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Italy's League blocks Muslims from buying and converting chapel


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5 hours ago, giddyup said:

That doesn't fit with their agenda.

oh wise one - what agenda would that be? I can assume you'll reply with the usual hate filled bigotry. Hard right ideology is going down great in the US at the moment isn't it- when will people learn...

Edited by simple1
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Just now, simple1 said:

oh wise one - what agenda would that be? I can assume you'll reply with the usual hate filled bigotry - going down great in the US at the moment - when will people learn...

Assume away.

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28 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

thought it was a Nestorian heresy

Probably true...


Hence the confusion with some of the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire who,mightily irritated as they were with Constantinople, rapidly settled in with the new teaching.


Prophets were kinda mandatory in those days...not to mention the ascetics who lived on telegraph poles but received handsome stipends from the Jimmy and Tammy Swaggart Fund.

Edited by Odysseus123
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4 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

If it was to difficult for you to grasp: no one owns a country. Different ethnicities, religions, cultures and races can live there and practice their traditions. 


I hoped you would enlighten us and explain your theory what “natives” own a country. But it’s probably a good idea to leave before you make yourself look even more foolish. To be honest, I didn’t expect you were able to explain your ridiculous theory. 

You have done well comrade to increase the number of your post for any reason that escapes me.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

oh wise one - what agenda would that be? I can assume you'll reply with the usual hate filled bigotry. Hard right ideology is going down great in the US at the moment isn't it- when will people learn...

Probably  when its too late and the other team are in power and  they introduce Sharia law for all.

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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Probably true...


Hence the confusion with some of the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire who,mightily irritated as they were with Constantinople, rapidly settled in with the new teaching.


Prophets were kinda mandatory in those days...not to mention the ascetics who lived on telegraph poles but received handsome stipends from the Jimmy and Tammy Swaggart Fund.

And  talking of prophets/messiahs I love this line in Life of Brian..."I should  know I've followed a  few"  Comedy meets reality  Gold


Edited by gunderhill
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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

Call it occupation by stealth then. 


I won't, because I'm not into making nonsense comments. You're still dodging the fact that attributing some sort of general agenda or plan isn't applicable. At the very least, you do not seem able to demonstrate the existence of such.

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8 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Italy is owned by the Catholics? Very interesting. Again, talk about education. 


Italy is home for many. Italians and non-Italians, Christians and other religions. Again, educate yourself. 

Around 80% of the Italian population is Catholic


you are not only stubborn but you are also of bad faith it's funny :thumbsup:


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good about time someone stood up for there own country rights ? why do the Muslims want christian church is easy to work out " to show the world they are converting us to Islam " thats what the profit Mohammad said convert peacefully all non believers ! same as what the crusades tried to do but by force and failed because they stood up for there rights against the oppressor at the time was Europe and England Christianity tried to do in middle ages in middle east ! Muslim invasion by stealth they knew they cant win conventional war against west and allies + Australia in the mix " very smart way Muslims of doing it with all be it western allies help an UN  with America destabilising middle east creates a refugee crisis invade by numbers in 50 to 100 years the world will be all converted to Islam Sharia law. thanks to America & not forget Russia was smart none are running to Russia or China as refugees the know they cant get in , Straight to Europe, Canada, America,  And via Indonesia to Australia Indonesia has the biggest population of Muslims in the world " they are running out of land they are eyeing off  Papua new guinea , already invaded half of New Guinea part of Borneo,  Indonesia is Australia biggest threat to a war, they need land, food ,water, oil, gas, Australia is the prime real estate  maybe War sea invasion ! But they have already started migrating into Australia in record numbers the past 3 years from Indonesia, Malaysia, middle east  " Australia is over run by Muslim immigrants already ? Australia did slow the so called boats down by taking media out of the equation thanks to that C--t Murdoch  ! With UN help flew them into Australia by air no one sees or says anything . im an Aussie living in Surfers paradise Qld and not blind to the facts...  

Edited by Mad mick
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On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 10:08 PM, Morch said:


I won't, because I'm not into making nonsense comments. You're still dodging the fact that attributing some sort of general agenda or plan isn't applicable. At the very least, you do not seem able to demonstrate the existence of such.

They call it the Caliphate, ended in 1924 and they aim to get it back.

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

They call it the Caliphate, ended in 1924 and they aim to get it back.


Who are "they"? That you and other posters assert all Muslims fully subscribe to something doesn't make it so. There is no coherent, well-organized plan conspiring to what you and others suggest. I'm sure that there are some Muslims who are for it - but that falls short of the scope you often allege.

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