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Chinese still feeding the pigeons - authorities set to threaten jail


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11 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

What's wrong with feeding pigeons? Back home in Europe I used to do it all the time. No one harrassed me. 

"back home in Europe" you probably didn't have the diseases which birds can spread in the tropics. In more advanced places such as Hong Kong Bird Sanctuary, staff continuously wipe down the hand rails to avoid contamination.  

It's bad enough that manageable diseases such as rabies or dengue can't be managed in Thailand, without birds spreading viruses.

I shudder when I see them drinking from swimming pools, sometimes drowning in the process, as well as wandering around roof-top water tanks.

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15 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

What's wrong with feeding pigeons? Back home in Europe I used to do it all the time. No one harrassed me. 

But did you feed the pigions in a sacred area with a 40 year old ancient wall that the pigions could poo on and ruin forever? We need to protect the wall from all pests! 

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These poor Pigeons really are cauing a National crisis.

I suppose it takes the Big Guys mind off the trivial issues that ARE  a National Crisis.

Isuues such as the Bombs and Shootings in the South, The appaling Death rate on the Roads and the massive Drugs problem the country has spring to my mind.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Sorry if you are joking in your post or being sarcastic... I hope you were.  Also its pigeons... not 'pigions.  


Sacred area? ANCIENT wall.... 40 years old.... You think 40 is ancient? How will the pigeon poo ruin it forever?  It washed off with the rain!  The real ancient walls are ruined literally, look at them... most bricks taken by Thai people to build houses many years ago.  That new wall is just a mock up of the old one, using new bricks.  


OP article has misleading facts.  No people have got sick from pigeon diseases or viruses EVERY from that place.  They have got sick from other human beings, bars, restaurants, smoking, beef burgers and sunlight, and been knocked down by cars.  Need to get things in perspective. 


How can they say fine people for feeding birds, but not DOGS?  People have actually got RABIES from dogs here, and also many thousands of people get bitten and have to go to hospital for treatment..... A REAL PROBLEM.... not the poor pigeons which have not done anything wrong at all!!!  How come the Buddhists love to get merit by feeding dogs, but not birds?


How hard can it by just to put some Thai low ranking official in a little booth at the gate and have him go up and speak to people and tell them to stop feeding the pigeons?  That would solve the problem.  How come there are always Thai people openly selling bird food there?!  The thing is petty, stupid and not worthy of news. 



But it's an ancient wall and anyone seen defacing it should get ten years in the slammer or re-education, which ever is more worser, even the pigions. 

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Lovely country on 4.0 mode....when the authorities loose control over a public situation, the only response-threat is....jail.......no matter how petty the issue.....why not deport these dangerous pigeon feeding criminals to "inactive posts" at the Police Head quarters ? :whistling:

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On 10/30/2018 at 10:31 PM, sanemax said:

The seed sellers have indeed be arrested , but others just take their place

So they're basically birdy num

-num dealers. Pigeon feeding is obviously addictive, so let's bring over Manila's finest for a little extra-judicial bloodletting. 

War on num-num over in six months, or maybe not... 


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7 hours ago, jak2002003 said:


OP article has misleading facts.  No people have got sick from pigeon diseases or viruses EVERY from that place.  



You have evidence to back up your statement?

Birds and guano can carry up to 60 diseases, including passing West Nile Virus to humans via Mozzles, and can even carry bedbugs.

Ring the CM Governor, and have him deliver the "poor pigeons" to your loft. 

Maybe you'll get a key to the shitty, sorry, City. who knows? 


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22 hours ago, owenm said:

Why does Thailand always have over the top penalties for such trivial offences??.. 25k fine or 3 months jail for feeding bloody birds.. OMG.. 


Why aren't the RTP closing down the vendors selling the bird food, and threatening them with jail? No feed to buy, no offences committed, Problem solved..  


What other countries in the world threaten jail time for feeding birds, grafitti, feeding fish in maritime national parks and the list goes on and on.. Scare the pesky tourists away.. 



What does it matter if they have "over the top penalties" ?

The government obviously does not want people to feed these pigeons, so why can't the "pesky tourists" stop doing it? I doubt their holiday would be ruined if they stopped feeding these monsters.  "OMG"  indeed.....

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I had a couple of mates in Aust who worked at a grain loading facility, they were catching and selling pigeons to raise money for the employees social club, until they became seriously I'll, turns out it was attributed to the pidgeon droppings which apparently carries some fairly nasty diseases, so it's probably not a bad idea eradicating them from an area where food stalls are set up.

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9 hours ago, Small Joke said:

You have evidence to back up your statement?

Birds and guano can carry up to 60 diseases, including passing West Nile Virus to humans via Mozzles, and can even carry bedbugs.

Ring the CM Governor, and have him deliver the "poor pigeons" to your loft. 

Maybe you'll get a key to the shitty, sorry, City. who knows? 


Yes.  My evidence is there is absolutely no cases reported of people contracting a disease form pigeons there.  You find a case I will be interested to know.  Also there are thousands of people going there every single day of the year and still no disease transmitted.  So the risks appear to be virtually zero.


Now, why don't they just be honest?  There are too many pigeons there, making the place look untidy, and they poop is annoying and messy. So they need simply stop people feeding them or selling bird food.  How can they not manage a simple thing like that?!

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