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Hundreds of thousands take to streets in London demanding second Brexit vote


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10 hours ago, 473geo said:

Ease of entry - the crux of the brexit vote me thinks

That is the crux of Brexiteer misunderstanding. We're not in Schengen and have complete control of movement from outside the EU. One problem is we fail to implement controls in EU migration available to us. Another is that we don't monitor migration properly; who's in, who's out - the basics

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9 hours ago, nauseus said:

Post No.57 then just google "The real face of the European Union" and enjoy.


Or a link: 


But methinks you've seen it before.

Brexiteer thinks he’s found a killer argument in hyperbole and hogwash laced anti EU propaganda video.


I guess it’s the spitfires flying overhead of a fluttering Union Jack that does it.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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On 10/21/2018 at 6:31 AM, rooster59 said:

Brendan Heading, a 39-year-old IT worker, said he was worried the decision to leave the EU would damage the economy and could lead to the break up of the United Kingdom.

Well Brendan, I beg to differ:


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11 minutes ago, Antonymous said:


Excellent. Thanks for posting.


Remainers can't accept the facts as shown by data collected by the Office of National Statistics, so will attack the person who created the graph instead!

Why is this graph (with figures only up to 2011) even relevant to the Brexit debate???

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48 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

Why is this graph (with figures only up to 2011) even relevant to the Brexit debate???

Why is the graph relevant to the Brexit debate? It is a stark counter to the arguments put forth by the EU and remainers that Britain's economy will fail without the EU. In short, the graph shows that Britain has experienced declining economic growth since it joined the EU.

Brexit will allow the UK to set up trade deals directly with countries outside the EU, including the USA. Loss in trade with Europe will be more than offset with trade with other countries. Europe will be the biggest loser from a Brexit, not the UK.

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7 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Why is the graph relevant to the Brexit debate? It is a stark counter to the arguments put forth by the EU and remainers that Britain's economy will fail without the EU. In short, the graph shows that Britain has experienced declining economic growth since it joined the EU.


Brexit will allow the UK to set up trade deals directly with countries outside the EU, including the USA. Loss in trade with Europe will be more than offset with trade with other countries. Europe will be the biggest loser from a Brexit, not the UK.


Change your medication as you are clearly hallucinating  ????

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26 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Are you referring to EU migrants or RoW?


EU migrants are a net benefit to us. AND we should apply existing EU regs to reduce the flow

Both. But in this case particularly the EU. The supposed net benefit of EU immigrants is debatable, as all the impacts have not been factored in, especially w.r.t suppressed wages for British workers due to competition from cheaper EU immigrant labour. If the large companies are what are really being considered here, then yes, they do well. But for the average Briton, I don't think so.


I agree that existing regs should be fully enforced.   

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53 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Why is the graph relevant to the Brexit debate? It is a stark counter to the arguments put forth by the EU and remainers that Britain's economy will fail without the EU. In short, the graph shows that Britain has experienced declining economic growth since it joined the EU.


Brexit will allow the UK to set up trade deals directly with countries outside the EU, including the USA. Loss in trade with Europe will be more than offset with trade with other countries. Europe will be the biggest loser from a Brexit, not the UK.


It’s a picture drawn by a convicted fraudster on which he, the convicted fraudster, has written ‘Source: Office for a National Statistics’.


It’s meaningless hogwash, fed to and swallowed by the gullible.

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23 minutes ago, evadgib said:

a pro-brexit stance doesn't last long on this board...

Image result for cuckoo hatchling nest




There are more than a few remainers and brexiters on these various threads - and no-one has won the argument, as it's impossible to predict the future.


Edit - But we 'mostly' argue amongst each other (i.e. I'm trying to ignore the remainers slurs against brexiters...), with neither 'side' failing to make their point, or lose the 'argument'.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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On 10/21/2018 at 1:00 PM, vogie said:

David Cameron prior to the referendum told the nation on the Andrew Marr Show that if the country voted to leave the EU that meant also leaving the single market. It was all very transparent, but over time people believe what they want to believe, people believe the rubbish that is written in the papers and what they view on the left wing tv.

People can go on about the referendum till the cows come home, but in reality Parliament voted for the nation to have this referendum.

You seem to have believed the rubbish you viewed on the "left wing tv" (Andrew Marr Show).

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23 hours ago, AlexRich said:


When the dust settles on this fiasco the net result will be to usher in a Corbyn government, who will make East German communists look like Ayn Rand. You'll have Venezuela off the coast of Europe. 

You don't have to worry about Corbyn, he'd soon fall foul of Maastricht and have any excesses reined in by the EU. Oh, hang on, just a minute..........

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Just now, Stupooey said:

About 27% of the 18-24s did vote Leave. He would seem to fit the demographic (the tattoos give it away).

I'm sure that we can both agree that a similar number of stupid people voted both leave and remain?


Unfortunately for the remain 'camp' - the referendum resulted in a leave result.

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23 hours ago, evadgib said:

From Pat Condell re this march:


"Every time a country has tried to vote against the EU, the vote has been ignored or overturned". Untrue, but what do you expect from this sarcastic bigot? Example - the European Constitution was shelved in 2005 following negative votes in the French and Dutch referenda.

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4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm sure that we can both agree that a similar number of stupid people voted both leave and remain?


Unfortunately for the remain 'camp' - the referendum resulted in a leave result.

No, we cannot agree. Watching the various vox pops that appeared on TV during and after the vote led me to conclude that a bunch of posh counts with an ulterior motive managed to persuade a bunch of daft counts to vote for something that was not in their interests. 

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4 hours ago, Stupooey said:

You don't have to worry about Corbyn, he'd soon fall foul of Maastricht and have any excesses reined in by the EU. Oh, hang on, just a minute..........

A good point. The EU prevented extreme left or right policies being implemented ... and that’s why extreme lefties like Corbyn want to leave just as much as extreme righties like Rees Mogg. 

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