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Trump would not intervene if Whitaker moves to curtail Mueller probe


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23 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Dude my faculties were lost 15 years ago when my school closed. Ive lost touch with all of them.


But, interesting and amusing as moi might be,  Im not a Trumpeter. Im a free thinker. My echo chamber is padded with what its, if sos, did you ever thinks, so whats and the thoughts in my box are outside because of long studies in dezinformatsya. I have no emotional investment and a low screech threshold. I remember President Badger Hair when he was an annoying Tabloid staple, which may be before some posters were born. Thanks for smiling!

plural noun: faculties
  1. 1.
    an inherent mental or physical power.
    "her critical faculties"
    synonyms: power, capability, capacity, facility, wherewithal, means; More
  2. the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body.
    "there were then no tenured women on the faculty"
    synonyms: staff, teachers, professors, instructors
    "conflict between students and faculty"

Just in case you didn't know the other meaning...


You're a free thinker - who freely comes to the opinion that's inevitably and always pro-Trump. Okay, whatevs. I'd be interested in whatever "long studies in desinformatsya" are. Is there a degree for that?


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7 hours ago, JCauto said:
plural noun: faculties
  1. 1.
    an inherent mental or physical power.
    "her critical faculties"
    synonyms: power, capability, capacity, facility, wherewithal, means; More
  2. the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body.
    "there were then no tenured women on the faculty"
    synonyms: staff, teachers, professors, instructors
    "conflict between students and faculty"

Just in case you didn't know the other meaning...


You're a free thinker - who freely comes to the opinion that's inevitably and always pro-Trump. Okay, whatevs. I'd be interested in whatever "long studies in desinformatsya" are. Is there a degree for that?


Oh Im sorry I thought you meant faculty, not faculty.


So is it your contention one cannot be a free thinker and "inevitably and always" take a pro Trump position (not that you have read all 2000 plus of my fabulous and incisive posts, have you? Some folks do like to follow me around)? I'll accept that position, if you accept that the folks who "inevitably and always" are anti Trump are not free thinkers either. Then we are all even!


Yes there is a degree for that.

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Matthew Whitaker’s Financial Disclosure Form Has Been Released 


The much anticipated (and demanded) release of acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s financial disclosure form has occurred hours after it was reported that the document would go public as soon as today.


A fairly steady application of public pressure toward the end of last week continued into the weekend and resulted in the Tuesday release of Whitaker’s Office of Government Ethics (OGE) form 278e, which you can peruse below.


The document does show that revisions were made on Nov. 7, 8, 16, 19 and 20.





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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 2:08 AM, Boon Mee said:

Finally getting some action on this Mueller witch hunt fiasco at last. Sessions was of absolute no help. 

And finally getting some opposing action on "sad face emoji". What goes around comes around. 4 and counting !

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10 hours ago, JCauto said:
plural noun: faculties
  1. 1.
    an inherent mental or physical power.
    "her critical faculties"
    synonyms: power, capability, capacity, facility, wherewithal, means; More
  2. the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body.
    "there were then no tenured women on the faculty"
    synonyms: staff, teachers, professors, instructors
    "conflict between students and faculty"

Just in case you didn't know the other meaning...


You're a free thinker - who freely comes to the opinion that's inevitably and always pro-Trump. Okay, whatevs. I'd be interested in whatever "long studies in desinformatsya" are. Is there a degree for that?


Perhaps he meant he's a free-with--the-facts thinker. He has a genuine faculty for and facility with making things up.

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Whitaker is in place just intime for CF two year investigation results soon to be presented.

CF consolidated income statements are now available online.

2015 Total Contributions: $182.5M
2016 Total Contributions: $135.4M
2017 Total Contributions: $22.8M


The real witch hunt has been quietly conducted since 2016



This just the beginning so pace yourself and stock up on popcorn .


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/20/2018 at 1:26 PM, Srinivas said:

I thought it was Russia. now its whatever we can get him on?

Thats the issue with open ended investigations

"Show me the man and I will give you the crime" was a famous Stalin era quote

from head of his secret police. Perfectly applies if your goal is to find something,

anything "whatever"


This is desperation tactics imo 

im looking forward to the report though. 


So you think that having an investigation into the president shouldn't be done? A crook and a con man should just be allowed to do whatever he wants? If Trump has nothing to hide then why is he protesting so much?

Mueller is a republican not a Dem. If there was nothing he would have ended this a long time ago.

Much will be revealed very soon, and as of today much more has already come about with Cohen admitting he lied for Trump.

Now that Trump has answered his written questions to Mueller, it seems that he has been caught lying to federal prosecutors. I guess you think no problem for Trump?

What about if this investigation was about Obama? You probably still believe Trump's BS about him not being born in USA.

Any normal president, especially one with nothing to hide would welcome this investigation. If you can't see passed all of this then you are truly brainwashed.

FYI, I am not from USA so I am not on either side just hate to see so much stupidity from a leader and the brain dead sheep that follow these idiots.

My guess is you are devoutly religious too. Likely to believe anything if fed to your with enough fear and lies.

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3 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

So you think that having an investigation into the president shouldn't be done? A crook and a con man should just be allowed to do whatever he wants? If Trump has nothing to hide then why is he protesting so much?

Mueller is a republican not a Dem. If there was nothing he would have ended this a long time ago.

Much will be revealed very soon, and as of today much more has already come about with Cohen admitting he lied for Trump.

Now that Trump has answered his written questions to Mueller, it seems that he has been caught lying to federal prosecutors. I guess you think no problem for Trump?

What about if this investigation was about Obama? You probably still believe Trump's BS about him not being born in USA.

Any normal president, especially one with nothing to hide would welcome this investigation. If you can't see passed all of this then you are truly brainwashed.

FYI, I am not from USA so I am not on either side just hate to see so much stupidity from a leader and the brain dead sheep that follow these idiots.

My guess is you are devoutly religious too. Likely to believe anything if fed to your with enough fear and lies.

well you just assume whatever floats your trump hate filled boat.

Im not from US, not religious not even Christian either lol and Im not white supremacist either.


Im just not so emotinally driven as many anti trumpers are. Which is why I can enjoy this drama from all sides without resorting to calling names or insults as many leftists resort to. perhaps out of frustrations.


Much will be revealed soon, I agree.

Cohen lied to Congress, but Trumps written testimony will not

contradict. Too easy of a trap. This is childs play.


Open ended investigations can be criticized as prosecutors don't like to lose.

"show me the man and I'll give you the crime" is a Stalin era quote and it is fitting. its lawfare like warfare. This is how America runs.


fyi, dates to watch

Dec 4  Loretta Lynch testimony

dec 5 Huber testimony


enjoy the show.

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On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 2:59 PM, Credo said:

Nor will anyone be charged with 'collusion' because collusion is used as a general term about contacts which may be illegal.   There is no specific law about collusion.   But they are guilty as hell...and it's a pretty sure bet that Trump is as well.


The US congress is full of folk that are probably "guilty as hell" of something, and also many that used to be in congress, but most ( if any ) of them will never see a court room.

The attack on Trump is just politics as usual.

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Whitaker seems emasculated re: the various trump probes.


Pretty sure he realizes that almost any involvement will land him in a world of hurt come Jan. 3, 2019, and its probably not worth breaking the law for such a short-term "opportunity".


It's back to central casting for "DC Villains" for him.



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38 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Whitaker seems emasculated re: the various trump probes.


Pretty sure he realizes that almost any involvement will land him in a world of hurt come Jan. 3, 2019, and its probably not worth breaking the law for such a short-term "opportunity".


It's back to central casting for "DC Villains" for him.



No,  Whitaker finds himself emasculated by the "career" employees at Justice.  On thing Trump has never realized is that  bureaucrats run the world;  politicians and political appointees are just temps 

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