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Mystery of the Swedish man's empty bank account - it was a Thai family inside job after all!


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21 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Oh wait, you were doing just great until the very last line, was it really necessary to imply this might be a rare exception.

So, you're confident that you actually know the statistics of how often this sort of thing happens? How could you possibly know?

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7 hours ago, chrisinth said:


If it was all online spending, all the daughter needed to know was the card details, no need for account number or access to the account apart from this. A snapshot of both sides of the card gives this information.

And that is exactly why giving your card to pay a restaurant or bar bill--or anywhere they take the card out of your sight bill--is poor practice. To easy to simply photo both sides of the card.

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1 minute ago, HerbalEd said:

So, you're confident that you actually know the statistics of how often this sort of thing happens? How could you possibly know?

That's exactly the point, nobody knows. If this were another topic about another country there would be an element of "benefit of the doubt" involved, but because this is Thai banks there can be no such leeway, guilty until proven innocent is the cry and the angst of some posters who have now learned it wasn't the banks fault in this case is almost audible. From what I read and from what I know after working for banks in the US, the UK and in Asia and from banking with banks in Thailand for the past sixteen years, fraud is no more and no less here than it is elsewhere. But many Americans seem to think it's heresy to suggest that fraud could ever be committed at a bank on US soil, far too many safeguards, checks and balances, bladety bladety blah, yet here everyone is supposedly stupid and a thief.!

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7 hours ago, Gracas said:

The only victim is the Swedish man, so no harm done.

Why is it so hard for so many of you to see a real marriage in which both  partners own the assets equally. The wife too is out; if she was really his wife and not just using him as a long-term customer.

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Just now, simoh1490 said:

A stitch in time saves nine.

I am afraid you have lost me there in terms of relevance to the sorry tale. However, to keep the chain going on the devious family, I give you :-


They were cast from the same mould.

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1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

I am afraid you have lost me there in terms of relevance to the sorry tale. However, to keep the chain going on the devious family, I give you :-


They were cast from the same mould.

Relevance, you want relevance too! 


The problem with the gene pool is there's no lifeguard.

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Perhaps the reason some don’t want to keep large sums of money 

in Thai bank account. Luckily it was a person tight on money and was using the money to prove income for visa reasons. 


Sometime people get desperate or greedy and do something they



Wife and I have separate and joint bank accounts. Most of the money is in my account which only I can access.


Joint account only wife has ATM average balance 5,000 baht. 

Last month I put 59,000 in the joint account to see if she could 

manage money. Couple weeks passed I asked how much money 

still in joint account 50k spent 9k on whatever.


I’m going into town to market and she’s out someplace. I do have the bank book. Went to market bank in market. Check uhhh

nope 2,000 and change. 


Got home said I’m not going get angry but I know you spent the money on something and don’t care what. I gave you the benefit 

of showing you can manage money and you failed horrible.


Said next time you ask why not keep more money in the account 

think about today and don’t confuse my not getting angry as a weakness always remember I’m not smart but far from stupid.


Given enough rope and........failure 

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3 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Perhaps the reason some don’t want to keep large sums of money 

in Thai bank account. Luckily it was a person tight on money and was using the money to prove income for visa reasons. 


Sometime people get desperate or greedy and do something they



Wife and I have separate and joint bank accounts. Most of the money is in my account which only I can access.


Joint account only wife has ATM average balance 5,000 baht. 

Last month I put 59,000 in the joint account to see if she could 

manage money. Couple weeks passed I asked how much money 

still in joint account 50k spent 9k on whatever.


I’m going into town to market and she’s out someplace. I do have the bank book. Went to market bank in market. Check uhhh

nope 2,000 and change. 


Got home said I’m not going get angry but I know you spent the money on something and don’t care what. I gave you the benefit 

of showing you can manage money and you failed horrible.


Said next time you ask why not keep more money in the account 

think about today and don’t confuse my not getting angry as a weakness always remember I’m not smart but far from stupid.


Given enough rope and........failure 

I know a lot of people that are terrible at money management. If they have access to any money they feel they must spend it. Happy to not be married to one but my mom is that way and always has been.  Terrible life IMO. 

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16 hours ago, scorecard said:

Further, daughter probably feels entitled to take the money.



It's been said many times especially in Pattaya. 


"Farang has money, Thai has not. OK to take".


Just seems like another  family conspiracy?

Which is sad for another smitten farang, and Thailand's image once again. 

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On 10/29/2018 at 6:12 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

That is a serious shopping spree. 480,000 in a month!

Still, I guess it is easier to make those purchasing decisions, when it is somebody elses money.

Depending on the nature of the purchases by the daughter, I guess they now belong to the parents, useful or not.

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On 10/30/2018 at 3:11 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Did she have access to the mother's ATM card and PIN?

Yes , I bet it was a joint account and the wife knew about it.   Inside job , all knew about it except the farang.  


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