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Gastritis best treatment, only eat healthy food and stop alcohol ? Did it work ?

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I have a gastritis and have tried to take some of the usual treatments and pills that hospitals give, but it seems that they are actually quite useless and that what is important is to eat healthy food and stop alcohol or anything else bad for stomach linen, can you confirm ?


I have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach and doctor seems sure that it's a gastritis.

I have tested and I do not have h-pylori infection, so it's cleat that my gastritis is caused by bad eating habits and alcohol.


I am wondering if anybody has been able to cure a gastritis by just changing his lifestyle, as the meds that doctors give seem not only useless but also really not safe.


I am really thinking that I should do something as I have it for years and it might not be a good idea to keep a wound in my stomach linen forever.


Any idea or recommendation ?


Thank you all for your help and experience sharing.













Have you had a gastroscopy?


If not you should to confirm the diagnosis and rule out anything else.


if you did have a gastroscopy, what were the exact findings? (post copy here, blocking out your name)

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Have you had a gastroscopy?


If not you should to confirm the diagnosis and rule out anything else.


if you did have a gastroscopy, what were the exact findings? (post copy here, blocking out your name)


Thank you but no, doctors said that I don't need it and I also think that I don't.


Everybody whom I know in this life who did one didn't find anything and it was pure waste of money.

Do you know anybody who had real problems when doctors were thinking that it was just a gastritis ?


I do not want to have one done and would first like to hear experience of people who cured a gastritis thanks to a healthy lifestyle.


Thank you again.









3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Have you had a gastroscopy?


If not you should to confirm the diagnosis and rule out anything else.


if you did have a gastroscopy, what were the exact findings? (post copy here, blocking out your name)

If it is bad, you may need a scope. I had a scope done, told me I had gastritis, put on the right medication, just ate clean foods and it went away. Just to be safe, I would also get an Ultra Sound done as well. Get them to check your Gallballder. Mine was slowly leaking and gave me signs also later on like acute gastritis. The same type of pain but it slowly got worse until I had very bad attacks that I thought were just GERD related but were indeed not. 


Eating clean and losing weight helps a lot. Not drinking also is good but if you are very uncomfortable, a scope does help as they can really tell you IF it is gastritis or something else.  

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, l4ml4m said:


Thank you but no, doctors said that I don't need it and I also think that I don't.


Everybody whom I know in this life who did one didn't find anything and it was pure waste of money.

Do you know anybody who had real problems when doctors were thinking that it was just a gastritis ?


I do not want to have one done and would first like to hear experience of people who cured a gastritis thanks to a healthy lifestyle.


Thank you again.









If a gastroscopy shows nothing then the person did  NOT have gastritis nor an ulcer ("wound" in the stomach or duodenum).


I had a gastroscopy and it found gastritis, an ulcer and h. pylori infection. All of which were then successfully treated.


i know several people who had gastroscopies that found gastric cancer. Some in time for successful treatment/cure and some not.


Your diagnosis is questionable and unconfirmed making the question of how to cure it somewhat pointless.


How by the way was h. pylori excluded? Most gastritis is due to h. pylori, if you had a reliable test that was negative then that is further reason to doubt you actually have gastritis.


What exactly do you mean by: " have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". ?  Where exactly in your abdomen do you feel this and what makes you say it feels like a "wound"?


Gastritis symptoms would usually be described as pretty strong. So much so that they can mimic a heart attack.




  • Like 1

There is a way to find out if it is gastritis or a duodenal ulcer or similar. This might also solve your problems. Take omeprazol 40 mg before breakfast for 3 weeks. If the symptoms disappear the diagnosis is likely an acid correlated gastric problem (Ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, GERD, hiatus hernia) if they don't or come back you definitely need gastroscopy . If that comes up negative coronary heart disease pancreas and gallbadder problem needs to be ruled out. (instead of omeprazole you could use any of the other PPI like pantoprazole, lansoprazol, esopromazol - they are newer, more espensive but similar efective - no use to waste money). 

Handle stress, stop smoking, have a healthy diet - no acid stuff, no hot spices, no high percent alcohol, no sugar, no full stomach at night, would be quite useful as well.  

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

There is a way to find out if it is gastritis or a duodenal ulcer or similar. This might also solve your problems. Take omeprazol 40 mg before breakfast for 3 weeks. If the symptoms disappear the diagnosis is likely an acid correlated gastric problem (Ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, GERD, hiatus hernia) if they don't or come back you definitely need gastroscopy . If that comes up negative coronary heart disease pancreas and gallbadder problem needs to be ruled out. (instead of omeprazole you could use any of the other PPI like pantoprazole, lansoprazol, esopromazol - they are newer, more espensive but similar efective - no use to waste money). 

Handle stress, stop smoking, have a healthy diet - no acid stuff, no hot spices, no high percent alcohol, no full stomach at night, would be quite useful as well.  


People take omeprazole all their life and never get cured, this is totally useless.


Yes, I still think that there is nothing else to do but eat well and stop drinking for months or years.





1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

If a gastroscopy shows nothing then the person did  NOT have gastritis nor an ulcer ("wound" in the stomach or duodenum).


I had a gastroscopy and it found gastritis, an ulcer and h. pylori infection. All of which were then successfully treated.


i know several people who had gastroscopies that found gastric cancer. Some in time for successful treatment/cure and some not.


Your diagnosis is questionable and unconfirmed making the question of how to cure it somewhat pointless.


How by the way was h. pylori excluded? Most gastritis is due to h. pylori, if you had a reliable test that was negative then that is further reason to doubt you actually have gastritis.


What exactly do you mean by: " have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". ?  Where exactly in your abdomen do you feel this and what makes you say it feels like a "wound"?


Gastritis symptoms would usually be described as pretty strong. So much so that they can mimic a heart attack.






So before even trying to have a healthy lifestyle you burn 40000 thb for a useless gastroscropy ?


So many people around internet have gastritis caused by food and not by h pilory, included me.


It's weird that you do not know that eating more spicy than Thai for years and drinking more than reasonably hurt stomach linen, which is a gastritis ?!


Sorry if I am wrong but this is what ALL doctors that I have seen told me and what I have read everywhere online.










2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

If a gastroscopy shows nothing then the person did  NOT have gastritis nor an ulcer ("wound" in the stomach or duodenum).


I had a gastroscopy and it found gastritis, an ulcer and h. pylori infection. All of which were then successfully treated.


i know several people who had gastroscopies that found gastric cancer. Some in time for successful treatment/cure and some not.


Your diagnosis is questionable and unconfirmed making the question of how to cure it somewhat pointless.


How by the way was h. pylori excluded? Most gastritis is due to h. pylori, if you had a reliable test that was negative then that is further reason to doubt you actually have gastritis.


What exactly do you mean by: " have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". ?  Where exactly in your abdomen do you feel this and what makes you say it feels like a "wound"?


Gastritis symptoms would usually be described as pretty strong. So much so that they can mimic a heart attack.






I visited 5 doctors, 3 in public hospitals and 2 in private.


3 public doctors told me that I didn't need a gastroscopy even when I told them that I was ready to pay.

2 private doctors told me that I needed a gastroscopy even when I told them that I was NOT ready to pay.


For the 3 public doctors it was clear that at 40 years old it cannot be anything but a gastritis, especially with my bad eating habits.

2 private doctors didn't want to tell what it is before doing a gastroscopy...


To make it clear I almost feel nothing except maybe when I have an empty stomach, and it's not even a pain, it's like if I had cut 2cm of skin n my arm, not a pain, just feel it.


Since years that I have it I have not been able to stop the bad habits, this is why I still have it I guess.

It seems that it can take months of healthy life to be able to cure it, which is quite logic and seems easy to understand: if I put some alcohol on a wound on my arm it will take longer to heal also...








54 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

they never get cured for reasons, like their problem is not caused by hyperacity but by other problems, they take it on and off just as a symptom killer not in the proper dose, they continue their damaging lifestyle, they have h.p infection which needs more than omeprazole etc.


You have no idea what you are talking about. If you have no expertise you'd better be quiet.



Nice to meet another doctor, but as it is me who has posted the question, I can comment as much as I want, and you are not invited to reply if you have nothing smart to tell. Thank you.




13 hours ago, l4ml4m said:

I have a gastritis and have tried to take some of the usual treatments and pills that hospitals give, but it seems that they are actually quite useless and that what is important is to eat healthy food and stop alcohol or anything else bad for stomach linen, can you confirm ?

More to the point, have you tried it?  You won't know until you've ventured there yourself, obviously.  

  • Like 2

If you're over 50 a gastroscopy is advisable.


I have been diagnosed with gastritis and have had a gastroscopy (THB 15k), the results showed stomach bleeding and the treatment was acid reduction treatment AND importantly, a change in diet. Give up caffeine, alcohol, spicy and fried foods and the problem goes away. Another factor in my case is that living in the tropics results in slowed metabolism which means food passes more slowly through the digestive system and results in excessive bacterial buildup, excess acid and bloating - diet adjustment and exercise can help cure that problem. 


If it helps, I had a similar sensation to what you've described and was right of centre, below the rib cage, vertically above the appendix. I'll add here that a gastroscopy is completely painless, a walk in the park that causes much-unjustified anxiety.

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

As he says he feels "nothing" it is unlikely he has gastritis.

Maybe you missed...."I have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". My symptoms were more of a pressure sensation rather than pain.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

As he says he feels "nothing" it is unlikely he has gastritis.


Sorry but it seems really incorrect, or 3 doctors are just stupid idiots ?




Gastritis can sometimes lead to pain, nausea and vomiting. But it often has no symptoms at all. If left untreated, though, some types of gastritis can lead to ulcers (sores in the stomach lining) or even stomach cancer.




1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

Maybe you missed...."I have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". My symptoms were more of a pressure sensation rather than pain.

You later said you felt nothing.


A pressure sensation could be many, many things. But is not usually typical of gastritis. Though I am really unsure what it is you feel as you have variously said you felt like there was a "wound", then that you felt nothing, now that you feel pressure.


If you have a persistant sensation of pressure  you should have an ultrasound to ensure there is no mass.


As it sounds like you might be a heavy drinking, liver enlargement also a possibility.


An abdominal ultrasound is not expensive.

  • Thanks 1
On 10/31/2018 at 1:05 PM, Sheryl said:

You later said you felt nothing.


A pressure sensation could be many, many things. But is not usually typical of gastritis. Though I am really unsure what it is you feel as you have variously said you felt like there was a "wound", then that you felt nothing, now that you feel pressure.


If you have a persistant sensation of pressure  you should have an ultrasound to ensure there is no mass.


As it sounds like you might be a heavy drinking, liver enlargement also a possibility.


An abdominal ultrasound is not expensive.





Thank you for your help.


Can I know where I could do a gastroscopy and/or ultrasound in Bangkok or Pattaya at an honest price ?


Thank you.






Government hospitals are the least expensive but no guarnatee they would agree to do these tests and a  lot of red tape to go through first.


Least expensive private options:


Sri Racha  - contact [email protected] for price quote and GI specialist recommendation (this is Phyathai Sri Racha)


Bangkok -  digestive clinic at RSU healthcare in Bangkok, Sukhumvit Soi 31. Call for appointment  02 610 0300   The GI specialist there is Dr. Varocha Mahachai and her hours are Mon and Wed 9 Am - noon and Saturdays 4-6P

www.rsuhealth.com but the website is not very useful

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

Government hospitals are the least expensive but no guarnatee they would agree to do these tests and a  lot of red tape to go through first.


Least expensive private options:


Sri Racha  - contact [email protected] for price quote and GI specialist recommendation (this is Phyathai Sri Racha)


Bangkok -  digestive clinic at RSU healthcare in Bangkok, Sukhumvit Soi 31. Call for appointment  02 610 0300   The GI specialist there is Dr. Varocha Mahachai and her hours are Mon and Wed 9 Am - noon and Saturdays 4-6P

www.rsuhealth.com but the website is not very useful



Thank you so much.


I have been to public hospitals already and nobody wanted to do it, and I trust them more than private.

But having these symptoms for years already, I should maybe test it thanks to your recommendation.


I will contact Phyathai and RSU. I think that I saw this name Varocha Mahachai in another thread, is it someone that you already met ?

And also, if I choose Phyathai, do you have a name of doctor that you like ?



Thanks again for all your help.









I have been treated by Dr. Varocha, yes, and so have other TV members.


I am nto familiar with the doctors at Phyathai Sri Racha but Gavin can advise, he is an expat in their marketing office.


In either case suggest you go without having eaten if you want the option of having gastroscopy done on same visit.

  • Thanks 1
On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 8:01 PM, l4ml4m said:

Everybody whom I know in this life who did one didn't find anything and it was pure waste of money.

Do you know anybody who had real problems when doctors were thinking that it was just a gastritis ?


I do not want to have one done and would first like to hear experience of people who cured a gastritis thanks to a healthy lifestyle.


Well, here is one example to consider...…………...


I had gastric reflux and my Dr in NZ recommended a gastroscopy, so I had one...…….painless and sleepy experience!!


He found a slightly scarred oesophagus (Barretts oesophagus) along with mild gastritis, so he put me on omeprazole 40 mg once in the morning and once in the evening, as a starter regimen.


This along with better sleeping patterns, helped tremendously and before long I was able to cut the omeprazole down to 20 mg twice a day, and then eventually one capsule of 20 mg, once a day.


Stress was a major consideration for me, so I learned to deal with that a lot better than I had previously,

and as I was not keen on taking omeprazole for the rest of my life I tried a natural remedy, which has worked for me, however that is not the point here.


My main points are that firstly, the gastroscopy was painless and a necessity, and found the problems which included gastritis.


Knowing what the problem was meant that I could take the recommended medicines, and I did adjust some other aspects of my lifestyle, cutting out things which seemed to aggravate my problem (coffee, chocolate, onions, etc).


I would sincerely consider the advice that has been given you from Sheryl and also remember that in the first instance, bigger doses of omeprazole can often kickstart the healing process and you don't have to remain on them for life, although some people do remain on low-dose omeprazole just to keep their symptoms in check.


Finally a gastroscopy can affirm or remove speculation on your condition and that has to be a good start.


My gastritis has now healed and my reflux almost non-existent. 


  • Thanks 1
  • 4 weeks later...

It's hard to find feedback of anyone who cured a gastritis.

it seems that it can take years ?

medicines do not help at all, only food can help.



Not years. Months.


I had it and cured it.


Food has little to do with it.


but should note that people tend to use very imprecise language with regard to ailments of these sorts and often confuse GERD and gastritis, for example, even though they are completely different things.


Unlike gastritis, GERD is usually not cured so much as controlled, and diet does play a role in that.



  • Confused 1
On 11/7/2018 at 4:24 PM, l4ml4m said:



Thank you so much.


I have been to public hospitals already and nobody wanted to do it, and I trust them more than private.

But having these symptoms for years already, I should maybe test it thanks to your recommendation.


I will contact Phyathai and RSU. I think that I saw this name Varocha Mahachai in another thread, is it someone that you already met ?

And also, if I choose Phyathai, do you have a name of doctor that you like ?



Thanks again for all your help.








We tend to use Chulabhorn Researct Institute ... more commonly known as Princess Chulabhorn. 


I didn't have any problem getting a look down or ultrasound.


I organised the look down to be done at the same time as the 5-yearly look up ...less than 10K thb then for both.


I am writing this from a government hospital where I had Lazer TURP on Friday pm ... am told that they will let me out this afternoon if I can pee and have some control after they  pull the catheter out.


I have found government hospitals fine ...of course I live around Bangkok

  • Like 1
On 12/1/2018 at 12:52 PM, Sheryl said:

Not years. Months.


I had it and cured it.


Food has little to do with it.


but should note that people tend to use very imprecise language with regard to ailments of these sorts and often confuse GERD and gastritis, for example, even though they are completely different things.


Unlike gastritis, GERD is usually not cured so much as controlled, and diet does play a role in that.




Sorry but gastritis has a lot to do with food. I have one because of eating spicy and agressive food, confirmed by MANY doctors. I also had no symptoms but a light pain in stomach.

The only way to cure a gastritis is to eat healthy non agressive food.




On 11/7/2018 at 5:15 PM, Lacessit said:

Avoid alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. Eat lightly for the evening meal. Elevate the head when sleeping, and keep a glass of water by your bed. If the symptoms persist, it's time for a gastroscopy or ultrasound to see what is going on.


And when gastroscopy shows nothing special, the healthy food rule is the only chance to heal a gastritis. Medicine are totally useless.



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