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SURVEY: USA -- Headed in the right or wrong direction?


SURVEY: USA -- Head in the right or wrong direction?  

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Can't EVER count the USA out of anything, for any reason. Been the #1 greatest good for planet earth and all it's inhabitants, despite it's short history. 


Sure it's not perfect. No country or government is. There are short term problems that will be overcome and some longer term through which it will persevere. 


The straw that stirs the world's drink...the main engine that powers the world...will continue to do so for a long time to come.


Those hoping this isn't the case, best be mindful what ye wish for! ????????

Edited by Skeptic7
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52 minutes ago, patsfangr said:

1. How many of the other "civilized societies" in the world have a population of over 300 million people. 


Being a civilised society starts from one person being civilised. You, me, us all. It's really simple as that. 





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2 hours ago, patsfangr said:

Now that is one of the most uninformed comments I've ever seen posted here. America has NEVER made the claim of being a "true democracy, Russell. America IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, a Democratic Republic. Go look that up before you make a fool of yourself again! 

I like many if not all of your logic ! You could of chose better words while suggesting  that he should look it up. Don't you agree?

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Interestingly, the results of the survey so far are about 32% for the right direction, and 78% for the wrong direction. That is about the same ratio as what I believe to be the Trump supporters vs. the "rest of us" in the US. Of course, I know that this survey includes non-US respondents, but the ratio of those that support Trump and those that don't are similar to the US's internal ratio.

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2 minutes ago, billsmart said:

Interestingly, the results of the survey so far are about 32% for the right direction, and 78% for the wrong direction. That is about the same ratio as what I believe to be the Trump supporters vs. the "rest of us" in the US. Of course, I know that this survey includes non-US respondents, but the ratio of those that support Trump and those that don't are similar to the US's internal ratio.

Unfortunately, your logic is flawed!




We don't have a "sampling" size, to begin with.  All we have are the number of people who decided to respond.  In terms of percentages, the "result" is meaningless. 


Moreover, what survey have you done in the USA which has given you those figures upon which you have drawn your (biased) conclusion?

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2 minutes ago, allanos said:

Unfortunately, your logic is flawed!




We don't have a "sampling" size, to begin with.  All we have are the number of people who decided to respond.  In terms of percentages, the "result" is meaningless. 


Moreover, what survey have you done in the USA which has given you those figures upon which you have drawn your (biased) conclusion?

My logic is not flawed.

The sampling size is the number of respondents. That represents the number of people who frequent Thai Visa, were interested in this topic and cared enough to respond. No one is saying that ratio represents all the people in the world or even all the Farangs in Thailand.

I have not conducted a survey in the US. I didn't conduct this one. I've just noticed that the number of core Trump supporters are reported to be about 35%. 

My source for that is, of course, CNN.

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8 minutes ago, billsmart said:

Interestingly, the results of the survey so far are about 32% for the right direction, and 78% for the wrong direction. That is about the same ratio as what I believe to be the Trump supporters vs. the "rest of us" in the US. Of course, I know that this survey includes non-US respondents, but the ratio of those that support Trump and those that don't are similar to the US's internal ratio.

That is no true, They are 32% in the right direction with some short term problems ahead. 

You all need to read the poll questions more carefully.

The short term problem is Trump, a problem we will begin to address the 6th of next month, and will eliminate 2020.

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13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Headed in the wrong direction is an understatement.


Shooting itself in the crotch is more accurate.


It is a terribly sad thing to see a once great nation slink into darkness, grievance and loneliness; I truly and sincerely hope that the US finds its way again and rejoins good people everywhere in trying to create a better planet. When the US is feeling good, confident and proud (as it should), it has sooo much to offer and the world needs that good old American 'can do' spirit again.




We'd like to see TV scrap the "confused" and "sad" icons. As only the confused and sad seem to use them in response to posts. 

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Just now, sirineou said:

That is no true, They are 32% in the right direction with some short term problems ahead. 

You all need to read the poll questions more carefully.

The short term problem is Trump, a problem we will begin to address the 6th of next month, and will eliminate 2020.

I did read the survey choices, and I do think the US is headed in the wrong direction (Trump), and will have big problems ahead (digging us out of the hole Trump is digging for us.)

I can't understand why you think we (US) are headed in the right direction, and yet consider Trump a short-term problem. I hope Trump himself will be short term, but the problems he has already caused us and will likely continue to call for a couple more years will plague us for decades.

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53 minutes ago, allanos said:

Couldn't have said it better.  This egotistical, narcissistic, self-praising and self-adoring Hollywood "elite" (not a name I would give them; there are more-appropriate words) should simply be ignored, or shunned, and which would cut them to the quick as their egos wouldn't be able to take it.  They really are a blot or a stain on America, and not the role models that their elevated status requires.

Not that the current POTUS is ANY of that, including a television show celebrity. 


Engage brain before operating internet device. 

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10 hours ago, billsmart said:

The rise of the alt-right (the "Deplorables") and the election of Trump is now and will continue to be a disaster for the US, my country, even long after he has left office. The sooner that happens, however, the better. But even then, we (reasonable US citizens) still have to figure out how to live with the knowledge that at least 35% of our fellow citizens are either intolerant bullies, racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, neo-fascists, and/or nationalists. ????

Or even batshit, pipe bomb, mass shooting, crazy.

And it's almost always a white guy. 

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1 hour ago, patsfangr said:

So you believe that Russia and China are the only threats to all of the countries in the world? No dictators in Africa, South America, or the Middle East who would like to "annex" the next door neighbor? No powerful, aggressive men within a country with a US presence who'd like to stage a coup if the US pulled out? Do you really believe that these things wouldn't happen in many countries if the US pulled its military back to the USA? do you REALLY, TRULY BELIEVE THAT?

And so what?


If Tanzania was to invade Kenya, why would it concern the US?

Who has given the US the role of world policeman?

No one wants it, and all polls show it clearly.


The US has enough problems of its own to deal with.

And there are other threats to the world than military ones.


Why is the US not spending less on military and much more on the environment at large, instead of promoting insane drill dri!! dri!l policies, and refusing to take climate change seriously, not to mention the poisoning of air, water and soil, and by extension of what we eat, drink and breathe?


Nature can kill us as efficiently as any missile...and does it!


The US has an obsession with the military.

It didn't listen to Ike, himself a former general, when he left office in 1961, warning the Americans against the danger of the military industrial complex, a cancer that has been eating America from inside since then...

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Just now, billsmart said:

I did read the survey choices, and I do think the US is headed in the wrong direction (Trump), and will have big problems ahead (digging us out of the hole Trump is digging for us.)

I can't understand why you think we (US) are headed in the right direction, and yet consider Trump a short-term problem. I hope Trump himself will be short term, but the problems he has already caused us and will likely continue to call for a couple more years will plague us for decades.

Our disagreement is probably in our definition of short term,

IMO short term is five to ten years. 

I think five years because there is a lag time to economic and social policies.

We do have some problems and probably will always have, but ones Trump is gone we can begin to address them again.

As it is, we Obama's policies of stimulus is producing the strongest economy in the world , where austerity was tried elsewhere with negative  outcomes.

I am an optimist, I think our best days are ahead of as, if we don't shoot ourselves on the foot and re elect Trump which is not probable but possible.




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10 hours ago, rskdev said:

American Dollar, USD. Will always rule! As it still does this second, minute and hour. Look at other countries. What currency do they prefer? Banks are based on the USD, exchange rate is always based on the buying and selling of all currencies against the USD.  Just take a look at the FOREX market. A Trillion Dollars more or less is traded every day around the world.  Who controls that? Use your brain. Nothing will change.

Never underestimate the power of USD.

USA is heading in the projected direction according to its own rules established many years ago.


And all the other issues that are going on now, don't really mean jack. What it all comes down to in the end is money and resources.


By the way, I trade on the Forex Market. Very profitable.

The dollar is not going to always rule, the US is on the hook or in the hole for trillions, you cannot print your way out of it. 

Trading? You mean gambling. Unless you're singularly gifted, and thats not apparrent reading this post, you're full of it. Only forex exchanges make money on currencies, not patsies online.

Edited by Small Joke
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52 minutes ago, billsmart said:

It hasn't worked for hundred's of years without being changed. It has to change. IMO, change always comes too slowly, but at least it does come. Our Founding Fathers knew that and made sure there was a process to change it written into it.

Yes it's that process that the left and liberals want to constantly tweek without going through that arduous process . Dem's claim they can adhere to the constitution while they are adapting radical changes! How can they adhere to something that's constantly changing!

The process of amendments was intentionally made difficult to change because of the adherence!

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1 hour ago, patsfangr said:

Opinion and speculation are not facts. 

Pew conduct surveys.

Surveys obviously reflect opinions.

If they ask someone: do you think America is a threat to world peace? the person answers according to her opinion...there is no fact to deal with.

Maybe in 10 or 20 years from now will we know if that person's opinion has been confirmed by the facts...


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1 hour ago, billsmart said:

I don't so much think that a pure version of socialism will ever be instituted for the reasons you gave above, but unlike you, I think we should work towards that as a goal. In other words, we should try to establish a system that was more caring and compassionate, rather than just accepting the fact that we, as humans, are greedy, me-first, beings, and set up our systems to encourage and reward that.

More Government,taxes,social programs,free college and medical and we haven't even discussed open boarders,Not on my watch It's against the founding fathers values and the spirit of the constitution

Edited by riclag
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I don't understand the need of that new anti-air goalkeeper he wants to put in Europe against Russia...I also don't see the thread from Russia, are they willing to take Europe over? Didn't know they were our enemies...what will they win if they nuke Europe?


About the rest of Trump i understand him and think he's doing fine...there are too many shootings though, hope he can control that...

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

Yes it's that process that the left and liberals want to constantly tweek without going through that arduous process . Dem's claim they can adhere to the constitution while they are adapting radical changes! How can they adhere to something that's constantly changing!

The process of amendments was intentionally made difficult to change because of the adherence!

I don't claim to be an expert of US laws, but aren't things like "Protects the right to keep and bear arms." amendments, which were not part of the US constitution and were added to the constitution in 1791?


That addition was needed and wanted by the people at that time, in 1791. Hundred years before electricity. 

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35 minutes ago, billsmart said:

I did read the survey choices, and I do think the US is headed in the wrong direction (Trump), and will have big problems ahead (digging us out of the hole Trump is digging for us.)

I can't understand why you think we (US) are headed in the right direction, and yet consider Trump a short-term problem. I hope Trump himself will be short term, but the problems he has already caused us and will likely continue to call for a couple more years will plague us for decades.

Disagree MAGA is symbolic to the Industrial revolution ! It's energized and stimulated trilions of overseas monies coming back to the country. Record low unemployment! More jobs than ever .Consumer confidence has a positive effect.America is doing better than ever economically, I can't see why independent's  would change that!

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2 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

voter fraud is real, and voter ID requirements are just plain common sense.

Sure Voter Fraud is real. And it's such a tiny percentage of actual incidents that it is inconsequential. No study has found any significant amount of it. There are many times more votes suppressed than there is actual voter fraud. Yet the suppression is in the name of preventing voter fraud. The people being suppressed are disproportionately minorities, as well.  

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24 minutes ago, riclag said:

Yes it's that process that the left and liberals want to constantly tweek without going through that arduous process . Dem's claim they can adhere to the constitution while they are adapting radical changes! How can they adhere to something that's constantly changing!

The process of amendments was intentionally made difficult to change because of the adherence!

I've never heard anyone on the left saying they wanted to change the way the constitution is amended. Although the constitution is not itself changed, it's the slow, drip, drip of laws that start eroding our rights, or the interpretations of a left-leaning or right-leaning SCOTUS that interprets the existing constitution in new ways. Some of those interpretations, of course, I like. Some, I don't.

The fact is, though, that our society is constantly changing so our laws have to change also. We cannot just expect to run our country forever on standards set by a small group of privileged, White landowners when our country has moved far beyond that now.

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25 minutes ago, riclag said:

More Government,taxes,social programs,free college and medical and we haven't even discussed open boarders,Not on my watch It's against the founding fathers values and the spirit of the constitution

And this is what I'm talking about. Hopefully, when the Trump fiasco has run its course, your watch will be over.

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21 minutes ago, oilinki said:

That addition was needed and wanted by the people at that time, in 1791.

Yes and still is.  it must go through that  constitutional process which the left would love to by pass or change. 

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2 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

slow down, take a breath and put down the bernie sanders doll.


I did say the largest homeless populations, you know like the ones in LA and San fran.

where fecal matter and needles litter the streets

As distinct from the homeless in Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Pittsburgh. Republican strongholds. Yeah right.

You need to put down your Donald Trump doll.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

Disagree MAGA is symbolic to the Industrial revolution ! It's energized and stimulated trilions of overseas monies coming back to the country. Record low unemployment! More jobs than ever .Consumer confidence has a positive effect.America is doing better than ever economically, I can't see why independent's  would change that!

And this is probably the most important example of our difference of opinion on the state of our country and where we need to go from here. I don't measure the success of the US by looking at its economic indicators. The state of the economy is important, but not the most important factor. The most important factor is social cohesion and harmony. I keep coming back to the concept of a family. The success of a family isn't (or, IMO, shouldn't) be measured on the size of their bank account but on the harmony in the home. This is why I would much rather see my country run like a family than like a business. That is why I am a socialist and not a capitalist, and that is why I detest Trump and anyone who supports him.

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