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Earthquake in the making with arrival of 5G in Thailand


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Earthquake in the making with arrival of 5G

By The Nation




Thailand will be among the early adopters, but everyone must be ready for the immense impact ahead


Thailand is braced for the advent of fifth-generation (5G) cellular technology, whose impacts on the economy, society and politics are expected to be unprecedented.


The National Broadcasting and Telecom Commission (NBTC) has granted permission to two telecom companies to test 5G and prepare the country for the next wave of disruptive technologies, which will impact industries, businesses and workers, as well as politicians.


At this stage, only AIS and True are allowed to provide 5G service and only on an experimental basis. They began doing so yesterday and will continue the trials through December 15, making Thailand one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to test the technology, which will soon force a major upgrade of the current 4G network. There are now more than 100 million phone numbers in Thailand using the 4G network, a dramatic figure given the country’s population of 69 million. The penetration rate of smartphones here is among the highest in all of Asia. 


NBTC secretary-general Takorn Tantasith has said Thailand needs to prepare for both the positive and adverse effects of all new technology, especially with the advent of 5G. The obvious upside is that the country will soon be riding the bandwagon of early 5G adopters, thus boosting its international competitiveness.


However, there will also be undesirable consequences – namely the loss of routine jobs and business displacement, especially among those whose roles are intermediary. The 5G technology, with its super high-speed, will facilitate the wider use of robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing industries. But this will further trim jobs, especially those involving routine and repetitive work.


In addition, more manufacturers in the Thai and global supply chain will adopt the “platform economy” to directly link with consumers online, enabling them to better meet customers’ demands, offering them more personalised products and services, and at faster speed. The use of “big data” regarding customers’ preferences and spending habits will become more practical and widespread, allowing manufacturers to more accurately forecast their production output, thus increasing efficiency and lowering costs and waste.


The 5G network will allow consumers and businesses to bypass various forms of intermediaries more conveniently due to its much faster speed. In banking, for example, AI software will be used to analyse and approve loan applications much faster than humans, whose roles will be shifted. More importantly, there will be new business opportunities resulting from the disruptive forces of technology, the magnitude and pace of which will surpass those of 4G.


Retraining and other measures are required to help the workforce adjust to the new reality, while those with the entrepreneurial spirit and technology skills will begin creating business startups that use technology to help consumers, industries and existing businesses.

The advent of 5G technology will revolutionise government services, as well as the way politics and elections are managed. The widespread use of social media in Thailand is expected to upend the role of political parties’ traditional canvassers, who will have to go online to solicit votes due to the widespread use of smartphones in this country.


At this stage, it is likely that South Korea, China, Japan and the United States will be among the first countries to offer 5G on a commercial basis, while Thailand is expected to be one of the earliest adopters in Southeast Asia.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/opinion/30359142

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-11-23
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Every one of the stakeholders miss the 900 pound gorilla sitting in the middle of the room: The Grid. 


Once fully dependent on electronic-based technologies, the entire system is one Coronal Mass Ejection away from being re-injected back into the Dark Ages if not the Stone Age.  Yet not a country on this planet takes the steps to protect their country's primary electric grids. 

Therein lies the genius of mankind, and the hubris of it's ultimate demise. 
It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when...

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What a load crock, now everybody who want to use 5G will have to buy a new phone that's 5G compatible. Just Greed from the big boys who bringing in this new crap. It won't be cheaper. You see every time they come out with something new (they say better) than one has it will cost more.

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1 hour ago, dickjones2018 said:

nobody speaks of the health consequences as 5G will be the same as being in an airport SCANNER the whole freaking day.... DNA breakdowns and others...


I don't see the impact on economy in this country where they cannot even have a working for everybody website for 90 days and everything needs photocopies, more photocopies ... they don't have all our documents for the last 1,3,5,20 years ????


Telecom businesses will do fine, but so does the pesticide industry... EMF pollution 24/7 at a high rate and not one study, except paid by the industry, to prove it is actually SAFE


this could be like getting an X-RAY per day, hour, minute ?


same thing with those wireless electricity spy meters in many country.... bombarded 100.000 times per day in micro bursts ...I hope this never comes to thailand

Everybody dies.  But sometimes it's possibly an advantage to live out in the rural sticks where reception of various electronic technology totally sucks.

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Just now, digger70 said:

What a load crock, now everybody who want to use 5G will have to buy a new phone that's 5G compatible. Just Greed from the big boys who bringing in this new crap. It won't be cheaper. You see every time they come out with something new (they say better) than one has it will cost more.

Actually, Greed is when they force you to buy that 5G phone and the more expensive monthly service plans as they no longer support 4G and below.

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more  people  looking at useless  crap as  far as  i can  see..............everywhere , heads  buried in  phones, i stopped using them years ago, whats so freakin urgent it  cant  wait a few  hours? i  dont  need a second by  second commentary on your day, every  fart , burp and  dump.????

Thailand hub of narcissists

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13 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Good to see Thailand taking the lead and being an early adopter. Personally, I think it’s a brave decision and congratulate them.

Maybe so but in Holland 5g is being blamed for the death of many birds.It seems to be far from harmless.


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2 minutes ago, jvs said:

Maybe so but in Holland 5g is being blamed for the death of many birds.It seems to be far from harmless.


They'll probably start mounting them on top of industrial wind turbines in order to minimize the carnage zone for birds.  Kill them all in one place.

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3 hours ago, Eligius said:

We should not be recklessly rushing forward into this technology, which could have serious negative implications for our health. Studies dating back to the 1970s (and more recent ones) indicate that such 'disruptive technology' is aptly named, as it can disrupt biological processes at the cellular level, causing damage both to skin, the blood, and the immune system (https://www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/).


We are already existing in a fog of cancer-causing and disease-promoting environmental pollution: adding yet another strand of potential dangers to the numerous threats to our health strikes me as very unwise indeed - and such 'disruptive technology' is not even needed!

Bang on. Far too little meaningful research has been done on the potentially harmful effects associated with this technology. These dangers clearly exist, as they have spawned a clutch of new companies offering "solutions" to protect us from hazards which an industry clamouring for bigger profits don't exist.


Faster internet speeds are not worth risking our and our children's lives for. We all need to arm ourselves with information and demand a safety-first approach by nations such as Thailand. Otherwise we are all guinea pigs in an experiment which, if it goes wrong, could do unhold harm to this and future generations.




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7 hours ago, Darcula said:

Still struggling to get a proper steady 3G signal here at the fabled gateway to the eastern seaboard corridor.

Well said; my TV comes through TOT internet.  It slows to a freeze/crawl at weekends.  TOT not equipped to deal with the customer numbers.

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