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Counting The Jews In Thailand


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"Only" 199 jews in Thailand? Well, I do think there are more of them. Anyway, I do think that 199 jews are 199 too many. They should stay where they belong, and that is in Israel (If we are talking about Israeli jews presently in Thailand). Thailand is such a good place/good people, so why should Thailand have the jews coming? Some may think I'm a racist, but that is totally wrong. The jews always creates problems in the world........

Bjorn Don't kid yourself you are definitely a racist..just the same way it would be if you said blacks have no right to be here.

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Anyway, I do think that 199 jews are 199 too many. They should stay where they belong, and that is in Israel Some may think I'm a racist, but that is totally wrong. The jews always creates problems in the world........

Nah, I think you're just speaking from an intellectual standpoint . . . plus, how can you be a racist when you and most Jews are of the same race?! :-)

Those pesky Jews always creating problems . . . just look at how much Zyklon B they forced the Nazis to use. Completely unacceptable and selfish of them.

Nah . . . you're not a racist . . . just an anti-semite


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The jews always creates problems in the world........

Just out of curiosity what problems do Jews create? and for whom?

Do Jews do any bombing?-NO

Do Jews go on any protests or demonstrations?-NO

Do Jews have "priests" who molest kids?-NO

These are just a few that i can think of on the spot, so if you do not mind, could you please elaborate on the problems Jews make.

Thanks in advance

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The jews always creates problems in the world........

Just out of curiosity what problems do Jews create? and for whom?

Do Jews do any bombing?-NO

Do Jews go on any protests or demonstrations?-NO

Do Jews have "priests" who molest kids?-NO

These are just a few that i can think of on the spot, so if you do not mind, could you please elaborate on the problems Jews make.

Thanks in advance

If this reply is labeled as being " anti semetic " well so be it .I just consider i am replying to your question :-

1. Why do Jews insist that Iran should have no nuclear weapons while Israel itself is allowed

to have one of the most secretive arsenals in the world and even imprisoned Mordechai Vanunu its own citizen

for releasing information on this subject.

2. The Jews have a very strong grip on the whole USA financial system and are in control of the US

Federal Reserve. How can this be healthy for a country to have a tightly knit group of people calling the shots ?

Some claim they even " engineered " the Financial Crisis and are doing so again because they only

ever want to see inflation because it benefits their position to see inflation occuring regularly.

3. Their claims about wanting a 2 state solution in the Middle East are disingenious to say the least

when you only have to look at their recent announcements during the visit of the US Vice President.

They have recently been eviciting Palestinians from their East Jerusalem and simply throwing entire families

onto the street and yet the worls just watches.

4. Surely by any standard the degree of violence against the Palestinians is out of proprotion as outlines in the

Goldstone Report.

I can think of more but this is enough for now

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The jews always creates problems in the world........

Just out of curiosity what problems do Jews create? and for whom?

Do Jews do any bombing?-NO

Do Jews go on any protests or demonstrations?-NO

Do Jews have "priests" who molest kids?-NO

These are just a few that i can think of on the spot, so if you do not mind, could you please elaborate on the problems Jews make.

Thanks in advance

If this reply is labeled as being " anti semetic " well so be it .I just consider i am replying to your question :-

1. Why do Jews insist that Iran should have no nuclear weapons while Israel itself is allowed

to have one of the most secretive arsenals in the world and even imprisoned Mordechai Vanunu its own citizen

for releasing information on this subject.

2. The Jews have a very strong grip on the whole USA financial system and are in control of the US

Federal Reserve. How can this be healthy for a country to have a tightly knit group of people calling the shots ?

Some claim they even " engineered " the Financial Crisis and are doing so again because they only

ever want to see inflation because it benefits their position to see inflation occuring regularly.

3. Their claims about wanting a 2 state solution in the Middle East are disingenious to say the least

when you only have to look at their recent announcements during the visit of the US Vice President.

They have recently been eviciting Palestinians from their East Jerusalem and simply throwing entire families

onto the street and yet the worls just watches.

4. Surely by any standard the degree of violence against the Palestinians is out of proprotion as outlines in the

Goldstone Report.

I can think of more but this is enough for now

Not that your post has anything to do with the question raised, but here it goes

1.Because Israel does not run around threatening to wipe out anyone from the face of the earth.Israel does not denounce the West and declare holly wars on anyone. If that's not a good enough reason for you, i do not know what is.

2.Jews have not taken control of anything in some magic ways. There are a large number of very wealthy Jews who has very large influence. If other people can have same or more money they will be able to do the same thing and some of the rich non Jews do. in other areas

3.Unless you have been in Israel and know the truth, there is no point referring to media who is known for twisting facts and truth.

Are you aware that there are over 1000000 Palestinians living in Israel? Are you aware that all taxes collected from them Israel gives to Palestinian government?Are you aware that it is 100% illegal to say anything bad about Arabs in Israel, while if a Jew by accident ends up in the area they get killed?

Are you aware that Israel supplies all the power to Palestine, while their own brothers want nothing to do with them?

4. Have you been to Israel? have you taken any bus or domestic flight? when you are a constant target. Do you think it is ok for the Palestinians to fire rockets into Israel targeting civilians. Israel responds with force to stop those attacks and have full right to protect itself against enemy's. Cowards fire rockets from school and kindergartens, hiding behind women and children, this is why so many innocent Palestinians get hurt.

It is funny how people sit there and criticize Israel, yet once it touches your own home(terrorism) almost all are up in the air screaming and attacking. Did you want Israel to sit around and wait for all of its citizens to be killed?

In the past, no matter what concessions were given to Palestine, they just want more and more and more

Edited by kuffki
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yal'll know what? im closing the thread........ancient thread, lost all thai relavance awhile ago... the hava nagila song was by thta thai comedian that does the issaan parodies, it was hilarious , he's very good... pong something or other is his last name... sorry, i never kept a copy but it was from a concert he gave so i dont think it was ever on disc..

there are some jews living in thailand that have been there as a community like the shanghai community; there are lots of tourists that are jews, and there are a quite a few converted thai women here in israel(with israeli husbands); havent met a jewish thai man probably cause that mixed marriage doesnt affect the religioun/nationality/race of the child by jewish law (matriarchal) so no real need for conversion... there are several thai/jewish israeli children that are in israeli army now and some are officers... have yet to meet a thai that converted just for being jewish and not for marriage sake....

hag sameach and pesach kasher to all those that are celebrating ....



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