and play house for a time then one day you see the girl and the man is out of the picture. There is nothing new nor strange about that in Thailand. The difference here is now this guy is all over the news for being wanted by then captured by the FBI.

Evidently he was spotted again in Chang Mai around late 2004 or early 2005. There was also a rumor that he was arrested in Pattaya last year and deported which we now can confirm was never true. There are also some rumors he was involved in black mailing here in Thailand as a way of raising money, that will be hard to confirm unless someone steps forward. I can confirm this, I thought the guy was scum the first time I ever talked him and so did the other half a dozen guys who were around Loie in 2002/2003.

Its true criminals escape justice and run all over the world. What makes this story diffrent is here you have a guy on Americas Most Wanted and the FBIs most wanted for a violent sex crime being placed as a teacher over young children, this makes me want to vomit and is not excuseable for any reason. Im sure the person or persons responsible for hiring this man to work with children will never be held accountable in any way. They must have known he did not have a passport, how could they not? How many more Mark Karrs and Brian Jones do we have amongst us? How many Thai pedophiles work at elementry schools? Who is looking after these kids safty and welfare? Thailand please wake up and stop making excuses when it comes to the safty of children!

Edited by Mai Krap
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The question is what % of Thai teachers are paedos compared to USA. UK, Aus etc etc?

There are a large number of paedos working in British schools. Some get caught of course but how many dont?

In a way there is more monitoring in thai schools. The classrooms are windowed/open and we have cameras in our classes. No British school would have that! Also in your home country surely as you speak teh language it is easier to corrupt/frighten a child? (all the news reports talk of children being "primed" by child abusers). Cases like Gary Glitters (Vietnam should have hanged him) must frighten off potential child molesters from coming to Asia now.

The real issue is why are Thai authorities doing so much pointless paperwork. Surely a wanted criminal would have been stopped easily? It is the Thai authorities who should be ashamed of themselves!

If you think about it clearly most pervs here are on the run from prosecution. Hence it must be easier to stop them as a passport is required to apply. Dodgy Thai schools that hire with no visa/WP and Thai officials that take bribes ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS! But attack the farangs saves face

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My gosh, can you imagine your child studying in a bilingual school under a rapist teacher? This is again a wake-up call for the Thai authorities and I hope that they will be able to arrest all farang criminals that are hiding in Thailand and posing as teachers.

To help the Thai authorities maybe we farang have to police our own farang community and turn these farang criminals in.

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From what I observed in northern Thai 'professional educational conferences,' the level of expertise of many rural 'English teachers' of Thai nationality - the prathom teachers in govt. schools - is abominable. Some have extremely poor educational background themselves, none of it preparing them to teach English. The govt. requires English to be taught, the director must appoint somebody, and it may be the least capable teacher he has. So, when a White face walks past speaking English, the director thinks he has solved a problem.

Of course the govt. school administrators know they are violating Thai law. Up front in the interview, some will tell you they offer no help on work permit, visa, teacher license, etc. Or, they'll lie to your face about it. Happens regularly. Happens in big cities like Chiang Mai, too.

I taught in the provinces with one guy who only had a passport. No other documentation. He could have been a hodcarrier from Newcastle, or a street sweeper from London. Or a pedophile, a rapist, a murderer. He wasn't very good at teaching English, but he showed up for all his classes, and gave it a go. The school hired backpackers the next year, who stayed one semester. It's been going on for 43 years.

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Just a couple of bits from The Daily News and Kom Chad Luek papers:

When the fugitive was arrested, he didn't resist, but simply denied he committed the offenses in the USA.

Nine officers of various police agencies were on hand to arrest him, which might explain why the apprehension went smoothly and why there was no resistance.

The landlord of the room he rented was surprised by the revelations as he had considered Mr. Jones a good tenant and a friendly, nice man, as far as his encounters went with him, anyway.

Apparently Jones has only been in that city for the past 6 months, but the articles gave no further information as to whereabouts previously nor when he entered Thailand. His wife lived in a nearby city and visited him often.

Also, no information was given as to his immediate disposition or when he might be moved from Nan for extradition to the USA.

Edited by sriracha john
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One of the difficulties in hiring foreigners is the fact that they are foreigners. It is difficult to know the cultural cues that help access character. If I were hiring a Thai national, I'd like to have a Thai national on a panel of interviewers to help me access the person's character based on knowledge of the culture.

It is far easier for a person within a given culture to determine the kind of person is within their own culture. From my limited experience, Thais rarely bring in foreigners to hire other foreigners. Because of the top down management style here, they rarely allow foreigners to do the hiring.

I respect what you're saying but I can't accept it in this case. They (the school) blatantly flouted the law in employing a teacher illegally. The law has a purpose. It regulates the employment of foreigners. In this case, the school was seriously embarrassed. School administrators are well aware that foreigners require a work permit. This has nothing to do with being able to judge people from different cultures. I repeat I'm only referring to schools who employ illegally.

This is the key. The schools have to be held responsible. Dodgy foreigners wouldn't be considering jobs at schools if the schools weren't hiring dodgy foreigners- and even if the school doesn't have the machinery to do police checks, etc., the government does- but if the school doesn't obey the law and the government doesn't punish them for breaking the law, what will change?

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One of the difficulties in hiring foreigners is the fact that they are foreigners. It is difficult to know the cultural cues that help access character. If I were hiring a Thai national, I'd like to have a Thai national on a panel of interviewers to help me access the person's character based on knowledge of the culture.

It is far easier for a person within a given culture to determine the kind of person is within their own culture. From my limited experience, Thais rarely bring in foreigners to hire other foreigners. Because of the top down management style here, they rarely allow foreigners to do the hiring.

I respect what you're saying but I can't accept it in this case. They (the school) blatantly flouted the law in employing a teacher illegally. The law has a purpose. It regulates the employment of foreigners. In this case, the school was seriously embarrassed. School administrators are well aware that foreigners require a work permit. This has nothing to do with being able to judge people from different cultures. I repeat I'm only referring to schools who employ illegally.

I agree totally. The schools must bear some responsibility.

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Wouldn't most that take jobs paying 20% of the average wages in their home country be suspect of

having mental problems if not criminal problems. I would assume normal people would pass up

such low wages and work on obtaining a decent future, unless some type of failure or insecurities

were involved from life at home.

Seen many of the wrinkled white shirt brigade in BKK and most looked to young to be teachers. I had to be told

they were teachers when I asked what a few of them I had seen was wearing these wrinkled white shirts for, never seen a business person that would go out in public back home in such dire dress.

Wear anything, no problem, but a dress white shirt that looked to be slept in for a few days would not cut it anywhere that I had ever been. I kind of blamed their parents for the dress situation.

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Ya'll can talk until you're blue in the face and say, "Should, should, should" but it isn't going to happen just because you think it should. International background checks would be very costly to do for every foreign teacher. Most schools would probably have absolutely no idea how to do this, especially schools in rural places. I assume Nan is a rural upcountry location. That process (background checks) would have to be initiated by the Thai government in Bangkok, not the schools. Rural schools just don't have the resources or no-how to do this.

Also, it maybe hard to believe, but many government schools have no idea how to get a work permit for a foreigner. Some of them have just barely started hiring foreigners in the last few years. It's not an excuse, but there are explanations. I visited a very rural school in a very small village and they really wanted farang to teach their students. I can say the farang teachers they'd had up to that point were much more effective at teaching the language, at least in the communicative (speaking and listening) aspect, simply because they had to always use English when teaching. Not all the farang they'd had were necessarily technically qualified, but they did a pretty good job. However, since the school is in such a small village, the English coordinator was afraid to force the one farang teacher on staff to pay for a work permit, as they felt they wouldn't be able to get any farang teachers with that stipulation. They were a rural school and had few finances, and they couldn't pay for work permits. Also, they really had no idea how to get a foreigner a work permit. If the government wants to change situations like this, they need to get the information on work permits to the principals of all government schools. It's got to start from the top down. I have a lot of sympathy for the inadequacies of rural government schools, as I have seen their situation firshand.

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Ya'll can talk until you're blue in the face and say, "Should, should, should" but it isn't going to happen just because you think it should. International background checks would be very costly to do for every foreign teacher. Most schools would probably have absolutely no idea how to do this, especially schools in rural places. I assume Nan is a rural upcountry location. That process (background checks) would have to be initiated by the Thai government in Bangkok, not the schools. Rural schools just don't have the resources or no-how to do this.

Also, it maybe hard to believe, but many government schools have no idea how to get a work permit for a foreigner. Some of them have just barely started hiring foreigners in the last few years. It's not an excuse, but there are explanations. I visited a very rural school in a very small village and they really wanted farang to teach their students. I can say the farang teachers they'd had up to that point were much more effective at teaching the language, at least in the communicative (speaking and listening) aspect, simply because they had to always use English when teaching. Not all the farang they'd had were necessarily technically qualified, but they did a pretty good job. However, since the school is in such a small village, the English coordinator was afraid to force the one farang teacher on staff to pay for a work permit, as they felt they wouldn't be able to get any farang teachers with that stipulation. They were a rural school and had few finances, and they couldn't pay for work permits. Also, they really had no idea how to get a foreigner a work permit. If the government wants to change situations like this, they need to get the information on work permits to the principals of all government schools. It's got to start from the top down. I have a lot of sympathy for the inadequacies of rural government schools, as I have seen their situation firshand.

So what do you suggest? Maybe you can make excuses for them till were blue in the face? Your kind of enabling is just the kind of thing that Thais no longer need. Its time to for them to get it done, That includes figuring out how to get English teachers who dont have a history violent sex crimes. Believe it or not youre not the only person commenting here who has first hand knowledge of the Thai educational system. Youre just the only one who is making excuses for them so they can continue their march into mediocracy!

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So what do you suggest? Maybe you can make excuses for them till were blue in the face? Your kind of enabling is just the kind of thing that Thais no longer need. Its time to for them to get it done, That includes figuring out how to get English teachers who dont have a history violent sex crimes. Believe it or not youre not the only person commenting here who has first hand knowledge of the Thai educational system. Youre just the only one who is making excuses for them so they can continue their march into mediocracy!

So Thais no longer need someone who realizes why this kind of thing could happen? I was merely highlighting the fact that words get nothing done, action does. Also, if you'd read closely, I was saying that things happen the way they do because of failures in the system, and reformation of the system has to happen from the top down. A lot of schools just don't have the knowledge or tools to do what some of you are asking. The government shouldn't punish them when it gives them little help in these matters.

So I'm an enabler? Give me a break. So what are you going to do? That's my point. What can you, as a person, do? Can you do something about this? Are you going to do something? If not, then all the big man talk of "Thais need to get it together and do this and this and this" is just hot air. What's your suggestion? And is your suggestion feasible? I haven't seen any real authentic suggestions. Just belittling and not showing an understanding of the reality of what goes on in Thailand. I'm not enabling, I'm just stating realities.

I doubt if I went to the Thai government and told them what they should do about this that they would care what I have to say or do anything about it even if I gave them a good response.

I think a lot of comments really belittle and oversimplify the situation and belittle Thais. I just see a lot of emotional outbursts that don't help anything. It's not unheard of for this kind of thing to happen in Western nations, either.

See here. Scroll down to where it talks about sex offender teachers who resigned, weren’t rehired, retired, or were terminated, superintendents reported that 16% were teaching in other schools . . . .

So, perhaps Thailand is no better or worse than a country like the U.S.? Give it some thought.

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It is not that dificult to do a NCIC check on an American and check if he is wanted. I do not know if this is possible for other nationalities but, suspect that may not be the case. Maybe a national hotline or a website where dodgy characters could be reported and then checked out by the appropriate agencies. This would certainly help as a start. Then I advocate the each Province hire a farang advisor that can help in the slection process and even give advise of other govermental matters as to how it is done in other nations. Requirement for such a position would be a government retiree that would be willing to work at Thai governmental rates. Or solicit other nations to provide an exchange program where a Farang comes here as part of a exchange progams for a Thai going to their nation for a 3 years period to learn, observe and assist. Just thoughts! Cetainly better than what is in place now!

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Your story is identical to many farangs who have lived outside of the main tourist areas. Irrespective of background, ability, etc upcountry farangs are begged to go and teach at the local school.

When you've seen how incompetently English is taught by the locals, it becomes just a little bit more understandable, just a little bit.

The sad thing is that we cannot even give voluntary tuition to the less fortunates ( who cannot afford to pay ) without breaking immigration laws.

I had a similar problem also with a border charity i was voluntarily involved with and had to give it up because of visa restrictions on an "o" other.

The hastle was unbelievable and you,d reckon in both these areas the authorities would have a programme to facilitate them when you consider the good intentions and their benefits

Free of charge of course.

It,s obviously even more difficult now with all the low lifes infiltrating the different organisations. :D:o

All i can say as a way of encouragement to the genuine and established ones.

Hopefully you fullfill the requirements and you can provide your details and character references from past employment if it comes to it and the demands are not to restrictive of course.

Our children need you.

marshbags :D:D

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  • 9 months later...

UPDATE... he's back in America now


Brian Jones (left) has been on the run since 2000. Prosecutors charged Jones with kidnapping, battery and sexual assault.

Fugitive Caught After 7 Years on the Run

Whoever thought law enforcement was a glamorous job never spent a Tuesday night in a Barstow parking lot waiting for a mini-van.

But there's no place FBI Agent Scott Hendericks would rather be. This stop marks the last leg of a seven year journey to bring fugitive Brian Jones to justice.

The FBI has been searching for Jones since he jumped bail in 2000. Jones has spent years on the run and is accused of a brutal rape and kidnapping. Thanks to an extraordinary effort by law enforcement around the world, Jones will finally face justice.

"This is what it's all about -- catching the ones that don't want to be caught. It's a great feeling," said Hendericks.

In September of 1999, prosecutors charged Jones with kidnapping, battery and sexual assault for the vicious rape of a woman whose car had broken down in the desert.

Police believe Jones held her captive in his home for more than 18 hours, assaulting her repeatedly.

"With the experience that I have and that of my counterparts, this is probably the worst rape case that we have ever been a part of. It was brutal, brutal," added Hendericks.

Jones bailed out of jail and fled the country before his case ever went to trial. The FBI's Criminal Apprehension Team followed every lead, America's Most Wanted profiled the case and officials circulated his picture around the globe.

Finally, in 2004, the Canadian citizen made a mistake. He applied to renew his passport at the embassy in Thailand.

"I think he thought I'll get over there. He knew the area, knew the lifestyle. This is a good place to hide," said Hendericks.

It took another three years of investigative work, plus 28 hours of travel time to deliver Jones to Hendericks stateside.

"He was in a little village, in the very northern part of Thailand... I think his first statement was how in the heck did you find me?" Hendericks said.

As Jones settles in for the long drive to Las Vegas, Hendericks thanks the men who made it possible. It may not be glamorous but Hendericks will tell you, there's nothing else he'd rather do.

Jones is scheduled to appear in Clark County District Court next week.

- Channel 8 News (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)


Video news clip available here:


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Brian Jones' blue eyes can be seen clearly in this earlier photo.

Desperate For Help

On Aug. 28, 1999, a Las Vegas woman --who we'll call "Mary"-- was driving on the outskirts of the city when she lost control of her car, and got stuck in the desert sand around 11:30 p.m.

Because of the late hour, Mary decided to accept help if anyone offered. Police say she got out the car and began to walk down the road, and they say after a short while, Brian Michael Jones pulled up in his red Corvette.

"The person seemed like a nice gentleman, " Mary later told police. "He seemed very nice... He could tell I was crying."

Mary says Jones offered to drive home to get his pickup truck so that he could pull her car out of the sand. Mary hesitated, but thought the guy looked decent, and she felt like she didn't have any other options.

She agreed to go with Jones to pick up his truck, and says when they got to Jones' house she was surprised by what she saw. He lived in a beautiful home inside a gated community. Mary says she felt safe and didn't have a reason to fear this apparent good Samaritan.


Police say Jones took Mary back to his house and raped her for 18 hours.

Police say Mary accepted Jones' invitation to come in for a drink while he got the keys to his truck. She says she was impressed with Jones' house and started to look around. Jones told her he had a telescope upstairs where he could show her the moons of Jupiter or the rings of Saturn.

Mary just wanted to get back to her car and told Jones that, but he continued to talk. Mary told police that she didn't want to seem rude so she agreed to go look at the telescope, but she said after that, she wanted him to take her back to her car.

Mary says she went upstairs and checked out the view, but as she turned to leave the room, Jones made a pass at her. Mary pulled away, but says that's when Jones became aggressive.

According to Mary, Jones hit her across the side of the head, popping her eardrum. She says he continued to beat her and then tied her to the bed. Police say Jones then raped Mary on and off for the next 18 hours.

"I was nothing but a piece of garbage [to him]," she recalls. "I was of no significance at all."

The next morning when Mary woke up, she was still handcuffed to the bed and Jones was lying next to her. She told police her only chance of getting away was to trick Jones into thinking that she liked him, so she she began telling him things about her personal life. Mary says it worked because later that morning, Jones unlocked her handcuffs and told her to clean herself up. Jones went in the bathroom and took a shower.

At this point Mary knew if she was going to survive, she had to escape while Jones was still in the shower, so she quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. Just as she opened the door, she heard Jones get out of the shower.

Mary took off down the street, but realized the gate to the community was locked. She couldn't get out, so she ran to the house next door and rang the doorbell. At the same time, Jones was running out of his house toward her.

Unbelievably, Mary says the neighbor refused to help her, so she panicked and ran for her life. She didn't know what to do, but just then a car pulled into the community and the gates opened. Mary ran and made it out on to the street just before the gates closed.

Police say Joe Cassara and his wife Sheri were driving along when they noticed a woman, badly beaten, running on the side of the road. Joe told police that he pulled over to help, and what he saw was something that will stay with him forever.

"I will never forget her eyes," he remembers. "I mean it was sheer terror. It was like an animal that had been beaten."

Mary told Joe and Sheri that she was raped. The couple could tell how scared and badly beaten she was, so they offered to drive her to the hospital.

Police went to Jones' home and arrested him on rape and kidnapping charges, but they say he bonded out and never showed up for his court date.

- America's Most Wanted


As a result of that 18 hour ordeal with the one victim on August 28, 1999, he was charged with kidnapping and battery with intent to commit sexual assault; and SEVEN counts of sexual assault.

Teaching in Thailand?

Stand-by for more heavy seas....

I see this guy as a potential murderer, she is one lucky lady, had she said the wrong thing he could be on a murder charge,he deserves all he gets,.lets hope the inmates help justice prevail also, they dont like these types either ! :o
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Why in the helll are all these scumbags allowed to run all over this country posing as school teachers.

Thais are fairly incompetent at hiring teachers. They see a white face and automatically assume that person must be an expert at English and qualified to teach. Haven't you seen all the ads looking for white faces to fill their classes? It doesn't matter if they are actually qualified or not because various schools just need someone there to make them seem "international" to Thai parents. To these greedy Thai managers and owners the fact that they might be criminals or pedos are a distant second concern when it comes to enriching themselves.

Everyones heard the saying "The inmates are in charge of the assylum" currently in Thailand "The pedophiles are being placed in charge of the children!" Its time for a dramatic and speedy change to end this intolerable situation!

Another problem is that a lot of Thais can't tell the difference between a "good" farang and a "bad" farang. A lot of the worst scumbags i've met in Bangkok were snappy dressing con artists who talked a lot of sh_t about their success and had a loyal following of brainless thais who think he's just the bees knees. These guys even manage to con their way into farang social circles sometimes and they run the gambit from pedos, psychos, or everyday criminal scum.

All we can be thankful for is that these lowlifes usually behave themselves when on the run for fear of arrest, and possibly he didnt commit any crimes here in thailand ,.
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Wouldn't most that take jobs paying 20% of the average wages in their home country be suspect of

having mental problems if not criminal problems. I would assume normal people would pass up

such low wages and work on obtaining a decent future, unless some type of failure or insecurities

were involved from life at home.

Seen many of the wrinkled white shirt brigade in BKK and most looked to young to be teachers. I had to be told

they were teachers when I asked what a few of them I had seen was wearing these wrinkled white shirts for, never seen a business person that would go out in public back home in such dire dress.

Wear anything, no problem, but a dress white shirt that looked to be slept in for a few days would not cut it anywhere that I had ever been. I kind of blamed their parents for the dress situation.

ive never really taked much notice of this teacher/qualification thing,. however it jogged my memory, i was in a taxi driving in a small soi in bkk and saw a guy that was a car dealer i knew from calgary alberta, i asked the driver to stop and shouted peter, he came over to me and to cut a long story short he was on the run from canada and was teaching in bkk and asked me the keep it to myself and if asked to say i havent seen him, it was a warning sign to me and i didnt see him or contact him again,.
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