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Why do folks seem so miserable here?


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On 11/21/2018 at 5:47 AM, Pilotman said:

People who complain incessantly and look miserable most of the time, would complain and be miserable wherever they were living.  TV gives them an outlet for their inner rage and disappointment at what life has done to them.  They take no responsibility for their own misery, which is why they blame the Thais  and Thailand for all their woes.  Take a walk down Pattaya Beach Road at midday day, any day  and the bars are full of miserable looking, mainly old men, drinking beer and just looking like they are already dead. I avoid them, I avoid where they go and I dont read their ranting posts. 

Spot on  !!!

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my guess is that most of the complainers are stretched financially... [I would assume of you had enough $ you would just leave rather than stay and complain - right?] and for many of them, that is why they are here... my first time here was as a backpacker in 1974 and the few of us doing this route were curious about other cultures and people, and were not here because we couldn't afford to live elsewhere... which might make one cranky to begin with... and they are making an impression as Thai are learning that not all Westerners are rich... or friendly or curious about learning and finding another way of looking at life... 

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On 11/21/2018 at 11:56 AM, evadgib said:

I'm just back from the dentist and happy to not have altziemers ????

(I didn't need any fillings therefore no injections and my face still works!)

ok - i like this - a dentist who does not find alz... my dentist has never found any in me either... of course, I might also want to check with a neurologist.. or not? 


ps - by the time my parents had dementia, they could not remember what the word meant. 

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On 11/21/2018 at 11:13 AM, BritManToo said:


Got up, dropped the kid off at school...Will sober up by 5pm when he needs collecting.

Having the time of my life in Thailand!


It’s even better if no wife nor kids. A LOT better actually ????

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39 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

Only yesterday I posted that this site show be renamed "Pessimists Annon".

  Many seem to be forever looking for something to "moan" about.

  What a miserable life ...not happy unless they are unhappy. Constantly searching for something Thai connected ...to "put down"...

  And yet continue to live here....If I were the Thai Authority I'd Boot them all out...and remind them .."Nobody sent for you".

Be careful you dont bruise your ego falling off your pedestal.????

Edited by colinneil
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22 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Seek out only positive people, and you will be positive too.

IM just happy to speak English once a week other than isolated words combined with childish Thai and a lot of handwaving. 


Maybe thats the answer. Folks have NO ONE to talk to in their native language. Can you imagine being a monolingual Basque Expat?

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Me, I am happy here, What's its name?, Oh yes Thailand. No seriously, there are worse countries around,

like Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, etc... The only thing that pi#*es me off is the price of wine just doubled

since Songkran, I wonder if the importers know about this, because they could report it to their respective

Governments and could reciprocate by doubling exporting products from Thailand, like rice, canned tuna,

noodles, seafoods, etc.. that could make a difference by putting pressure on this so called "government".

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7 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

Ever-changing and fickle application of Visa rules would explain some of it. Registering every 90 days like a criminal offends many. For all the cost-effective reasons to stay here, there are a dozen more reasons NOT to.  Most of us don't have the funds to just pick up and move to South America, where the Visa rules are more reasonable.  Lack of options and slow change, would be the answer to your question.  The continual TV chorus screams 'GET THE HELL OUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT".   Not quite that easy.

I suppose it isnt. But:


Applicable to all Farang (except Rooskies): Never cut your ties to a place where there is the rule of law. If you go to live somewhere where there isn't (like South America too), then its your fault.


Im reminded of the dude that killed his parents and asked for sympathy because he was an orphan.


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On 11/21/2018 at 10:43 AM, Nyezhov said:

Why do folks seem so miserable here?

I often wonder myself, I’m sure it’s a money thing. These people came to Thailand with little or no money. They live in a Studio apartment (box), have no vehicle, no money to enjoy themselves and also have no hope.

I’m sure the new retirement requirements will weed a lot of the dead wood out and we can look forward to a less miserable people here.

But bear in mind, some people are born miserable.


I have attached a great video from Dan Cheesman, it’s a classic and hits the nail on the head….


Thanks Dan.




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25 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

Ever-changing and fickle application of Visa rules would explain some of it. Registering every 90 days like a criminal offends many. For all the cost-effective reasons to stay here, there are a dozen more reasons NOT to.  Most of us don't have the funds to just pick up and move to South America, where the Visa rules are more reasonable.  Lack of options and slow change, would be the answer to your question.  The continual TV chorus screams 'GET THE HELL OUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT".   Not quite that easy.

I think I differentiate between expats that are unhappy with Thailand are are vocal about it and folks who are just plain miserable and nasty. The latter are who I try to avoid at all costs!

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On 11/21/2018 at 10:43 AM, Nyezhov said:

It seems to me that just discussing the vagaries of life in a country thats not quite as advanced as yours and with a totally different culture raises screams and shouts of just down right hate, misery and prejudice.

Some people have very little to be happy about for reasons that have nothing to do with Thailand and to make themselves feel better they attack the most convenient "other" to blame.


In their own countries they probably did the same but targeting other groups ... immigrants, other races or nationalities, anyone who appears to be as easy target. Their rants attract others who feel comfortable in attacking someone else rather than doing something to improve their own lives. Accepting responsibility for one's own life choices is not a common trait amongst the Thai Visa brethren (especially when a highly visible western political leader blames everyone but himself when things aren't going well).


Unfortunately moaning is more popular than being upbeat. People who are happy aren't as motivated to post about it. And if someone has the temerity to say that he is quite happy, that he likes Thailand and Thai people, that a 7/Eleven clerk gave him too much change (it does happen), then that happy person will quickly be ripped to shreds for being naive or clueless.



Edited by Suradit69
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Cause most of them ain’t got a pot to piss in.

Exactly. Most are losers. They’ve failed to “make it” in their homeland. So it’s Plan B: Try to survive on insufficient savings/pension in a 3rd world country and find female company from desperate, poverty struck ladies. This type of person unfortunately will always be miserable.

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