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"Foreigners throw trash too, you know!" - Thais reject notion they are solely to blame


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1 hour ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

On my local beach, a Thai lady from the village cleans a good stretch of obvious litter every day. My wife and I often speak to her. On rough days when it is stormy she cleans a frontal stretch of the pedestrian esplanade surrounding the local reservoir lake. Locals rod fishing from there frequently leave trash despite litter bins being provided.

I knew there might be at least one,fingers crossed we might even get another one reported.anyway why should the anglers use the bin when there's a mug that walks round picking up the litter after they finished.part of Thai mentality is to throw rubbish and know there is someone of lower class than themselves that will pick it up.it gives them the feel good factor.

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14 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

Go to the Gold Coast as see what some of the pigs leave in the parks after a long day of picnicing, bloody disgusting the amount of trash left for the council to pick up. I was amazed last time i was there at what the grubs were leaving.


On second thoughts its a tourist area, so its probably the foreigners or refugees being grubs.

Is this a Thai forum?  OK, it is a Thai forum, and a Thai apologist forum also. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, hsovereign said:

20 years ago when I was a kid I saw tractors going on to the Spanish beaches early in the morning.  With a big rake behind them,  picking up any garbage and making the sand look pretty awesome.  Why can't they do that in Thailand?? 

It will. Come, but in terms of. Social Education in Thailand really is at least 20 years behind. 


Alas, the junta has other priorities, which include keeping social education as far behind the curve as they can. 

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8 hours ago, toenail said:

Note: Thais in the rural towns are more conscious about keeping their neighborhoods clean and not leaving litter around. 

It is easy to see by this statement that your travels around Thailand have been very limited. I live in northern Thailand and every town and village that I have been too or even pasted through is a disgrace with the rubbish that is just dumped everywhere. I have even seen 2 men emptying their pick up that was full of house hold rubbish on a vacant block of land between 2 house and just drive away when they were finished. On the edge of the Moo Ban that I live in there are signs erected telling the people not to dump rubbish there, but that is the exact spot where the local people dump there house hold rubbish with no worries about anything being done to them by the authorities. The motto of Thai people is "Rubbish Thailand"

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8 hours ago, d2b2 said:

I clean the beach near my Hua Hin home, almost daily. I usually pick up two to three bags each day. Often I will encounter other farang doing the same, but I have only seen one or two Thais doing this.

Making matters worse, I have experienced Thais thanking me for cleaning their beach, while simultaneously throwing their garbage to the sand. Really? Seriously? The trash can is 3 meters away. 

Most western countries have woken up to the problem of litter long ago, and find the trash accumulating in Thailand to be repulsive. Of course there are foreigners that litter, but personal experience as well as the vast amounts of garbage accumulating away from tourists areas demonstrate this is mostly a Thai problem. 

Instead of having “Bike for Dad Day” , perhaps Thais would be better served by having “Clean Up Your Country For Dad Day”. People are far less likely to litter if they have spent some time picking up after their fellow countrymen. 

Well done. (Seriously)

You should advertise somewhere in Thai  asking people to help you. 

Don't forget to mention there will be lots of photos taken. That's extremely important. Lots of locals will show up.

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8 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

Quote from QLD Minister....open your eyes Jimmy newbie.


Minister’s foreword
Every day across Queensland, our parks, streets, forests and waterways are subjected to 
pollution from litter and illegally dumped waste.
Plastic bags, cigarette butts, glass bottles, hazardous materials and other wastes are 
discarded thoughtlessly. These actions impact on our local communities, as well as the 
environment. On a larger scale, domestic and commercial waste illegally dumped by the 
trailer and truck load, leaves the clean-up and costs to others.
Litter and illegally dumped waste create dirty and unsafe places that detract from the 
enjoyment of people using urban and green spaces. 
Litter and illegal dumping costs Queensland millions of dollars each year. An environment 
polluted with rubbish deters visitors and impacts on the state’s tourism industry.
Littering and illegal dumping also threatens our marine animals, native wildlife and 
natural ecosystems. Children are at risk of injury or worse from broken glass, discarded 
needles, demolition waste, asbestos and rusting metal. 
Items that could be recycled are wasted, and the opportunity for reuse is lost. The regrettable 
volumes of illegally dumped commercial waste highlight this missed opportunity and the




That's right-Australia looks like a third world dump...


Sure it does-it is called intellectual turpitude.







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On 10/18/2018 at 2:22 PM, lujanit said:

I think that most of the rubbish washed up on beaches comes from boats at sea, and not necessarily all Thai vessels.

It come from the sea, but only after being washed out of creeks & rivers during wet season -


Using plastic is a minor crime, irresponsibly disposing of it is a major one -

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56 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

It will. Come, but in terms of. Social Education in Thailand really is at least 20 years behind. 


Alas, the junta has other priorities, which include keeping social education as far behind the curve as they can. 

Just social ???

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Its true !

Foriegners do throw trash onto the beaches sometimes.

But I have never heard of too many of them packing building rubble and the offcuts of the trimmed veggies that are sold at Markets here into their cases and then taking the time out to spread it everywhere around the Nation.

They also dont seem to spend too much time in all the fields inland flinging trash about everywhere.

Edited by Cake Monster
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56 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I live in northern Thailand and every town and village that I have been too or even pasted through is a disgrace with the rubbish that is just dumped everywhere.

I just took the train down to Mahachai and I was astonished to see the amount of crap in the ditches and along the tracks. That of course would not be illustrative of ALL of Thailand I am sure, but IMHO, there is a problem with litter, at least in the BKK area. That being said, all I can do as an individual is set an example by not tossing my rubbish in any place other than a garbage bin/can, even if it means carrying rubbish around for a while (since bins can be scarce) and by refusing excess plastic, like for drink cups or bottles of water. I am a guest here and I was raised not to be a slob in someone elses home. I think that Thais watch our behavior and I try not to offend.

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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I just took the train down to Mahachai and I was astonished to see the amount of crap in the ditches and along the tracks. That of course would not be illustrative of ALL of Thailand I am sure, but IMHO, there is a problem with litter, at least in the BKK area. That being said, all I can do as an individual is set an example by not tossing my rubbish in any place other than a garbage bin/can, even if it means carrying rubbish around for a while (since bins can be scarce) and by refusing excess plastic, like for drink cups or bottles of water. I am a guest here and I was raised not to be a slob in someone elses home. I think that Thais watch our behavior and I try not to offend.

Why would it not be illustrative of Thailand?


Leaving aside laughter,joking,irony,scepticism.jests,being sardonic.,a trifle Laconic..


It's a trash tip.

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30 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Why would it not be illustrative of Thailand?


Leaving aside laughter,joking,irony,scepticism.jests,being sardonic.,a trifle Laconic..


It's a trash tip.

Well some places I have been have been cleaner than others. I am sure there are places that are close to pristine. In other words I havent been everywhere, so how can I comment?

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On 10/18/2018 at 2:22 PM, lujanit said:

I think that most of the rubbish washed up on beaches comes from boats at sea, and not necessarily all Thai vessels.

Not so sure about that. In Hong Kong virtually all of the rubbish comes down the Pearl River from China. You don't get thousands of acres of plastic because someone throws their straw over the side of the boat.

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3 minutes ago, AloisAmrein said:

many in the spotlight too, thai cop with gun in japan and not forgetting their man in munich and when he was in the UK

Royalists ranshacking a girls home in paris encouraged by the foreign minister, the list goes on.

A thai man in the UK was selling fake dvds , he found out he could get more money renting out his sister....

Edited by jimmynewbie
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On 10/18/2018 at 2:58 PM, baansgr said:

I suppose thats why Jomtien beach is relatively clean most of the time but once its a thai holiday, the rubbish is unbelievable....saw a girl in a restaurant yesterday picking her nose and rolling her bogies....dirty unclean nation

I like it when they put that sh*t in the khao pad...makes a great texture

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3 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

The  Thai are the greatest trash polluters on the planet.Their environment is catastrophically dirty and filthy.


Grow up.Grow a pair.Grow a flexible spine.Pick up the trash.Stop blaming others for your laziness,lack of motivation,psychological discombobulation and your astounding ability to blame others for your less than sterling performance for 50 years.. 


Go on..I dare you.

Not sure of your response are you agreeing or disagreeing with my comment?

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8 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Not sure of your response are you agreeing or disagreeing with my comment?



Sorry..I took rhetorical flight????


You will get used to it after a while..


And yes..the place was filthy without any miserable excuse being either solicited or accepted.

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This defense argument is a sad reflection of the Thai education system and their ability to apply basic mathematics to the problem.


No. of Thais =69+ million. Number of days in a year = 365

69,000,000 x 365 = 25,185,000,000   25.2 billion


No, of tourists = 35 million.  Average stay = 15 days

35,000,000 x 15= 525,000,000   525 million


These figures alone offer a 98% to 2% spread and that's on the assumption we all share the same attitudes on waste disposal.  Enough said. It's about time they owned up to the problem and took responsibility for it.



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3 minutes ago, Zack61 said:

This defense argument is a sad reflection of the Thai education system and their ability to apply basic mathematics to the problem.


No. of Thais =69+ million. Number of days in a year = 365

69,000,000 x 365 = 25,185,000,000   25.2 billion


No, of tourists = 35 million.  Average stay = 15 days

35,000,000 x 15= 525,000,000   525 million


These figures alone offer a 98% to 2% spread and that's on the assumption we all share the same attitudes on waste disposal.  Enough said. It's about time they owned up to the problem and took responsibility for it.



They don't  require mathematics.

They require motivation and someone to challenge their stupendously grandiose views of themselves.

 "Never..,in the field of human endeavour has so much been announced by the corrupt.with absolutely no action,and so little real result.."


Winston Chuckatrashipon.

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This kind of ignorant attitude and finger pointing is exactly why it will never stop.  "Who cares if I throw my rubbish on the ground?  Everyone else does it!  Look, there's garbage all over the place!"


And yes, there are lazy idiots in every country throwing trash on the ground and in the rivers.

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