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Life Plan Change - Need to get out (Advice Needed)

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Dear All,


I need some drastic help. Basically, after 10 years of working overseas (I am a UK National) I would like to move back to the UK with my family. However, I have two step-children which have been with me since the age of 3. They are Thai and now  16 years old. I have not formally adopted them, however, they have been with me since babies and I have sent them to international schools /  paid for all their education etc etc. Their mother has full custody of the children and she also holds a British Passport.


My question is: I would like to move back to the UK with my children and their mother and start a new life there. I know that I can apply to do this with the children before they are 18 so time is not on my side. What kind of things do I need to do to prepare for this? I can stay with a family member who has a large house in the UK and I have financial capital behind me, however, no job to go to.


Is this a possibility to move back to the UK with no job or property there? What money would I need to show for this?


 I would like to use an Immigration Adviser to prepare my application if this is an avenue we can go down and any recommendations would be great! 


Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. 





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Obviously your wife and you can travel to the UK at will, as UK Passport holders you both have the right to live in the UK without restriction.


You and your wife don't need to prove that you have accomodation to go to, and as far as your wife is concerned a job isn't required.


Your step child complicate matters somewhat, but as your wife has full custody maybe it doesn't complicate matters too much, but to be honest I'm not 100% sure.


You've asked for the recomendation of a suitable agent, normally I would say that an agent is required, but with the status of you step kids, maybe seek advice.


I'll send you a personal message. 

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On 11/6/2018 at 10:18 AM, chonburi12 said:

Their mother has full custody of the children and she also holds a British Passport.

if the mother got a British passport while her children were still minors, why didn't she get them the citizenship as well?

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Had a similar situation with my wife's nephew who had lost his parents very young and then lost his Grandma. At the funeral we offered to take him to UK, so my wife adopted him officially in Thailand. Easier for you if your partner is already the parent. 


Once the adoption was complete I came out to accompany them to the British Embassy for a visa for him. As my wife already has a British passport it was very quick and straight forward. I provided a supporting letter and proof of funds, residence etc, he got the visa within 2 hours, no interview required, presumably because he was a dependent of a U.K. National.


We were both living in U.K. at the time, but I can't see why that would make any difference in your situation. 


Best of luck.

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