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Trump to deploy over 5,200 troops to Mexico border


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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

That's always the reason given by people who don't understand the military. If it's nothing else, it's training. Do they need that training. Are there other things they should be learning. What about rotations and leave. That kind of thing is important to morale. But to be sent down to the border to be subordinate to the border patrol? On an obviously political mission?

Soldiers get told where to go and what to do .

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5 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

I would strongly suggest that nice Mr Trump is doing what he was elected to do on this. So keeping his election promises, quiet unusual for a polititition to tell the truth so well done for that. He said he would protect the Southern border and reduce immigration from what he described as ‘**it hole countries’ I guess he ment any other country to the south, most of Africa and most of the Middle East. So really only take immigration from Canada, Australia and the EU


It it seems the caravan is promoted and organised by the usual open or no borders liberal love and kindness types. Trump will stop it.

Oh you swallowed the ( real ) fake news , bless !

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Since by law the US troops cannot enforce the laws of the United States in the Us outside of US military bases, the 5200 plus the 200 National Gurad troops already there can only;y be used for administrative jobs.  The border patrol will have the cleanest bathrooms in history.

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16 hours ago, bristolboy said:

I get it. It's my work to be your fact checker.

I have clearly stated it is an opinion based on my readings. If you have an opinion on the original statement I'd love to hear it.


You can do whatever work you want I couldn't care less!! ????

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2 hours ago, wayned said:

Since by law the US troops cannot enforce the laws of the United States in the Us outside of US military bases, the 5200 plus the 200 National Gurad troops already there can only;y be used for administrative jobs.  The border patrol will have the cleanest bathrooms in history.

Prove your assertions. Apparently, the US Army has been used in the past for the Mexican border security without constraints you are implying. Suppose the US had an invasion of armed Mexicans over the border that the Border Patrol could not handle. Do you suppose the US Army or other military would be sent unarmed to assist with only administrative duties? Think again.


Read more about US border security from invasion, the US Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act HERE. Do you think this or any other Commander in Chief should or would sit on his or her hands hands and watch an invasion (armed or not) on any part of the US border occur without opposition using the US military in its full capacity?


This something the UK, Germany and France and other EU countries are letting happen to their great immediate and ultimate severe injury AFAIC.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Here's a little something about how well it has worked in the past:

By sending US troops to the Mexico border, Trump repeats a costly Obama mistake

Donald Trump plans to send 5,000 US troops to the country’s southern border, a massive increase from the 800 originally planned, in order to secure legal ports of entry, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The troops are expected to remain there through mid-December, as a caravan of migrants seeking asylum from Central America works its way to the US border with Mexico.

Sending troops to the US’s nearly 2,000-mile-long border with Mexico isn’t a new idea, as Quartz wrote earlier this year, when the White House asked that thousands of National Guard troops head south. In fact, both presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush tried it.




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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

Prove your assertions. Apparently, the US Army has been used in the past for the Mexican border security without constraints you are implying. Suppose the US had an invasion of armed Mexicans over the border that the Border Patrol could not handle. Do you suppose the US Army or other military would be sent unarmed to assist with only administrative duties? Think again.


Read more about US border security from invasion, the US Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act HERE. Do you think this or any other Commander in Chief should or would sit on his or her hands hands and watch an invasion (armed or not) on any part of the US border occur without opposition using the US military in its full capacity?


This something the UK, Germany and France and other EU countries are letting happen to their great immediate and ultimate severe injury AFAIC.

You're mixing apples and oranges.  You are saying that the 2100, down from over 400 since over 200 have applied for asylum in Mexico, women and children are intending to invade the US.  That's total BS.  They are coming to the US tyo legally apply for asylum.  This can be done at the point of entry at the border and, if they do cross illegally, they still can apply for asylum if they are in the US.  The whole thing is Trump amping up his base before the midterms even though he knows full well what he is doing is wrong.  We now have more troops on the southern border than we do in Iraq where our solders are being blown up daily all for Trump's ego.

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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

I have clearly stated it is an opinion based on my readings. If you have an opinion on the original statement I'd love to hear it.


You can do whatever work you want I couldn't care less!! ????

Since you haven't cited any of those paricular readings, we can just as well assume that it's your opinon based on BS.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

both presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush tried it.

From cited link: "Operation Phalanx [Obama] cost $145 million for 14 months, while Operation Jump Start [Bush] cost $1.2 billion over two years. Both operations took resources from other Department of Defense projects, while failing to establish a transparent US-Mexico border security policy"


"Since 1950, only Reagan and Bush II implemented higher real growth rates in both of their first two budgets than Trump has proposed [2019]." https://mwi.usma.edu/president-trumps-2019-defense-budget-really-rank-historically/

However, military deployments under Reagan and Bush II were not for peacekeeping in the US but for overseas theater objectives. And while Trump is activating 5,200 troops for the US border, America continues a sixteen year-old war in Afghanistan where certainly an additional 5,200 troops could be put to better use than supporting the US Border Patrol as camp managers, illegal immigrant watchers and border chauffeurs!


So while Trump is entering into FY 2019 with a budget deficit that will eclipse $1 trillion according to CBO (https://www.businessinsider.com/us-budget-deficit-1-trillion-2019-cbo-report-2018-4 ), he is squandering current funds on domestic military deployments that will not result in any strategic military advantage. That will create more budget shortfall for the Defense Department for FY 2019. Result is more waste and more debt.

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22 hours ago, DM07 said:

I will hazard a guess: these 5.200 troops (that happens, when you have the world's biggest war machine, but not "enough" wars to fight!) will be joined by a "militia" in camouflage and with bright red MAGA- hats, waving guns, they bought for "deer hunting" or to "fight of a tyrannical government" (how about starting with the current one?)...and some idiot will shoot an unarmed person, seeking refuge!

After that Trump will give one of his rambling nonsensical speeches about "good people" and the "lying fake media"! 

Mark my words! 

Your words are "marked". I think you are spot on.

(But that will be post election. He may not be "spot on")

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I guess that Trump could take 20 meters of land from the owners along the border by eminent domain.  He could then create a new military base along the entire 1250 mile border 20 meters wide.  He could then legally use the military to enforce US laws within that base.  He could even name it after himself and call it Camp Trumpty Dumpty!

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18 hours ago, mikebike said:

I gave an opinion from my readings. If you wish to debate it, fine. I am not doing your work for you.

I must agree. I interpreted your original post as "opinion". I think we are entitled to express our opinion.

And when you are well read ("I gave an opinion from my readings"), a good opinion can be formed and expressed.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Since you haven't cited any of those paricular readings, we can just as well assume that it's your opinon based on BS.

Are you being intentionally obtuse?


Do you have an actual opinion on my post rather than demanding citations? If you engage in the discussion the facts will come out. If you continue to be an arse you get nada.

Edited by mikebike
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15 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Are you being intentionally obtuse?


Do you have an actual opinion on my post rather than demanding citations? If you engage in the discussion the facts will come out. If you continue to be an arse you get nada.

I have already engaged in the discussion. So far you have disclosed no independently verifiable sources. Or do facts somehow magically disclose themselves?

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11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I have already engaged in the discussion. So far you have disclosed no independently verifiable sources. Or do facts somehow magically disclose themselves?

You have not engaged in the substance of the post you have only demanded sources.


To what "facts" are you referring? I will state for the third time it is my OPINION.

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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

From cited link: "Operation Phalanx [Obama] cost $145 million for 14 months, while Operation Jump Start [Bush] cost $1.2 billion over two years. Both operations took resources from other Department of Defense projects, while failing to establish a transparent US-Mexico border security policy"


"Since 1950, only Reagan and Bush II implemented higher real growth rates in both of their first two budgets than Trump has proposed [2019]." https://mwi.usma.edu/president-trumps-2019-defense-budget-really-rank-historically/

However, military deployments under Reagan and Bush II were not for peacekeeping in the US but for overseas theater objectives. And while Trump is activating 5,200 troops for the US border, America continues a sixteen year-old war in Afghanistan where certainly an additional 5,200 troops could be put to better use than supporting the US Border Patrol as camp managers, illegal immigrant watchers and border chauffeurs!


So while Trump is entering into FY 2019 with a budget deficit that will eclipse $1 trillion according to CBO (https://www.businessinsider.com/us-budget-deficit-1-trillion-2019-cbo-report-2018-4 ), he is squandering current funds on domestic military deployments that will not result in any strategic military advantage. That will create more budget shortfall for the Defense Department for FY 2019. Result is more waste and more debt.

And don't forget the money that was squandered on his family separation policy. Money that he took from the military, from disaster relief, etc. 

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Stock up on the beer...


US troops drink Iceland capital’s entire beer supply in one weekend


Thousands of U.S. soldiers depleted all of the beer in Iceland’s capital over the weekend.


More than 6,000 soldiers were in Reykjavik for four days participating in the Trident Juncture 18 – a NATO-led military exercise. After their drills, the troops reportedly visited the city’s downtown bars, where they finished off the entire beer supply.


According to Icelandic magazine Visir, the brewery Ölgerð Egils Skallagrímssonar had to send emergency beer cases to the bars.



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8 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

There is no doubt there are men with them .  You don’t know the circumstances of this particular situation, and the article just blames one side and the other.  It is a very dangerous journey.  Look at the pictures reporters took

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