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SURVEY: Should Myanmar be forced to take back Rohingya?


SURVEY: Should Myanmar be forced to take back Rohingya?  

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3 hours ago, weegee said:

Oh get off this genocide crap!...it's just a Un tool, to convince people who cant think for themselves, that they are right, in what they are doing....It helps keep the grants coming in...so they fly around living the lifestyle..

There are hundreds of documented accounts of rape and murder , are you seriously saying its all been made up , sad !

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7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Maybe they should go back to Bangladesh where they belong, instead of pushing into neighbouring countries and then trying to force their lifestyle (and religion) onto other nations.
Oh right, Bangladesh doesn't want to look after their Muslim brothers and would rather try to force them to migrate into other countries. No doubt when there's enough of them suddenly Bangladesh will remember that they are truly their own citizens and try to annex the lands they are in.



Well said.


5 hours ago, weegee said:

if Burma is forced to let them return, they also will be forced to recognize them as citizens...

THEN...These Rohingya will have the right for citizenship as well. Following this they will work their way in by way of elections and place Muslims in Government....and on it goes until they have taken a slice of Burma away for Buddist control...Which obviously is their intention all along.

THAT'S why the Burmese Government is rejecting all proposals, from outside influences and such. They rightfully will not allow anyone or anything interfere with their rights to govern their own country...


Great post, my thoughts as well.

5 hours ago, weegee said:

The United Nations has no right to tell a country what they must do....unless it's to stop an escalating war.

They can advise...but not rule over a sovereignty completely.

The UN is out of control, and you will see more countries discuss pulling out of it in the next few years. It's obsolete, and not performing in the roll it was created for....



The USA pays little attention to them nor does Russia or China unless getting the answers they want.

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13 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



Well said.



Great post, my thoughts as well.


The USA pays little attention to them nor does Russia or China unless getting the answers they want.

Do you blame them...UN is out of control on lots of issues, and should be bought to task. The sooner the Better. The UN is a spent force, because it didnt stick to the formula it was mandated with originally.... 

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Just now, weegee said:

Do you blame them...UN is out of control on lots of issues, and should be bought to task. The sooner the Better.





I don't blame them. They have become a 'bloated ' organization that is now trying to extend its powers beyond its mandate. I have the same view of the EU in Brussels but that's another story.

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5 hours ago, weegee said:

The United Nations has no right to tell a country what they must do....unless it's to stop an escalating war.

They can advise...but not rule over a sovereignty completely.

The UN is out of control, and you will see more countries discuss pulling out of it in the next few years. It's obsolete, and not performing in the roll it was created for....


Myanmar has received US$6 billion in debt relief, receiving billions in aid, including assistance from UN agencies. if the UN & NGOs pulled out of Myanmar probably lead to a humanitarian disaster. Obviously no clue regards the Security Council, albeit severely constrained with action due to right of veto by some members.


The Rohingya are refusing repatriation as they will still be subjected to no rights of movement, no citizenship, extreme anti Muslim rhetoric from the likes of Group 969 and politicians, no assistance to rebuild destroyed homes etc etc.


Resettlement in third party countries is wishful thinking due to low global rates of resettlement and millions in the 'queue'. Basically, at this moment in time, the Rohingya are between a rock and a hard place. Then of course is the ongoing suppression / humanitarian issues for a number of non Muslim ethnic groups by the Myanmar military.


To provide some perspective / facts, below is a link to the ongoing issues in Myanmar from the EU.



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Where is the love, the love, the love?


Plenty people here seem to all but explicitly say that they wish their own governments would do the same with their minorities.


They have this belief that "these people" will infiltrate and overrun them, from within.


We know there have been countless open invasions, but, can anybody give an historical precedent for invasion by stealth? 


I'm expecting, of course, a deafening silence from the architect of that fantasy.????


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27 minutes ago, lungbing said:

That's exactly what every single Muslim minority want in every country they settle in.   Outbreed the locals, get 'autonomy', create  your own schools to indoctrinate the children,  raise a militia, deny the militia exists, kill some non-believers, deny it, shout 'Islamophobia' so you can break the law of the land you are in, then get the bleeding heart lefties on your side and suddenly there's a new country.  A year later that new country has a civil war, they're good at that.

Where has it ever happened? Where, for example, have the Jews, 'taken over'? Or do we have Adolf to thank for his visionary foresight? 

If you want an example of sucking up to Islamic evil, the 45th President, is currently doing a tremendous job.

The world is not black and white, lungbing. As much as you may fantasize, it never was, and never will be. Kindness is not weakness, strength is not born of fear. 

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Saudi Arabia has to take care of the Rohingyas 

Saudi Arabia’s Colliding Interests in Myanmar

"Saudi Arabia. started providing financial assistance to the Rohingya when the situation began deteriorating in 2012. With its valuable investments in Myanmar’s oil infrastructure, located largely within Rakhine, Riyadh has undoubtedly wished to hedge its bets and play both sides of the same coin. Since then, armed resistance from the Rohingya people toward the Burmese government, including a 2016 attack on security forces linked to funds from Saudi and Pakistani actors, has motivated an increased Burmese military presence in the region."


Edited by Opl
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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Han Chinese in Tibet ?

Europeans in America/Australia/NZ ?



Did the Tibetans, Aboriginals, and Maori, have an immigrant program for Chinese and British refugees?Because thats what your mates are claiming: that refugees will outbreed them. And the 'lefties' -aparrently thats everybody with the power of independent thought- will allow jihadist manicas to take over. Such nancified "quaking in my boots over old Ahmed at the corner shop" thinking from grown men is not worthy of a response, but I'm bored.

The might of HM Navy vs people whos weapons were stone age, hardly fit the bill as an example. Disappointing from you, sanemax, your posts usually have well considered arguments. 

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8 hours ago, weegee said:

The United Nations has no right to tell a country what they must do....unless it's to stop an escalating war.

They can advise...but not rule over a sovereignty completely.

The UN is out of control, and you will see more countries discuss pulling out of it in the next few years. It's obsolete, and not performing in the roll it was created for....


The bitter truth: now the U.N. starts to show its real face... to be continued much worse, I bet!

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

In regard to this story, the Rohinga were indeed trying to take-over

Myanmar would be aware of the problem that southern Thailand faces and decided to deal with the problem once and for all


Strike two, maxie.

Southern 'Thailand' was annexed by Bangkok around WW1. So the smart thing would be to un-annex it. 

End the unrest, and the cost, and get a big IOU from Mahathir.

But then when do jingoistic fools of any stripe ever do the smart thing? 

If this charge against the (1000 year old) Rohyinga settlement were true, the Burmese junta would have been on it like white on rice, decades ago. 

For my money though, its a done deal, and the Bangladeshis' problem now. I dont have much time for any of that lot around that neck of the woods, I just enjoy discrediting UKIP rabble rousers.

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16 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Too many people fall for the sob stories about these people and ignore the crimes they commit, or put them down to provocation. The root of their problem is their religion which makes it difficult for them to integrate into other cultures. They only just got rid of them so why would they take them back and if they were treated so badly why would they go back?

Please advise the false 'sob stories' you're referring too. The problem for the Rohingya is they have been denied basic human rights, citizenship and so on for decades, even though they were a recognised ethnic group at time of Independence. Yes, in recent time there was a small Rohingya group who killed some Myanmar forces, but that action does not excuse forced removal of 700,000 people, murder of thousands of civilians, destruction of their homes and rape as a tool of war.


I find it interesting none of the usual posters never mention the decades long armed rebellion by other non Muslim ethnic groups in Myanmar, including Christians, with the Myanmar government forces response of murdering civilians and rape as a tool of war. plus very rarely being mentioned in the international press. Ever wondered why?

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