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UK failing LGBT+ teens on mental health - campaigners


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4 hours ago, blazes said:

Alas, Chomper's 5,000 'likes' include 4,999 "sads" (which is ThaiVisa's version of "Thumb down" (or whatever passes for negative in social-media-space....

I exaggerate, but you get the gist....

Perhaps I should start counting how many times you mention me by ‘name’, so much more personal than the ‘emoji’ button.


Such sweetness deserves recognition.

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13 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Funny you should say this,i dont know if my grandaughters teacher/s are left wing but she has been told in class that it is fine for 2 men or 2 women to get married and have children.this should not be what she should be taught in class.

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HI.  You still have not show us any facts that children in school are being ENCOURAGED to be gay.  Maybe you can't as that is not true at all?


As for you above post... why do you feel it is wrong for your granddaughters to be told its OK for 2 men or women to marry?


If one of your granddaughters is a lesbian this will be very comforting information for her, and perhaps stop her potentially getting mental health problems (or even committing suicide) because people like you would be telling her it was wrong and evil or something to that nature.  How can she come to you with her problems if your response is like it is here on TV?


Maybe you would not care at all and just disown her, like some many guys like you do to their gay children.



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The job of schools is to educate and that includes contemporary issues.   I have experienced two different situations in which students had problems that required intervention.   Both were medical problems and it was the parents who were the biggest problem.   One was a young girl who had cancer and the parents were concerned that their children could 'catch' it.   Another was a young boy with a degenerative neural problem.   Again it was the parents who were the biggest problem.  


Educating the students (and the parents) on the conditions made their remaining time in the school a positive experience.   Both students were accepted and well treated by their peers.   Both eventually died from their conditions.


There is a lot of confusion about issues related to sexual identity.   Since it may affect students in a school, it's a good idea to teach them about it.   


It's really not that difficult.   

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