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Whats with the weather?


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I had noticed! hot up here in Udon as well, but no rains or storms, garden looking miserable, hopefully we do get a cool spell this year???????

Strange weather this year, rains ended early, instead of cooling off got hotter!

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Lowest rainfall I've seen for Aug to mid Nov in 10 years in this eastern part of Lower Isaan by a long way. Not looking forward to drought and water table outages in 2019.

Edited by SantiSuk
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4 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Lowest rainfall I've seen for Aug to mid Nov in 10 years in this eastern part of Lower Isaan by a long way. Not looking forward to drought and water table outages in 2019.

It's done nothing but rain down our way (central Gulf coast) for months and only just stopped. The monsoon wind has switched around to NE, but it's still darned hot, with no sign of those longed-for cooling winter breezes.

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The chilly mornings, cool days and nights of last November here in lower Surin are but a distant memory.


Little to no rain for the past few weeks and stifling by 10 AM.


Hopefully the prediction of lower temperatures for the coming weeks turn out to be true.


Rain is forecast for my area tomorrow but it will probably be all to brief, if at all, and only raise the humidity a few notches afterwards.


Bah! ????

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Sounds bad this year in the Northeast.  It's been quite pleasant here in the North although I believe we're shy of the normal rainfall, although we did get some additional rain during November locally.
Temperatures have been nice - sorta like Southern California (well, when it's not burning. SoCal looks like Chiang Mai during the worst of the burning).   Based on the morning fog in the mountain valleys, I'm thinking we may be in for a cold 'cool season'.  Hope things get better for you folk in Isaan.  I've lived there and understand.
Rice farmers are going to take it in the shorts next year.

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2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Again most of Isan is doomed.

Central and south are bone dry while eastern Isan (along Mekong) got more than bearable.

Rain distribution is not "fair".

Deviation of normal rainfall up to yesterday (17 Nov).

Extreme drought in Korat.

Much above average on the western Gulf.


It's pretty amazing how regional micro-climates can be so dramatically different. 

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5 minutes ago, connda said:

It's pretty amazing how regional micro-climates can be so dramatically different. 

Indeed, but posts scattered in the forum seem to verify this.

100 km apart, completely different situation.

But the eastern border at the Mekong is well known for extreme rain/flooding.

The big typhoons come from the South China Sea, hit Vietnam hard and loose steam (more or less) before reaching Thailand.


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Not sure if most of Isaan is doomed. As far as I am concerned with my grass seed crops, we had too much rain in July-September. The crops are in the Ubon, Roi-et and Mukdahan areas. Day after day of rainy days. Not huge down-pours but overcast and cloudy days with little bright sunshine. As such, seedlings rotted and those that establishedm developed small seed heads, leading to low seed yields, The rice crops to me look excellent. I am in your area Santisuk every 4-5 weeks and all rice crops, cassava and sugar-cane crops look great. Here at my house in Ubon, continual rain in July-September lead to my lawns being waterlogged for days and days which resulted in the death of most of my good lawn grasses. 

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On 11/17/2018 at 3:13 PM, Kenny202 said:

Middle of November and still 35-36 degrees every day and afternoon storms Khon kaen. Isnt it supposed to be cool season? Its like the seasons have shifted 3 months forward

Loy Kratong is the official start of cool season, that's in 3 days time.

But still the wettest monsoon I've noticed in 10 years (Chiang Mai).

Edited by BritManToo
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4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Again most of Isan is doomed.

Central and south are bone dry while eastern Isan (along Mekong) got more than bearable.

Rain distribution is not "fair".

Deviation of normal rainfall up to yesterday (17 Nov).

Extreme drought in Korat.

Much above average on the western Gulf.


Fantastic chart showing difference from normal rainfall. Could you give us a web link to the page (if it is a webpage). ????????

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The weather worldwide is going through a change,we go by the seasons but nature does its own course mainly by the planets think of the bible the story about the bloke who had a dream of 7 fat cows then 7 skinny cows,it was a prophecy of 7 good years then 7 bad,dick ens wrote a Christmas Carol when Europe was going through a mini ice age,that's why when bookies take bets on a white Christmas in the uk snow has to fall in the weather centre in london at 12 noon & they know it's not gonna snow,I been all over the world & seen unusual weather for the time of year,the aborigines could predict the weather a thousand years in advance & also had controlled bush burning till the aussies government stopped em doing it then how many wild bushfire have they had,I presume the native Americans had the same idea,see what's happening in california

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Loy Kratong is the official start of cool season, that's in 3 days time.

But still the wettest monsoon I've noticed in 10 years (Chiang Mai).

That’s not true because Loy Kratong is a lunar holiday some years it’s more than 3 weeks earlier than this year. For example last year it was November 3rd. 

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I do not know where abouts in Khon Kaen you are Kenny202 but I am on the western side of town just inside the ring road and we have had the hot temperature but we have not had any afternoon storms. I came back from a day trip out to Yang Talat on Friday and I ran through 2 small showers and that was all there was. Nothing at home, I had to water the plants.

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8 hours ago, Michael Hare said:

Not sure if most of Isaan is doomed. As far as I am concerned with my grass seed crops, we had too much rain in July-September. The crops are in the Ubon, Roi-et and Mukdahan areas. Day after day of rainy days. Not huge down-pours but overcast and cloudy days with little bright sunshine. As such, seedlings rotted and those that establishedm developed small seed heads, leading to low seed yields, The rice crops to me look excellent. I am in your area Santisuk every 4-5 weeks and all rice crops, cassava and sugar-cane crops look great. Here at my house in Ubon, continual rain in July-September lead to my lawns being waterlogged for days and days which resulted in the death of most of my good lawn grasses. 

Agree current rice crop mostly OK from first half normal rainy season. I'm more concerned for crops going forward - water table has not received its normal top up south of the Mun and reservoirs are low. I didn't say or even imply that all of Isaan is doomed Michael - I'm aware that there's been a lot of flooding along the Thai side of Mekong for instance. Have always only talked about the Eastern part of lower Isaan and I observe the Mun river levels a lot cos we tend to hash around it!

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18 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Loy Kratong is the official start of cool season, that's in 3 days time.

But still the wettest monsoon I've noticed in 10 years (Chiang Mai).

I am on the inland side of Chonburi city and this is the wettest year since 2011, the year a large part of Thailand was under water. Three years ago I built a sprinkler system all around the garden, haven't used it since. Doubt if we have had a dry spell longer than 6 weeks in that time. When I first came here,2008, the rain was switched off in November and turned back on in April, sometimes as late as June. Been a bit desperate for water some years as we have no mains supply.

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