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Program to develop one model school per sub-district


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Program to develop one model school per sub-district




BANGKOK, 22nd November 2018 (NNT) – The government is targeting at least one school per sub-district to serve as a model of education development. The plan is part of a push to improve educational quality, access to learning and an end to inequality among children. 

Prime Minister’s Office Minister Kobsak Phutrakul announced this week that the “Quality Sub-District School” program is taking place across more than 7,200 sub-districts nationwide and is focusing on four areas of development; curriculum management, quality learning tools, learning facilities and effective leaders that connect with communities.


Coupled with improvements to teachers skills, the program is expected to create at least one quality school in each sub-district over the next two to three years and lead to an overhaul of education in the country. 

Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) Secretary-General, Boonrak Yodpetch says that schools involved in the program are now being inspected, before applications are accepted from November 26th to 30th for selection as a sub-district model school.


Provincial education committees will select the schools by December 15 and submit the list to the OBEC so that it may announce the names of over 7,000 institutions. Those chosen will undergo further development between January and March 2019 so that their students may begin receiving an upgraded education from May onwards.

-- nnt 2018-11-22
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Secretary-General, Boonrak Yodpetch says that schools involved in the program are now being inspected, before applications are accepted from November 26th to 30th for selection as a sub-district model school.

What bigger admission of the utter failing of the country's Education Department could you possible see. Not only do they admit that ALL schools aren't pulling their weight, educational quality wise, but now, for yet another Junta jumped-up jamboree, they say they'll need some sort of competition in order to find one school in ten (or however many there are per sub-district) that's good enough . . . stroll on!

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What a terrible idea.  Whose kids get to go to this imaginary school?  What kills Thailand is the lack motivation.  Motivate teachers to teach, and help them motivate students to learn. 

17 hours ago, Srikcir said:

it won't be a Muslim school in the southern provinces

Been told that many of these kids study hard. 

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18 hours ago, fullcave said:

Rest assured, the military junta will see to it that the children are properly educated attitude adjusted

so  one  lucky  school  will  be  able to hike up  prices

Edited by kannot
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40 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

A prototype.


Why not chase the effort to create all schools of the homogenous "model".

You mean like chasing a rainbow, but what you say is definitely what ought to be striven for, once all the variables of lethargic, uninspired and unregulated teaching have been outlawed and replaced by the homogeneous and hopefully realistically achievable prototype . . . sort of ????

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On 11/22/2018 at 3:52 PM, webfact said:

Secretary-General, Boonrak Yodpetch says that schools involved in the program are now being inspected, before applications are accepted

So, we have 3 categories of schools - all typically Thai-like in its unworkability - competing for involvement in this 2 to 3 year attempt to persuade Thailand's teachers to teach. We have 'involved' schools, 'inspected' schools (inspected by whom and against what sort of benchmark logic?) and, finally, the schools that are 'accepted' into the scheme.

It appears that the pretty daunting task of applying this 'model school' dynamic to each of 7,200 sub-districts is going to strangle itself to death before it even gets started. And bingo, there's the regime's excuse for the country's disgraceful educational performance to continue sinking and we'll see Prayuth saying something like "the inspecting committees are hoping to have their selections available within 6 months of the election, if we have an election, that is."

And all they need to do is use any of the UK or Swiss or Singaporean or Taiwanese systems as a top-to-bottom template, provided that there is someone at the very top of the pyramid who is at least motivated and ballsy enough to start kicking bums as he/she works his way down the system. For the right people, simple . . . for the Thai Education Department, utterly impossible.

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The whole culture of learning needs to change. Just this morning, a Thai was teaching social studies on TV. He was showing students "tricks - which just amounted to looking for keywords in this case)" for correctly guessing the right answer to a multiple choice question. Only the wealthy can afford these classes, which in many minds is the only way to pass entrance exams (which bear little resemblance to what is taught in most schools). Hence the educational gap is wide and gets larger every year.

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Have they never thought of improving teacher training, employing modern teaching strategies that encoursge critical thinking and revising the antiquated currriculum so that ALL Thai chools can become model schools.


And ths includes getting rid of their shit nationalistic History syllabus, preaching hatred of neighbouring countries for things that happened hundreds of years ago. Get over it you stupid a..holes <deleted>! 


Nobody was crueler to Aussies and their allies than the Japanese in the Pacific war. But our children are not taught to hate current generation Japanese for this. In fact, they are very welcome in our countries and generally very well  liked for their polite character.

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One big change I think needed is to take out all the farang teachers in prathom and mathayom and pack them into kindergarten rooms. It's a waste of resources otherwise.

Also, keep the lazy ones behind to repeat years if they score poorly. 


Those with true dyslexia need special classes developing what they are able to do so they can get a job later in life. 


That's my 2 cents and Good luck to the people in power.



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