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4 hours ago, maprao said:

it is advice he is seeking not judgement.

Many thanks to all for some excellent advice and as a result I am certainly more clued up on developing contingencies and different approaches in the event of the worst case scenario. I am truly blessed in having a wonderfully supportive wife and great kids and I know they'll do whatever it takes to get us through any difficult times and I think they know I'll do the same for them. Once more thanks for the input and I'd welcome any more advice.

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Good luck, Gerry.  Just please consider your wife and kids in all of this and the effect of separation.  


Please don't listen to nonsense about Thais being separated from their kids as normal. It isn't normal and know my wife wouldn't be happy if she was separated from her kid(s), though we don't have any to date.  I know in my heart it would absolutely kill her and the kids would be devastated.  Parents are the same the world over.  



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If the Council do house you , find you accommodation, it can be anywhere in the Country and you have to accept the first property that they offer you 

4 hours ago, gerryBScot said:

Many thanks to all for some excellent advice and as a result I am certainly more clued up on developing contingencies and different approaches in the event of the worst case scenario. I am truly blessed in having a wonderfully supportive wife and great kids and I know they'll do whatever it takes to get us through any difficult times and I think they know I'll do the same for them. Once more thanks for the input and I'd welcome any more advice.

Hi Gerry, thanks for a great thread


Between everything that's happening with Income certification & the overstay crackdowns/blacklists, I've no doubt there will be some really good guys having to leave Thailand (+ their family) behind and facing a pretty bleak future in the UK who can hopefully get some pointers to make it a bit easier should they find themselves there.


I'm a serial contingency planner but when I think about what it would be like to be in a situation like that, I never think of the "failings" of the person, I just wish them every success in the future (especially the good guys who were ticking along very nicely before the "Rules" changed)


Again, hoping nobody who reads this thread finds themselves in this situation but also hoping anybody who does gets some pointers/value from it.



  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update. The immediate prospect of return to the UK and all that might have entailed for me has passed. I have been offered a new contract for a period of 12 months with effect from 1st August 2019 to 31st July 2020 with all significant benefits preserved. So we can stay together in China as a family and continue to plan for our futures on the basis of real income that should hopefully divert us from using homelessness services in the UK. The inside track is subject to health I'll get 1 year contracts until I am a gibbering idiot ..... Once more thanks to all for their contributions. We're in Thailand in February for two weeks ....Chok dee na krup!


hello jerry, congratulations on sorting out your future working in china,,,you sound very similar to my position this year in china...i was working in suzhou, jiangsu for 12 years and approaching 61,,,but on tourist visa....anyway left to come visit thailand and haven't left yet....it seems we must like these 2 countries more than others....

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On 11/13/2018 at 7:23 PM, baansgr said:

Best option, one way ticket to Paris, train to Calais and hike a boat to Dover and claim asylum...seriously, the council offices offer emergency housing, could be anything from a hostel to a hotel. Get back in the system and job seekers allowance or the like is available until employed, not forgeting child benefit and once working tax credits.

Claim Asylum!! He and his children are  Brits, what would he be claiming asylum from??

Please enlighten

On 11/13/2018 at 6:59 PM, ResandePohm said:

If he has not paid National Insurance over the previous 6 months prior to reentry then he is not entitled to any Benefits

Can he back pay 6 months worth and then be immeditely eligible?

On 11/13/2018 at 7:16 PM, connda said:

Go alone and get you affairs set up before bringing the family.

Could not agree more. I realize there are many posts after connda, debating this and that. IMHO as a parent that raised 2 kids from puppies, it would never cross my mind to bring kids to insecure situation. Just plain irresponsible. OP mentioned "dear wife" ...bloody lucky he has someone to back him up. Leave kids and dear wife in los, good home and get yourself sorted out. It may take couple of years to build up small capital and establish a rental property, but so be it. Geezus get a grip man. Go home and work your ass off then bring family when possible. 

After posting this I just read OP latest good news. Great... I was about to delete my post, then thought about his crazy op and even contemplating his original strategy. Anything can happen with this future job. Really hope it works out for op. 

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