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Hard Disk Data Recouvery Or Repair


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I have a Seagate hard disk that the board on it got a little fried - who knows maybe a volatage thing, not sure. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knows a local firm that does data recouvery. The critical elements on the drive are backed up but there is some nice to have stuff on it. I know there are some firms in the US that I could send the drive to and they fix it and/or get the data off. Anyone know of a company here that does that? Or Seagate repair shop?


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Try this before you spend hunderds on data recovery.


Thanks for the tip

The problem is power supply. The drive won't go on. It was in an external USB case. That stopped powering up so I figured the switch or someting in the external case was broken and plugged on of the extra PC drive power supply cables directly into the drive and then there was this cooking sound as one of the curcutis or capacator or whatever they are on the little board on the outside of the drive. mmm that's not a good smell... I suspect the drive and data are OK.

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You can go to Seagate, located at Theparak Road km. 4 and check they can help.

If the board is burned, the only possibility is to change the board. What is the exact Model No. of the drive?

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You can go to Seagate, located at Theparak Road km. 4 and check they can help.

If the board is burned, the only possibility is to change the board. What is the exact Model No. of the drive?

Model #: ST380013A

I think you may be right a visit to Seagate may be the way to go - thanks for that info.

You know I had this same thing happen to a Seagate drive about 18 years ago (probably a massive 20MB). In that case the the plug connection between the drive and the PC powersupply was pluged in upside down. There is a round corner that is supposed to prevent this but some cables just round all the corners. I need to see if this is what happened this time. Anyway that time, there was super valuable unbacked up data belonging to my ex and clearly importanat parts of my body were going to be fried if I didn't get it fixed and save the data. A friend with a friend at Seagate swapped the drive board and it worked great and happy to say I'm still working great also - although clearly I haven't leaned a thing in 18 years!

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You can remove the drive from the external enclosure, and plug it into your computer via the ata cable. You will need to adjust the jumper for slave or master depeding on how you connect. Plug in the power assuming you have a free connection. If not use the connection from you cd drive. When you boot your computer you should see the drive as a separate letter and can copy the fils you need.

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