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3AM BALCONY PLUNGE Brazilian DJ Ricardo Vilela fighting for his life after falling off third floor balcony at Bangkok airport ‘wearing only swimming trunks’


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5 hours ago, Rawnthai said:

I was talking to a man who’s career was investigating accidental deaths. He told me that in Thailand most balconies are 10-12 inches lower than the western worlds average. We, westerners, lean on rails without too much thought, ie. instinctively. We expect a certain height, but end up increasing  our chances of falling over. Over average tallness and of course drunkenness increase the chances of ‘flopping’ over.  

How does that explain the swimming trunks. Obviously out of his brains on something. And probably not beer.

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"It's not the first time someone has plunged from a balcony at the airport."


Some of the many Thailand hotel/apartment plunges are no doubt because of the low walls. I wonder if that is the case here, somehow I don't think so, but still, may simply have been misjudging the height of the wall and then over ya go. You don;t have to be drunk or otherwise high either, just being tired or distracted will do it. I fell off a narrow cliffside walkway in Indonesia once, I simply started thinking about something for a moment instead of looking where i was putting my feet and fell 4 feet. Luckily I landed on feet, on relatively flat smooth concrete, but was wearing flip flops and utterly creamed my left foot. Not drunk, not high just a bit tired and my concentration had flagged for a second.  Had I landed on my head I could have been in intensive care like this guy.

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Why people feel that an event such as this is a cue for a sarcastic or poor attempt at humor comment, is unbelievable. Please refrain from posting in that way and move on !


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